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did you do something special for your daughter's 13th birthday...


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We didn't do a special gift, but we had her birthday party at a hotel and that was really fun.  I rented a hotel suite and she invited half a dozen girls.  They played games, watched movies, played in the swimming pool and had a wonderful time.  I had my own bedroom when I wanted to get away from it all and they all piled into one bed when it was time to not-sleep (even though there were beds in another room). 


It was a huge highlight of the year for her.

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Our girls get a special 'dress up' date with Daddy.  DH usually takes them to a fancy dinner and after desert he gives them a ring.  We let the older girls choose their own rings ahead of time.  Oldest chose a James Avery cross ring, middle chose an aquamarine/diamond ring. 


When I was 13 my parents gave me my first diamond ring (diamond chip!) -- it was a 10K gold ring and I still treasure it!


Our youngest is 11 and is already looking at jewelry brochures-- she is looking forward to her date/ring night.


When the girls turned 16 Dh took them out again, this time he gave them a journal and a fancy pen.

When the girls turned 18 Dh took them and a friend on an out of state trip.  Oldest dd chose fishing in CO (we have a family cabin in Creede).  Middle chose a trip to LasVegas and Hollywood. 

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I have six daughters. We celebrate the 13th birthday with a beauty day with mom. First salon haircut, manicure, lunch, and make up at a department store counter. Prior to that all of the salon stuff is off limits. Not because I'm philosophically opposed, but because it's nice to have a rite if passage into womanhood. Good memories.

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I went to the dollar store and got 13 mylar balloons in different shapes and colors and snuck them into her room in the middle of the night. I also blew up dozens of small balloons and scattered them all over the floor of her room so when she woke in the morning there were balloons covering both floor and ceiling.


I also surprised her with a new bedding set and pillows. It was fun!

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I took her on a shopping trip with one of her girlfriends. She had been saving her money up in prep for it, then we gave her a set amount (about what we'd have spent on a small, inexpensive party---her choice of party or money--she's chosen money since her 10th birthday). Original plans had been to take them to lunch, then for ice cream afterwards, but schedules didn't work out for anything but shopping. She chose to go to two consignment stores aimed at teens/young adults to maximize her spending power and was very happy. :)  The rite of passage parts of the birthday included getting mascara (she was allowed basic makeup at Christmas, birthday was in August), a Facebook page, and being allowed to watch a TV series she's been wanting to see (Bones).

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I did a weekend away with each of my girls. One girl chose a horseback riding parent/child camp weekend. The other one chose a night away in an Amish area where she got to drive one of the Amish buggies, visit a home/farm, etc. Dh had taken ds away when we had 13 as well.


Now dd is thinking of her weekend away for her 18th birthday. We will likely leave Saturday morning and come home Sunday evening just to save money on hotel costs. We told her anything in a 2-3 hour drive range we could do. She has special needs so is more like a 10 year old or so. She is thinking a night at the Amish area and then the next day at the zoo.

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No makeup before she turned 13, so we both went shopping at Sephora and she got to spend a certain budgeted amount.  She and I booked a hotel for a night for mommy/daughter time, but we also had dinner as a family.  Nice restaurant, she got to wear a semi-ballgown sort of dress and wear her new makeup. 


FYI, we don't really do "birthdays" as a family, but we did this as a sort of "becoming a teenager/young woman" celebration.  Transitions are important!

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