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Seriously, old dude down the street?


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My boys walk our dog every day around lunchtime. Today they came back and said the neighbor down the street wanted us to know he doesn't approve of home schooling. Apparently he stopped them as they walked by, asked if they were home schooled, and then said "well you should know I don't approve of home schooling".


My oldest just said have a nice morning and they kept walking, and my kids are 12 and 15 so it's not like they are small, but REALLY?! He has never spoken to us at all, we do wave driving by but that's the extent of the relationship, and that's the first thing he says?


And why would a) the kids give a flying hoot what the old codger thinks and b) would I and c) you say that to random kids walking by?

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I told my son he did well by politely telling him to have a good morning and walking away. Ds has a sarcastic streak a mile wide, (I wonder where he got that?!), so his self control was admirable.


I never thought about dementia/health reasons. The guy isn't really all THAT old, I'd guess late 60s or so, I was just being mean when I called him an old codger. I guess it's good my children take the "do as I say, not as I do" thing to heart.

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