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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Is it halfway through the week already?


Yes, it is. Weird, huh?


Plans for today:


-Homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab for me

-Greek grammar

-Study Latin

-2 loads of laundry

-read a book

-my dd7 got into trouble playing with neighbourhood kids the last few weeks, so she has been grounded and can't play outside for two days. That's going to be fun this afternoon :glare: .


I'm starting to get a bit weird about my todo lists. My life seems soooo boring.

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Guess what day it is.....guess what day it is! Sorry love that commercial


On the schedule for today:



2 quick out of house appointments with the little two while Monster works through some independent work 

Pick up front of the house

Clean out the pack n play


Monster wants to go to Wednesday night church BUT dh is working 2-9 so I don't know about that

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I accidently fell back asleep after my alarm. So I'm starting an hour later than normal.




Get dressed and ready for school

Run dishwasher

Morning chores

Clean ktichen

Pick up living room

Look over todays lessons & prep










Fun Read Aloud time

Assigned Read aloud time

(Another reminder--SOTW Notebooking page!!)


In between/After:



General pick up of house

Start on cleaning the bedroom


Pick up books at library

Plan and start dinner

Ds bath

Church tonight



Same personal goals as yesterday: Being patient and not getting overwhelmed/stressed. My "me time" didn't work yesterday, so I'm trying extra hard for it today. The goal is to read some of my book while ds naps.


I'm really glad for this thread, because Netflix added the second season of Once Upon A Time.. and dh and I watched a lot of it last night. So I'm going to be tempted all day long to throw the to-do list out, and veg out in front of the TV :D (I couldn't even if I wanted to, but still. lol)

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get up, showered, and dressed



print contract for ds' Spanish class & write out tuition check

school with dd6, dd9, and ds

get dinner in the crockpot 

take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

pick up ds from Spanish

drive across town to pick up dd15 

get lunch for dd15 and ds

drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores

pack dd6's soccer bag

kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

reconvene at home for dinner

showers and bedtime for younger kids

math tutoring time for dd15

go to work (8:30-12:30)


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The humidity broke yesterday and the windows are once again open :)



---pick up dd18 at her dorm and drive her to a 2:10 dr appointment

---have dinner ready at 5 so dd13 can eat well before ballet 6-9pm

---library for a history DVD and (hopefully) holds that come in today


---email homeschool group secretary about registering for Math Olympiad and handling payment given to me


That doesn't look like much, does it? I'm deliberately trying not to overload myself this first proper week of 8th grade. Wednesdays are going to be odd through the end of November as dh will be taking Intermediate Mandarin every Wed evening and dd will be at ballet. I will be alone in the house for a few hours :D

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Have a bad headache today so had to reschedule ds15s counselling appt, that sucks.  House has cooled down tons, looks like it will rain today which is awesome.  Went to bed at a good time last nght but it was a bad sleep thanks to children and animals waking me repeatedly in the night, hence the headache.  But that doesn't stop my list for today though it may shorten it a lot.

To Do:


Babysitting girl 630-830

walk her to school at 830

hula hoop 1-2 minutes twice today (I still have not learned how to keep that hoop up on my fat waist)

school-history/geography/civics/science/online/health/English/logic for the teens

          -Konos/math/lang arts/logic(ds10) for the youngers

general cleaning of all main areas of the house-just keep it tidy no big cleaning jobs today

work on lapbook project




ETA call school board for PO and then place order for remaining curric materials

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Plans for today:


-Homeschooling the kids

-Greek & Latin vocab for me

-Greek grammar

-Study Latin

-2 loads of laundry

-read a book

-my dd7 got into trouble playing with neighbourhood kids the last few weeks, so she has been grounded and can't play outside for two days. That's going to be fun this afternoon :glare: .




-vacuum downstairs

-clean kitchen


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9:15 check-in

getting ready to leave for our many activities & classes


print contract for ds' Spanish class & write out tuition check

school with dd6, dd9, and ds  - IN PROGRESS

get dinner in the crockpot 

1 load of laundry washed, now in dryer

take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

pick up ds from Spanish

drive across town to pick up dd15 

get lunch for dd15 and ds

drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores

pack dd6's soccer bag

kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

reconvene at home for dinner

showers and bedtime for younger kids

math tutoring time for dd15

go to work (8:30-12:30)


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Get DS and I out the door by 7.

Class 830-10

DD lessons--she did well on finishing her independent work today. Together we got thru a bit of geography, Math, and Heathen Studies.

DD counseling appointment @4--turned out it wasn't scheduled (tends to happen when DH brings her which he did last time), but she had an opening so we're getting in anyway.

Bake my birthday cake--frosting is made.

Pharmacy pick up

DS pick up

Get ant traps from Lowe's


Hopefully DH will have picked up stuff for dinner by the time we get home, but he fell asleep so who knows?

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9:15 check-in

getting ready to leave for our many activities & classes


print contract for ds' Spanish class & write out tuition check

school with dd6, dd9, and ds  - IN PROGRESS

get dinner in the crockpot 

1 load of laundry washed, now in dryer

take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today



drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

pick up ds from Spanish

drive across town to pick up dd15 

get lunch for dd15 and ds

drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores

pack dd6's soccer bag

kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

reconvene at home for dinner

showers and bedtime for younger kids

math tutoring time for dd15

go to work (8:30-12:30)



OMG must drink more coffee.  I read that as subbing as an ASS teacher and started to wonder WTH kind of dance your dd was doing rofl. 


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Getting a late start today - overslept!


To Do:



school - might take day off we'll see, or pack it to do while running errands

showers for both dd and myself

laundry shuffle

must get to post office today!

stop by pet stores if possible to pick up free cat food

sort out a batch of clothes & list on craigslist - if I sell enough I don't have to have a yard sale friday & Saturday

take load of books to half price

possible walmart run

work on cleaning tonight

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3pm check-in


school with dd6, dd9, and ds  - Almost Done

get dinner in the crockpot 

1 load of laundry washed, now in dryer

take dd15 to dance (she's subbing as an asst teacher today) 



drop ds off at Spanish class (11am)

lunch and reading with dd6 and dd9

pick up ds from Spanish

drive across town to pick up dd15 

get lunch for dd15 and ds

drop dd15 off at her Spanish class (12:30)

pick up daycare child from her first day of preschool (12:55pm)

pick up more ice for our coolers (see post from yesterday regarding our refrigerator--UGH!)

take kids for a treat (I promised daycare child we would have a special treat to celebrate her first day of preschool)

pick up dd15 from Spanish class (2pm)

come home to finish up school and work on afternoon chores In Progress

pack dd6's soccer bag

kids' musical practice at church (4:10-6pm)

dh will be picking dd6 up early from church to take her to soccer practice 

reconvene at home for dinner

showers and bedtime for younger kids

math tutoring time for dd15

go to work (8:30-12:30)


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Late to the party, but here is today's list.  Short this week because I'm only 1 week postpartum!


breakfast - oatmeal


clothes laundry

diaper laundry

get dinner from garage freezer

get mail


get packages ready to ship


put diapers away


figure out breakfast for morning


change a million baby diapers and nurse baby - ongoing


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2 pm check in - school nearly done. We might skip science for today and call it finished. Total derailment on everything else. All outside errands have been pushed to Thursday. Doubled up on school today so we can skip Thursday & just run errands all day instead.

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Hump day!!!  That commercial cracks me up.











Washed dishes


Wiped down kitchen counters


Cleaned stovetop and microwave


Swept kitchen, LR, DR and entry AGAIN







-Reading (for comprehension)


And now I'm watching Han Solo play on James Bond's iPad (he can use them better than we can) and an episode of Castle (I can't WAIT for the season premier!)


To do:


Chiropractor appt


Take Indy to Scouts and register him in the new troop




Snuggle with James Bond on the sofa after the kids go to bed.  :)






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5pm Check-in



Get dressed and ready for school

Run dishwasher

Morning chores

Clean ktichen

Pick up living room

Look over todays lessons & prep



General pick up of house

Start on cleaning the bedroom (Dh is still asleep so I can't get in there just yet.)


Pick up books at library (Only 2 holds are there, so I'm waiting until some more come in to save a trip.)

Plan and start dinner

Ds bath

Church tonight









Fun Read Aloud time

Assigned Read aloud time

(Another reminder--SOTW Notebooking page!!)


Making pretty good time! I'm loving the new plan of getting as much as I can done early, so that I can have some me time while Ds naps. Today I read practically his entire nap... and it was wonderful. And I'm not behind! :) Guilt free me time.. doesn't get any better than that. I need to make myself do this every day.

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Ugh hump day tackled me.  So I saw ds15's big toe today.  It was badly ingrown and infected and he had been trying to hide how bad it was from me.  We I booked a dr's appt.  He had a close to 2 hour meltdown about going, finally got there, dr put him on antibiotics, if not 100% better in 14 days they will be taking the nail off completely.  Went to fill his Rx and saw the dr accidently wrote the wrong name (she had a list of patients in front of her not a file for him because he was a brand new patient).  Went back and got the Rx fixed, got it filled and head home.  of course leading up to that meltdown all 4 kids have been fighting and screaming and squabbling non-stop.  This combined transition of a new year PLUS having spent a weekend with my family without me is really making life difficult on me.  THankfully I kept the list short today.  Of course my kitchen  and livingroom look like I have never cleaned them, so going to go have a shower to cool down and then get to work on those. and Ds15 has refused to do school work all day so have to get that done yet.  The rest have been doing pretty well finishing off even with the chaos and me leaving to take ds to the dr.

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Home, all errands run. DH had dinner ready right after we walked in. Unfortunately, the vehicle's driver window won't roll up and the brake warning light came on. Fortunately we were almost home.


We finally got DD scheduled for a psychoeducational evaluation. Not sure how we're paying for it...


Now if DS will just nurse to sleep before my dinner its cold and I run out of time to make the cake...

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