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8/9 exercise check in

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Good morning ladies. I woke up early and have lots to do today so I was actually out the door before 7! I was hoping otday was going to be 4 miles, but noooo. It was 3.6 miles, 10:32 pace, 38:13 minutes.


Good news is that I ran with the dog on the main road. He didn't trip me this time. (The last time I took him in Novemeber of last year he tripped me!) More good news is most of the run (95%) was paved and my shins don't really hurt. They do, but not like I expected and they were fine while I was running.


Even better news - Joan Benoit Samuelson told me this was my farthest run to date at the end.

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Dh and I went a bit over 2.5--about half running. Ds8 joined us on the 2nd of our 3rd laps. He was running in crocs. :glare: He also made fun of me. I had to get all mean momma on him and tell him he was rude and unkind. The nerve of that kid!


Do you think I should make him breakfast?


Oh and I forgot to say---it was soooooooo gorgeous out this morning! Can't wait for fall.


Who is this? Joan Benoit Samuelson

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My first exercise of the morning was to watch the Dutch beat the Swiss in beach volleyball. :D


Then I pulled on my workout clothes and hit the pavement. 45 minutes of walking on this sunshiny morning while listening to a non-fiction audio on creativity. A workout for the body and mind.


Now I think I'll pull on some gardening clothes and get a little more workout in by pulling some weeds. That's a workout for the soul.


Have a terrific weekend everyone.

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I have a weird pain in my left leg that woke me up last night. :( I think I need to go get those new shoes today. I'll run tomorrow morning before church.


Good job getting out there guys! Feels great, doesn't it?


Cheryl: First Lance and now Joan? I'm impressed :D

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Good morning ladies. I woke up early and have lots to do today so I was actually out the door before 7! I was hoping otday was going to be 4 miles, but noooo. It was 3.6 miles, 10:32 pace, 38:13 minutes.


Even better news - Joan Benoit Samuelson told me this was my farthest run to date at the end.


Your times are really improving!!! Congrats!!!


Dh and I went a bit over 2.5--about half running. Ds8 joined us on the 2nd of our 3rd laps. He was running in crocs. :glare: He also made fun of me. I had to get all mean momma on him and tell him he was rude and unkind. The nerve of that kid!


Do you think I should make him breakfast?


So, what was his reaction when you told him the comment was rude and unkind? Great job on the run. Was it easier after having done the hills?


Then I pulled on my workout clothes and hit the pavement. 45 minutes of walking on this sunshiny morning while listening to a non-fiction audio on creativity. A workout for the body and mind.


Now I think I'll pull on some gardening clothes and get a little more workout in by pulling some weeds. That's a workout for the soul.


Have a terrific weekend everyone.


After you're done with your gardening - please come here and finish mine?!


Great job on the the walk!!


Great job ladies! I enjoyed a cool morning as well. I ended up doing 5 miles, 45 minutes. When I got home I went and watered our new plants in they yard and cleaned it up a bit. I love being out in the morning!:)


Yeah!!! I love getting it done in the morning too!


I have a weird pain in my left leg that woke me up last night. :( I think I need to go get those new shoes today. I'll run tomorrow morning before church.



Was the pain your muscles tightening? If so, I've read that taking calcium can help with that.


I went out this morning thinking I'd just do a quick 2 miles because I went so far yesterday. But I felt so good, I did 3.5! I think I did it in just over 30 minutes. I forgot to look at the clock when I left, so it was an estimate! I really need to buy me a watch!!!

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It's a new route so I'm going to clock the mileage later today. This run included a 1 km hill which is getting easier to run as I get stronger.


On a side note, I've lost 65 pounds in the last 1.5 years. Yesterday I went bathing suit shopping and you know no matter how much weight I've lost all I could see was the fat that I still need to loose. I felt a bit discouraged that with all my running and healthy eating I still have jiggly flesh. It's such a mind game.


But I did have a small personal victory. I had convinced myself that I deserved a burger and onion rings because I've had a tough week and the bathing suits looked ugly anyways. But by the end of the shopping trip I refrained and went home to a healthy snack. Slowly but surely I'm changing life long bad habits.


So some good, some struggles.

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It's a new route so I'm going to clock the mileage later today. This run included a 1 km hill which is getting easier to run as I get stronger.


On a side note, I've lost 65 pounds in the last 1.5 years. Yesterday I went bathing suit shopping and you know no matter how much weight I've lost all I could see was the fat that I still need to loose. I felt a bit discouraged that with all my running and healthy eating I still have jiggly flesh. It's such a mind game.


But I did have a small personal victory. I had convinced myself that I deserved a burger and onion rings because I've had a tough week and the bathing suits looked ugly anyways. But by the end of the shopping trip I refrained and went home to a healthy snack. Slowly but surely I'm changing life long bad habits.


So some good, some struggles.


Great job on your victories! It really is mind over matter sometimes, isn't it?:)

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Congrats, Rose. That is QUITE a victory! I ran 5.5 miles with my training group this morning. The race we're running is raising money for breast cancer research. Today was "Survivor Saturday." Many women who have survived a battle with breast cancer were there and were honored. It was quite touching as several of the women told their stories. My dds ran 5, 4.5, and 3.5 respectively. The race is in three weeks!

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Dh and I went a bit over 2.5--about half running. Ds8 joined us on the 2nd of our 3rd laps. He was running in crocs. :glare: He also made fun of me. I had to get all mean momma on him and tell him he was rude and unkind. The nerve of that kid!


Do you think I should make him breakfast?


Oh and I forgot to say---it was soooooooo gorgeous out this morning! Can't wait for fall.


Who is this? Joan Benoit Samuelson


So did you make him breakfast or not? Great job on the run/walk!


Joan Benoit Samuelson (born May 16, 1957) is an American marathon runner who won gold at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, the year that the women's marathon was introduced. As a result she was the first ever women's Olympic marathon champion.
From wikipedia
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My first exercise of the morning was to watch the Dutch beat the Swiss in beach volleyball. :D


Then I pulled on my workout clothes and hit the pavement. 45 minutes of walking on this sunshiny morning while listening to a non-fiction audio on creativity. A workout for the body and mind.


Now I think I'll pull on some gardening clothes and get a little more workout in by pulling some weeds. That's a workout for the soul.


Have a terrific weekend everyone.


Body, mind and soul exercise. Sounds like a great day to me!

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Great job ladies! I enjoyed a cool morning as well. I ended up doing 5 miles, 45 minutes. When I got home I went and watered our new plants in they yard and cleaned it up a bit. I love being out in the morning!:)


Wow, I can only imagine 9 minute miles for now. Maybe some day, but not soon.


Great job!

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I have a weird pain in my left leg that woke me up last night. :( I think I need to go get those new shoes today. I'll run tomorrow morning before church.


Good job getting out there guys! Feels great, doesn't it?


Cheryl: First Lance and now Joan? I'm impressed :D


Good take to take a rest. If it was a charlie horse type pain, I agree with (who?) said calcium may help.

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I went out this morning thinking I'd just do a quick 2 miles because I went so far yesterday. But I felt so good, I did 3.5! I think I did it in just over 30 minutes. I forgot to look at the clock when I left, so it was an estimate! I really need to buy me a watch!!!


I love it when it feels good and you just keep going. great job!

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It's a new route so I'm going to clock the mileage later today. This run included a 1 km hill which is getting easier to run as I get stronger.


On a side note, I've lost 65 pounds in the last 1.5 years. Yesterday I went bathing suit shopping and you know no matter how much weight I've lost all I could see was the fat that I still need to loose. I felt a bit discouraged that with all my running and healthy eating I still have jiggly flesh. It's such a mind game.


But I did have a small personal victory. I had convinced myself that I deserved a burger and onion rings because I've had a tough week and the bathing suits looked ugly anyways. But by the end of the shopping trip I refrained and went home to a healthy snack. Slowly but surely I'm changing life long bad habits.


So some good, some struggles.


Great job all around! I'm semi-convinced that swimsuit makers hate women who are not stick thin! Great about going home and eating healthy!

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I ran 5.5 miles with my training group this morning. The race we're running is raising money for breast cancer research. Today was "Survivor Saturday." Many women who have survived a battle with breast cancer were there and were honored. It was quite touching as several of the women told their stories. My dds ran 5, 4.5, and 3.5 respectively. The race is in three weeks!


Great job for all of you on the run.


I get so teary when I see women who have survived breast cancer. Every year I try to do the local Race for the Cure. The pink ribbons on the route make it interesting to breathe!

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I have lost 23 pounds since Mother's Day

down from tight size 12 to a comfortable size 8

I didn't do measurements when i started so I don't know how many inches I have lost.


Wow! Let me just say it again. Wow! You are my hero. This is what I want to do. I am well on my way to a 10. So far it's just a 5 pound lost, but one inch off my tummy, the only place I measure.

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Good take to take a rest. If it was a charlie horse type pain, I agree with (who?) said calcium may help.


Nope, not a charlie horse type pain, just a really sore muscle pain....kind of like shin splints, but not in the same place, KWIM? It's like the inside of my ankles on both legs then up and around the bottom of my leg. Weird.


I'm sure it's because I pronate so badly and my current shoes don't have the support I need. Didn't get to Fleet Feet today; I'll get there either Monday or Thursday. This upcoming week is going to be packed full. In the meantime, I'll just keep running in the shoes I have. I can't imagine not running until I get the new shoes. It's unthinkable....

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I have lost 23 pounds since Mother's Day

down from tight size 12 to a comfortable size 8

I didn't do measurements when i started so I don't know how many inches I have lost.


Seriously - you are my hero!!! I have been working out SOOOOO hard - running a LOT. I would love to lose 10 more pounds. It's NOT coming off. I lost 15 pounds immediatelly off my booKs and the rest is NOT budging. I swear I'm not eating much! I even gave up a lot of wine! So, what are you eating???? I've only lost an inch off my waist. Ugh. This is since JANUARY!!!!!


Ds8 was contrite when I told him he was rude and unkind. And immediately after that his daddy left ds in the dust, so dh had a little 'how would it feel if I made fun of you for that?' talk with him. Kids.


And yes, I made him breakfast. :)


Good!!!!! (And, I would've made him breakfast too!)


Nope, not a charlie horse type pain, just a really sore muscle pain....kind of like shin splints, but not in the same place, KWIM? It's like the inside of my ankles on both legs then up and around the bottom of my leg. Weird.


I'm sure it's because I pronate so badly and my current shoes don't have the support I need. Didn't get to Fleet Feet today; I'll get there either Monday or Thursday. This upcoming week is going to be packed full. In the meantime, I'll just keep running in the shoes I have. I can't imagine not running until I get the new shoes. It's unthinkable....


I bet it's your shoes. Can you make it a priority to get in on Monday? I only say this because I had a HUGE problem with shin splints until I changed shoes and suddenly it was gone! I hope the fix is as easy for you!!! Oh - and take some calcium!!!


My BIL and SIL are visiting and, come to find out, my SIL runs!!!! I didn't know this! It has opened a whole new door of communication for us!!!

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Seriously - you are my hero!!! I have been working out SOOOOO hard - running a LOT. I would love to lose 10 more pounds. It's NOT coming off. I lost 15 pounds immediatelly off my booKs and the rest is NOT budging. I swear I'm not eating much! I even gave up a lot of wine! So, what are you eating???? I've only lost an inch off my waist. Ugh. This is since JANUARY!!!!!



I'm in the same boat. I've been running for a month...not A LOT, but compared to the nothing I was doing before it is a lot. And I gave up wine. I've had alcohol ONE night ina month because of the calories....I only have to lose 10 pounds, but they just won't budge. I don't think my body wants to let go of them.

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after hearing a talk about Mary and Martha... Mary CHOSE the best thing to do... so I CHOSE...made a priority, my time at the gym since I am not in training to run the half marathon until September.

I don't know what happened! I haven't done anything in about two weeks!

I have put on 15.5 pounds (last I dare weigh myself) since the 1/2 in January. I am so proud of Mrs. Readsalot! And feel bad for me, so uncomfortable, none of my clothes fit. Then, I watch 41 year old Olympic swimmer, Dara Torres, (I'm her age) in her workout and I feel inspired, and mad at myself all at once! I'm too impatient - I want a quick fix. I need to lose 50 pounds!

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