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Help me get rid of the pee smell in my bathroom!


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I moved the trash can in the kids' bathroom and found an enormous brown puddle of urine.  It must have been there for days because the bathroom's been smelling for a few days. After a stern discussion with my 5 yo. (pretty sure he's the culprit, since he's the only boy sharing that bathroom with his sisters, and my dh is VERY uptight about bathroom protocol) I've sprayed everything down, wiped down the walls, the (freshly painted) baseboard, the cabinetry and that tiny vile crack around the bottom of the commode.


What else could be smelling so bad? I even set the trash can outdoors to air after washing it.


It still stinks in there.


Towels and rugs are washed and clean.


What else to do?


Maybe I'll soak the floors for a bit with baking soda? We do have tile. Perhaps the grout absorbed the nasty odor?


Tell me what to do!

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In our house the source of the lingering odour turned out to be the base of the toilet seat, where it attaches to the toilet itself. If a little boy does as he is asked, and lifts the seat, and if his aim is not accurate and he overshoots his mark, then urine collects under the back of the seat. There are little plastic bolts that attach seat to toilet. If you loosen these you should be able to move the seat and see if this is the source of the lingering smell - if yes, you can completely remove the seat for a proper clean. Hope you get rid of the smell!


I used diluted bleach / Clorox for wiping down the floors and walls etc when we had this problem.

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I also just updated my talk with my son. I told him that if he accidentally misses the toilet and comes to tell me, I won't be mad at him. We will just clean it up together and I will be  happy to help him. But if he just ignores the mess and I find it, he will be in huge trouble.


The first discussion was more of a knee jerk "Don't you ever do that again!" thing. But when I thought about it, I figured I ought to give him a safe way out if there's another accident.


I soaked the floor with scrubbing bubbles and it's getting better.

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In our house the source of the lingering odour turned out to be the base of the toilet seat, where it attaches to the toilet itself. If a little boy does as he is asked, and lifts the seat, and if his aim is not accurate and he overshoots his mark, then urine collects under the back of the seat. There are little plastic bolts that attach seat to toilet. If you loosen these you should be able to move the seat and see if this is the source of the lingering smell - if yes, you can completely remove the seat for a proper clean. Hope you get rid of the smell!


I used diluted bleach / Clorox for wiping down the floors and walls etc when we had this problem.


My dh bought our last toilet seat and I hate it. The tab that connects the seat to the toilet is a very odd shape, not syymetrical or smooth at all.  It makes it even harder to clean back there.


Toilets are so gross, but I guess it's be tter than the alternative!

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When I couldn't get the little boy pee smell out of the bathroom, I wiped down the shower door tracks. Yup, DS3 had been aiming over the toilet and peeing in the tub (on purpose), and the track was a nice crusty yellow.


Better than the electrical outlets. He went through that phase last fall.

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I'd try Nature's Miracle. Grout is porous and I bet the urine soaked in there. Also, you may need to remove the toilet, clean around the base, replace the wax seal and pop the toilet back on.


My DS sleepwalks a little and has bad aim. We took out everything from around it for right now. A friend's DS was sleepwalking and peeing in a corner of his room right on top of a floor vent.

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