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Did you have a sudden mood change before labor?

lavender's green

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I had a fairly unemotional pregnancy - a few hormonal ups and downs, but generally I stayed my normal cheery self, if slightly more tired than usual. A few days ago I went into CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN mode, and today I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.


Could there be a baby around the corner? Or am I just being hopeful? :D (I'm only 37w 1d, but the midwives to expect me to go early...)

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I was pretty even keeled my whole pregnancy too. A few days before I went into labor, I was watching a movie with my husband and went upstairs to go pee (of course....9 months pregnant). While I was up there, I HAD to clean the entire bathroom from top to bottom. Couldn't stop myself if I tried. Husband thought I had completely lost my mind. 2 days later, I was in labor. I've heard about that from other women too. Nesting. 


Congratulations by the way! :-)

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I was also pretty easy going this last pregnancy. But the day before I went into labor I utterly lost it, kicked a hole in a door, and generally went ballistic on, well, everything and everyone.


Cleaning would have been much more productive!! Lol.


Best wishes for a smooth and easy labor. :)

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Right before labor I got quite determined and businesslike.  I had a job to do, and I wanted to get it done and over with.  Serious.  During my pregnancies I was pretty laid back and happy.  Dh said it was the most even tempered I'd ever been.  But when labor was approaching, it got serious.


Best wishes.

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My first was induced, so nothing.  My second - the day before labor, I had a sudden urge to make home made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and brownies.  Now, when i'm 9 mo pregnant, I dont do much except lie around and moan!  the third one i had a nightmare right before hand, but i dont remember much else.  

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In about 20 minutes, I will be 40w2d, over 40 weeks for the fourth time. I've been grumpy for a couple of weeks and emotional too. Wish I had an urge to clean like I did with #4!


I've gone over every time too!  I'm really NOT anticipating this one is going to be different, but I am SO uncomfortable. :/ 

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I nested from 20 weeks to 42 weeks. All six babies came 14 days past due date, on the dot. I would have mood swings in he first trimester, but always left it there. Mood swings in labor, usually when entering transition...(snort) :p

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I was pretty even-keeled throughout my pregnancy, but toward the end I was an absolute grouchy mess and cleaning everything in sight.  DS was 5 weeks early, so it didn't even dawn on me at the time that he might be on the way.

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I've gone over every time too! I'm really NOT anticipating this one is going to be different, but I am SO uncomfortable. :/

I hope we are both pleasantly surprised with newborns this weekend! My DH can only take about 5 week days off from work, so I would really like to have the baby today or tomorrow, have my parents and ILs visit for the weekend (I like everyone to come in the first few days when the baby is still sleepy and I'm still on the birth high, and then I like them to leave by about day 3, when my milk comes in, the baby wakes up and wants to nurse a lot, and my hormones go flip-flop, because I won't rest when people are here), and then have a full week before DH has to go back to work. That's what happened with #3, who arrived early on a Saturday afternoon, and it was so perfect; everyone came and left by Monday, and we had a quiet, restful week. It was much easier on me when DH went back to work than it was any of the other times.

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I hope we are both pleasantly surprised with newborns this weekend! My DH can only take about 5 week days off from work, so I would really like to have the baby today or tomorrow, have my parents and ILs visit for the weekend (I like everyone to come in the first few days when the baby is still sleepy and I'm still on the birth high, and then I like them to leave by about day 3, when my milk comes in, the baby wakes up and wants to nurse a lot, and my hormones go flip-flop, because I won't rest when people are here), and then have a full week before DH has to go back to work. That's what happened with #3, who arrived early on a Saturday afternoon, and it was so perfect; everyone came and left by Monday, and we had a quiet, restful week. It was much easier on me when DH went back to work than it was any of the other times.


Weekend's nearly over and I'm still pregnant! lol  Due on Wed. 

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Weekend's nearly over and I'm still pregnant! lol  Due on Wed.



OP here. Still no baby. (Pouty face)

Ugh, I'm sorry for both of you! Our little guy arrived early yesterday morning, 40w4d, a whopping 9 lbs. 3 oz. (my first two boys were bigger, though), and if it's any consolation, I'd trade being pregnant a few more days for a calmer experience; after a day of light contractions that were going nowhere and about four hours of hard contractions that were still going nowhere, until I got up to walk around a bit, I went from 1-2 cm to holding my baby in a very intense 1 1/4 hours. He's doing great, and so am I. I hope your babies arrive very soon!

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Ugh, I'm sorry for both of you! Our little guy arrived early yesterday morning, 40w4d, a whopping 9 lbs. 3 oz. (my first two boys were bigger, though), and if it's any consolation, I'd trade being pregnant a few more days for a calmer experience; after a day of light contractions that were going nowhere and about four hours of hard contractions that were still going nowhere, until I got up to walk around a bit, I went from 1-2 cm to holding my baby in a very intense 1 1/4 hours. He's doing great, and so am I. I hope your babies arrive very soon!



Congratulations!  My biggest (who went 10 days past my due date) was 9lbs 6oz.  Today is my due date.  I'm still pregnant. :P

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Congratulations! My biggest (who went 10 days past my due date) was 9lbs 6oz. Today is my due date. I'm still pregnant. :P

Thank you! He's doing very well. Eats a lot. 10 days! Wow! My latest (my second) was 8 days past my due date, and I thought I was going to go crazy waiting. 4 days this time was quite enough, especially since I had contractions off and on for about ten days before they finally got intense. Happy due date to you, but I hope you do not get to anywhere near 10 days this time.

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Thank you! He's doing very well. Eats a lot. 10 days! Wow! My latest (my second) was 8 days past my due date, and I thought I was going to go crazy waiting. 4 days this time was quite enough, especially since I had contractions off and on for about ten days before they finally got intense. Happy due date to you, but I hope you do not get to anywhere near 10 days this time.


I'm hoping the same thing! lol  My shortest time past was 6 days though, so we'll see.  I've been contracting off and on for over a week and the pressure is tremendous!  I'm hoping before the weekend is out. 

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