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Personal Trainer Food--anyone actually tried this?

Julie in CA

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This popped up in my Moolala email for today. I'd usually disregard diet meal stuff, but this actually looks/sounds good to me.

Has anyone tried this in real life?




ETA: Grrr....just realized I linked the wrong thing. I am *not* trying to sell anyone on this. 


Maybe this link will work better:


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I haven't tried it, but.....thanks to you, I'm about to!


I clicked on the link and was interested, so I did a bit of research.  Reviews are good (meaning, people seem to think it tastes good), the food is very much what I like to eat, and the price was right.


I've been eating pretty cleanly for a few months and doing quite well, but I fell off the wagon (intentionally) on vacation and have not really gotten back on.  Honestly, I need a break from all the prep, and I'm sick of coming up with new things to cook.  I'm getting my food on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to it!


I ordered the 28 days of lunches and dinners.  I can't see paying for eggs and breakfast sausage when I can cook and eat those myself for less money, and in the same or less time than it would take to heat up their frozen ones in the microwave.  I also looked at their snacks, which are primarily just almonds, sunflower seeds, string cheese and beef sticks.  Again, I can do those easily, and on the cheap.


Thanks for the post! 

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I haven't tried it, but.....thanks to you, I'm about to!


I clicked on the link and was interested, so I did a bit of research.  Reviews are good (meaning, people seem to think it tastes good), the food is very much what I like to eat, and the price was right.


I've been eating pretty cleanly for a few months and doing quite well, but I fell off the wagon (intentionally) on vacation and have not really gotten back on.  Honestly, I need a break from all the prep, and I'm sick of coming up with new things to cook.  I'm getting my food on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to it!


I ordered the 28 days of lunches and dinners.  I can't see paying for eggs and breakfast sausage when I can cook and eat those myself for less money, and in the same or less time than it would take to heat up their frozen ones in the microwave.  I also looked at their snacks, which are primarily just almonds, sunflower seeds, string cheese and beef sticks.  Again, I can do those easily, and on the cheap.


Thanks for the post! 

I wish I could wait until I hear how you like it, but the sale voucher thing is only good for today, I think.


It was hard to tell from a lot of the online reviews if they were sort of "sponsored" by the company or not. I did find a couple that claimed to be unbiased, and even they seemed pretty satisfied though.


I really kind of want to try it, and the price is right with the coupon. I'd even get it for my dd so that she could eat the same things I do (which would really help us both!), but it's *really* hard to tell if we'd like it or not. It sounds like just what we'd like.


ETA: You used the Moolala coupon, right? It's a lot cheaper that way than through the website, I think, and I've had good luck with things I've bought through Moolala.

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I did Jenny Craig, and I have to say the Personal Training people are completely correct in saying JC food contains tons of processed filler. Many of their foods are pasta-based. I

Like it and I lost weight, but the PT food is much healthier.


Could you do it on your own, tho? Could you cook one morning a week and make chicken a few ways, a beef dish, and maybe some other meat, and then freeze it? Then just buy several bags of veggies at the store and asdd those in. It would be cheaper and sustainable.


But I get it--I know having a plan and those cute packages is way more attractive. I would explore why. For me, part of it is the magical thinking that comes with dieting...if I do this, my life will change! 'Cept the fun part, the new and exciting promise part, is over quickly. If I won't do the work and make the changes, no amount of newandimprovedsexydietmiracle will help.



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I looked at it since I'm still experimenting with my diet. I have a question for those considering it. Why not just use whole foods and make your own portions sized with a kitchen scale? I only ask because the breakfasts look like an egg and a sausage patty, and the entrees look like veggies one can get from the freezer section at the market.


What am I missing?

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I think it looks fantastic and the price is good. I do think it would be easily doable on one's own, as Parrothead said, due to how plain some things look. I particularly think they could have done a better job on the vegetables-that was the deal breaker for me. (I had only considered the lunch/dinner, since the eggs would be so easy to do myself.)


If the entrees taste good, I don't think you can beat this for quality/convenience!

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I looked at it since I'm still experimenting with my diet. I have a question for those considering it. Why not just use whole foods and make your own portions sized with a kitchen scale? I only ask because the breakfasts look like an egg and a sausage patty, and the entrees look like veggies one can get from the freezer section at the market.


What am I missing?

The reason I bought it is because I'm sick to death of cooking.  I hate the prep work, I'm sick of thinking up things to make, I'm sick of the rut of the same things I've been making over and over.  For me, this takes the work out of it and so will make it a lot easier for me to stick to. 

I wouldn't do it forever.  If I like it, I may reorder once or twice, but I wouldn't do more than that.   I can see myself getting tired of the entrees after a bit, just like I would if I were cooking myself. 


I didn't order the breakfasts because I don't see how it would save me any time or energy.  I also didn't order the snacks (almonds, sunflower seeds, cheese, meat sticks) for the same reason.  


ETA:  I really would like to try Bistro MD.  The meals look more gourmet to me, and I think a bit more interesting.  I won't, though.  It's twice the price of Personal Trainer Food, and that's beyond anything I'm comfortable with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this up to say the deal is being offered on Amazon local again. I Iooked at it the first time it was offered, and my budget wouldn't allow. I remembered we had a thread on it.

To those who ask "why not do it yourself", MY answer is time, energy, and selective and informed use of my resource pie (money, personal energy, where to use my time, etc).

I am close to buying it this time, and thinking of it as an investment in my health and self care.

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Bumping this up to say the deal is being offered on Amazon local again. I Iooked at it the first time it was offered, and my budget wouldn't allow. I remembered we had a thread on it.

To those who ask "why not do it yourself", MY answer is time, energy, and selective and informed use of my resource pie (money, personal energy, where to use my time, etc).

I am close to buying it this time, and thinking of it as an investment in my health and self care.


thanks for sharing. I've thought about this off and on for a while. And I'm one that usually does the 'do it myself' route but also realize there are times when that just doesn't happen.

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Well, I guess I failed to subscribe to my own thread, and I didn't realize there had been more responses! I'm glad I took a peek at the board today.


I bought the deal thing, but I haven't ordered my food yet because my feezer is too full.

For me, I cook a lot professionally, and I cook a lot of food for my family that I'd prefer not to eat. I just can't, at the end of the day, stomach cooking separate meals after I've nurtured everyone else with food all day long. I just want it there when I need it, and yes, I'm looking at it as a luxury "pampering myself" kind of thing, which I just don't do very often. I want to have reasonably healthy food provided for me, where I don't have to think about it, and it's worth the money right now, I think. Actually, I think the prices seem pretty reasonable for real and less-processed food.


I'll subscribe to the thread, so if anyone else gives it a try, let us know, ok?

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  • 1 month later...

Oh regarding food selection - I'd suggest staying away from the "chicken stix" or "beef stix" lunch/dinners, or any of the veggies with carrots in it. Those are LOADED with carbs! Also, the nuggets are not filling at all. I wind up eating two of them in a single sitting.



Nooooooooo! I just ordered my second shipment and ordered mostly the chicken sticks because I liked them so much. I guess I just assumed since it was low carb that maybe the breading was a low carb type. Don't know why I didn't think to look at the nutritional information, duh:(


Oh well, I'm still losing weight and I think I'll make this shipment stretch by adding in some seafood and lean meats occasionally. I'm still losing weight, so even if it's not as low carb as I thought, my body is responding to it. It is really nice not having to think about food and just pulling a meal out of the freezer.


This time I bought the 40 days of protein, so I got enough breakfeasts, lunch, and dinners to last forty days. Hopefully I can make it stretch to almost two months by substituting fish for lunch/dinner sometimes. I prefer fresh veggies anyway, so I can live without those. And I figure I can nibble on cheese or nuts for snacks on my own.


Aside from the breaded chicken, I also really like: meatballs, smoked brisket (quality can be fatty, but hey, almost like eating fatty bacon, which I love); teriyaki chicken is very tasty and moist, but can be fatty. I think because it's thigh meat, so it's understandable. I prefer dark meat anyway, so I don't mind trimming out the fat, since the flavor is so tasty.


Not a big fan of the sausage, but that's just me. Sometimes I save my cheese snack and melt it on the burger and add sauteed mushrooms as my veggie, yum.


All in all, pt food gave me the kick in the pants I needed.



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I looked over the menu bc I'd love to have my meals ready to go and preplanned and bought. I AM doing whole30 on my own though and it's working, so I don't want to mess that up.


Sadly the menu they offer has very little that someone doing Whole30 could have. I don't think I would lose weight with that food selection and a 1500 calorie restriction.


Aside from that, I wouldn't want to eat any of the snack or the breakfast options. Ick. So that leaves the value boiling down to the veggies and entrees. The veggies are just steamed veggies. It's no big deal to just buy a bunch of bags of frozen veggies for a lot cheaper. That leaves the entrees. About half of them, regardless of W30 incompliantancy, I doubt I'd like. I wouldn't want the sausages and several come with almonds in them, which I hate.


I hope you have success with it and love it, but that's why I won't be buying it.

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Hi just checking in. I'm a PTF eater and have been for about 6 or 7 weeks. I have lost some weight - 10 pounds, it would be more but I'm prone to cheating a couple times a week. However, the biggest surprise is coming in health aspects of my life. Since beginning this style of eating, I've notice a tremendous amount of hair growth (yes, head hair). My husband is reading "Wheat Belly" and it talks about how wheat will cause some to lose hair. I've got tons of new hair. My fingernails are also growing like crazy and are strong and hard! Just thought I'd share.

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Ok, can't comment on the food, but looking at the page really made me distrust this. Specifically, the chart about body fat percentage.


Hovering around 10% body fat is NOT desirable for a female. Female *athletes* should be at 14-20%. 21-24% is still considered fit. They should not be presenting <15% body fat as an appropriate goal.


I'm sure they're just throwing numbers out there that are going to sound good to the general public and they're not actually promoting being unhealthily underweight and gearing their diet towards that, but it's not an appropriate recommendation.


I also questions whether the presented protein/carb/fat ratios in the food are appropriate. 10% healthy fat seems quite low to me, but these percentages are much more debatable than the body fat percentages. Except now I'm looking at the page, and they have two different macronutrient ratios listed in different places, the second seeming more reasonable than the first, and more in line with the food listed (I'd guess the fat % might be even higher if they are't using reduced fat cheeses and so forth).


So yeah, I distrust it, because it sounds like they're throwing a lot of numbers around to sound good without necessarily any meaning behind it.

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I did Jenny Craig, and I have to say the Personal Training people are completely correct in saying JC food contains tons of processed filler. Many of their foods are pasta-based. I

Like it and I lost weight, but the PT food is much healthier.


Could you do it on your own, tho? Could you cook one morning a week and make chicken a few ways, a beef dish, and maybe some other meat, and then freeze it? Then just buy several bags of veggies at the store and asdd those in. It would be cheaper and sustainable.


But I get it--I know having a plan and those cute packages is way more attractive. I would explore why. For me, part of it is the magical thinking that comes with dieting...if I do this, my life will change! 'Cept the fun part, the new and exciting promise part, is over quickly. If I won't do the work and make the changes, no amount of newandimprovedsexydietmiracle will help.




Yup. I cook ahead on weekends. One large pot of soup goes an amazingly long way. But...if convenience is uppermost priority or you don't enjoy cooking, then it may be worth a try. I just have a little aversion against items that come "pre-packaged," but I am one of those make-it-from-scratch people...


ETA: Just read up thread that you hate cooking - so diregard this post.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest NightRider



Ok, can't comment on the food, but looking at the page really made me distrust this. Specifically, the chart about body fat percentage.



I always use food scale to know all nutertion of my food and to have a good control over my diet planes. It helps me a lot to saty healty.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sheerpink

I'm on my 4th shipment of Personal Trainer Food.   I've done every diet and tried every program out there.  This one actually has much better food!  I like to follow a clean eating approach, and this fits the bill.   However, I do like their chicken sticks which have breading.   I've lost 10lbs, but if I would stop drinking wine and dessert, it would have been a lot more by now!   I also liked DietToGo food, where I could pick up the food at the gym twice a week.  It just became too expensive, and the PTF is just as good.  Maybe even a little more "clean" since it does not have the sauces like some of the D2G food. 


Your shipment is a months worth of food, so have freezer space!  It comes in a huge box with dry ice.  You can pick your delivery date.   I've never had an issue with it not still being frozen when I get it.


If any of you want to try the Personal Trainer Food, I signed up for the Personal Trainer and if you use this link you can get $50 off: 



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I know the last post was a ploy to get people to use their referral link (not sure if that's allowed on this forum  or not) but does anyone who used this program have an  update? I would love to hear it!!


I just bought a Groupon voucher for half off so I am going to try it starting next month.  They  have the Rev program that I am strongly looking into, although  I don't know if I can do just veggies for breakfast. I do like though that there is a money back guarantee if you don't lose 10% of your weight in 28 days. I can do anything for 4 weeks right?


I'm planning on starting this in  the middle of next month to get ready for beach trips / summer fun and then if  I'm happy with it start up again early fall when things calm down a bit so I can be smokin' hot for hubby  when he gets home from deployment :)


Oh and if you can't find the groupon voucher where you live PM me and I'll give you my zip code to use. I don't  know if it's specific  to one area or not but it's a pretty good deal. Either 28 lunches and dinners for $99 or a  $200 credit towards  whatever plan  you want for $99. 

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Guest Keloboe

I've done this for a week and followed it strictly and am down 5 pounds. I do exercise more than the recommended walking. It's basically the portion control that I need a little help with.


I also used the Groupon and just got the lunches and dinners. I make an egg and vegetable casserole for breakfast. I asked what was in their garlic butter sauce that's included and the first ingredient is soybean oil, so I've opted for some Tessamae's dressing when I want a little something on the veggies.


I'll keep you all posted of my progress.

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