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Are you accomplishing what you wanted this summer?

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Sounds like a great summer. But maybe you can rework something to re-establish the routine.

Look up some educational games that your kids and you can make and play. (There are 100 games for math facts and concepts that can be played with 3x5 cards, dice, and a coin--nothing fancy required.)


Maybe reading at the table while you prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner instead of playing?

Get some 2nd and 3rd grade level audio books to listen to during meals and in the car, talk about the books and ask questions (comprehension)

HopScotch with skip counting (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 or 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30)

Watch EducationUnboxed videos (or whatever those cuisainaire rod videos are called)

Cut out a 2hr block 2x a week to do some family activity that is learning centric and then play reinforcing games throughout the week.

First Language Lessons done informally throughout the week, conversational style.


What is your weekly schedule like this summer? Do you take the kids to library story time or have one at the house? Are they in sports/swimming? Going to the skating rink?

Do you have at least 7hours during your week that aren't being used for essential things? If your kids need a routine, it could be worth the effort to rework the schedule to give them that.


If they don't need the routine, then I would look to car schooling, games and read alouds to keep them on track this summer.

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Hobbes passed his written Chinese exam just before the summer (failed the spoken by a couple of marks) so we are taking a break from Chinese.  He's just hanging out for the summer - doing a bit of harp practice, that's it.


Calvin's busy but I'm not organising it.  Except for his French, which we haven't done for days.   Ah - thanks for the reminder.


He's writing an extended essay on the spirituality of TS Eliot and Gerard Manley Hopkins.  He's learning ancient Greek (his classics teacher from school is tutoring him for free).  He has a couple of other essays to write.  And he needs to write a personal statement for his university applications.  He's doing a fairly good job of organising his time.....



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We are pretty much on track.  We've read the first two sections of HO2, all of the Story of Science volume 1, and we're almost done with Jane Eyre.  We are going to finish the homegrown writing program that I put together (which was heavily based on MCT's Essay Voyage) as well as the second chapter of Jacobs Geometry next week.  The only thing we didn't finish and will not finish until sometime during the school year is Saxon Grammar.  We were going to have to do two lessons per day to finish in the time we had this summer and I decided that moving quickly through it was not going to give an adequate learning experience, so we slowed down to one lesson per day again.


Next week is our last week of summer schooling.  After that will be three weeks of camp and family vacation.  Then a week of nothing and then back to school.

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We haven't started yet.  School went pretty much to the end of June and doesn't start again until after Labour Day.


The kids have had two weeks of day camp then DH took them camping now and we are having a couple of days off.


I am scheduling 5 weeks worth of afterschooling over the next 6 weeks.  We will be focusing on handwriting, math, and French.  I will let you know how it goes.



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It's very light work here. I have several things planned for fall, and each day we take a little run at intro and practice for fall things. Nothing heavy, just exposure to materials is all.


These are things that should we bomb or change come fall, we can jump into full speed.


The only thing that is full speed is reading I should say, that just gets done without any planning around here.

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As I noted in my recent post, we have done a lot and yet not all that I hoped.  However, after thinking some more, I recall that several upcoming weeks have intensive "camps" only in the mornings, and the afternoons will be spent at the rec center getting exercise.  So in the evenings, I should feel no guilt making the kids work on academics / therapy instead of going to the park etc.  I think we still have hope.  :)


I made a decision to put the kids into two "math monkey" camps.  One was a full week of half-day classes, and the other is an hourly class each week.  I thought I'd do this in addition to a list of other things, but in reality, they aren't doing much else in terms of math.  I have to work on a revised plan for this.  The "math monkey" camps help them to think a little more logically about math, it seems.  It is definitely beneficial (and also fun, which is important since they both hated math two months ago).  But it doesn't go along the lines that Singapore Math (their school's curriculum) does.


I'm gearing up for a huge annual work deadline which will require two solid months of long hours.  This was definitely part of why last year started out so badly.  I don't know what I can do about it.  I'm probably going to be a nervous wreck for the first month of school.  :(

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Very light here as well.  My DD (7 Yr) old does mostly review(MM review package) and some spelling and writing(about 30 - 60 minutes).  We do go to the library every week and get about 20/25 books.  She gets to pick any book she wants.  She reads a lot.  Late summer, we will slowly start SM 2A and FLL2 and WWE2.  I wanted her to enjoy the summer a bit before we go full swing.  I still don't know what/whether we are going to do about spelling...AAS maybe? 

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I have a want to do list and a hope to do list. My kids finish most of the want to do list so it has been good. We have three weeks to go before school starts and we might be able to do most of the hope to do list. Mainly what is left is revising german grammar and working on reading comprehension.

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