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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yay for Thursday!


Done So Far:


Dd to music camp (only 3 more 1.5 hour round trips for camp drop-off/pick-up to go!!)

No wonder I'm not getting any house cleaning done these past couple weeks.

Printed out science lab sheets, lessons schedule, chapter and unit tests

Copied grammar tests



To Do:

Email to schedule audition time

Put science sheets in binder

Put grammar tests in binder


Sweep and mop kitchen

Do somebody's laundry

Story time

Take out chicken for dinner

Pick up dd from music camp



Check tub for shorts

Call elder ds


Theater related email


Lunch - sausage/egg/pancake sandwiches, bananas

Dinner - lemon pepper chicken, peas, salad



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Dropped off ds

Scheduled appt to drop off car tomorrow for brake job

Researched tire prices for dh's car


To Do:

Pick up ds

Pack up some knick knacks

Buy birthday cards and gift bags

Drop off stuff at thrift store

List some items on eBay

School work

Have kids work on poster boards for 4-H


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Hmmmm....let's see.





Play with Han Solo

Nap (because my allergies kept me up all night)

Dr. appt

Post office

Swept all the gunk that has accumulated under our furniture (how does so much dirt and dust get under furniture that sits directly on the floor???)


Surfed the web

Pulled out all the kitchenware that I set aside (we tossed everything into the laundry room so the movers wouldn't pack it)


Moaned about the heat

Gave HS a bath


And now I'm soaking my feet in a concoction that removes dead skin (1/2c Listerine-must be Listerine, 1/2c vinegar, 1c warm water) and watching a movie.


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wash laundry

wash diapers

wash towels

make yogurt

make water kefir



transplant pumpkin plants



to do:

finish packing dd's stuff


find sewing ruler (think this is a lost cause :()

wash fabric

freeze leftover breakfast burrito filling

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Ugh. I need some accountability today!


Choir Board

  • Call prospective board member. (Just did this right after I typed it so that I couldn't put it off any longer. We're meeting for coffee on Tuesday.)
  • Email documents to other prospective board members who will be appointed at the next meeting.
  • Write meeting agenda and email it.
  • Type notes from last phone call with attorney.
  • Make a phone call I am dreading. Ugh. Or get someone else to make it.


  • Get caught up on laundry.
  • Clean the piano.
  • Get the kids to wash the car. (This is mostly a reminder for me, since I forgot yesterday.)
  • Wash the dog.
  • Pick up two flats of raspberries and freeze them.
  • Make jam if I get everything else done. No way I'm getting these done. It took too long to walk to the yogurt shop.

Walk to the yogurt shop with the kids and our exchange student.


Finish the lesson I'm working through on my online "How to Learn Math" course. (Which I learned about here at WTM.) Still working on this--listened and completed most of it while caramelizing onions.


Spanish homework (Crossing this one off, because I am counting having a very short conversation with our Spanish-speaking exchange student as "homework".)


Make dinner

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Getting a slow start today



Master Bedroom

Dd school planning


To do:

find photos for prints at Costco for decorating hallway

Walgreens for poster board (49 cents this week)

trash bags for more decluttering

straighten up laundry room cabinets


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Got another 2 Qts. of peaches processing (I do it in small batches since I don't have good equipment. It's a pretty rinky-dink operation). Kitchen cleaned up from lunch. My problems are afternoons. I lose all motivation and degenerate into watching Dr. Who on the iPad all afternoon.

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To Do:

Pick up ds √

Pack up some knick knacks √

Buy birthday cards and gift bags √

Drop off stuff at thrift store √

List some items on eBay

School work

Have kids work on poster boards for 4-H √



Also sorted through a big box of odds and ends, and went through a bunch of papers. Still have more to do, but I'll leave it for tomorrow. Eating lunch now, and will do some school work in a bit.

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Got another 2 Qts. of peaches processing (I do it in small batches since I don't have good equipment. It's a pretty rinky-dink operation). Kitchen cleaned up from lunch. My problems are afternoons. I lose all motivation and degenerate into watching Dr. Who on the iPad all afternoon.

Mmmm peaches! I was lazy with my peaches and threw them into the freezer whole. MAYBE someday I'll get up the gumption to make some jam or peach sauce.

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I realized that I only come to this thread to whine. Sorry. I think that's because when things go well I'm not on the Chat forum at the time this thread is around. Anyway, I'll try to be more constructive :).



-pain in my jaw is tolerable, although I made a mistake when I sat in the sun after dinner.....wow, the dental surgeon was't kidding when he said 'keep out of the sun'.

-birthday breakfast with cake for my dd7

-gave birthday presents (they were a big succes)

-did light school with the kids

-made report cards (grandma is very vocally anti-homeschooling and wants the kids to have report cards. The kids like the idea....so report cards it is :) )

-took my dd7 to hair dresser for a coloured feather in her hair

-enjoyed the Stanford Math course I'm taking

-had 4 neighbouring girls over for dinner....that made 8 yelling and screaming girls in our yard


It's Friday now, plans for today:


-finishing up last few assignments for school, then we can start our summer holidays

-give out report cards and little presents

-do laundry

-clean kitchen

-make a list of the things I still need to do for the new school year, decide if I can take a break next week or not (probably not, I still have so much to translate into Dutch, CWP books, Henle etc)

-watch session 4 of Stanford Math course

-work on Latin vocab

-try not to think to much about the political situation, which is difficult because the email from Dutch mailinglists keeps poring in, everybody is stressed out.

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