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Would anyone like to be linked on my blog?

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Me? Will you link me?


I don't have any friends. Mostly because I don't want my extended family to end up here reading.

I added you. I totally love your fishbowl.

You guys have got to hook me up with the awesome graphics and stuff. Mine is like a glass of lukewarm water compared to everyone else's. And no more of that pink stuff that Kelli mocked me out for either! :glare:

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Okay, then. I'll go take care of that right now.


Makes me feel like Junior Asparagus. "I can be your friend! I can be your frieeeend!";)

I love that song!


So, can we add you? I will gladly do so, but will people have to email you to get an invitation? Go public again, just set her computer so that she can't access that site. Can that be done? :001_huh:

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I have already added you to the places I go to. So, feel free to do the same, I hope this is linking. You will see most of mine are baking related but I want to add all my home school buddies.:grouphug::D:D

Done! Those cupcakes look awesome, btw!!!

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I would love to be added, but only if you feel my blog is "worthy".


BIG EYES: not that I'm saying everyone else on here ISN'T worthy! Just that I would like to know I was linked 'cuz someone thought I was. . .


(aw, man, was that just completely, painfully, obvious "fishing" or what???)


Oh, but like another asked, if you replied to this post can we link to your blogs as well?


Oh, you're worthy! I'm the one who's not worthy. I have to go around asking people to be nice and let me add them to my very boring, very plain blog. Thanks! And yes, please feel free to add me. :001_smile:


I'm game.

If you care to read my ramblings and think I am 'friend worthy' .. go right ahead.

Anyone, that is.


I've had fun browsing through blogs again. It's been a while since I did a WTM blog circuit hehe

Isn't it fun? Of course you're friend worthy. Anyone who has a boy who'd let himself be wrapped in Saran has a friend in me!


Now that you asked, you'll be inundated with replies and have either a wa-a-a-a-y long blog roll or leave some folks out.:tongue_smilie: Any-hoo, mine is a photo blog www.colleen365.blogspot.com and you're more than welcome to link to it. I won't be offended if you don't, though; no worries.:)


Yes, I have gotten a lot of replies. I can't believe it! I'm such a shameless beggar! I'll just include everyone, the more the merrier! Oh, and I read your comment...I added you. You crack me up! ;)


You can link mine if ya like....it's not gonna win any awards, but I have fun. :001_smile:

I really like it. And that cookie recipe looks delish!! :001_smile:


I think your blog is great!

I agree. And I linked you too, Jenny. ;)


Um, this is mine, too.


You're so nice to ask, I just started linking people. :scared: I don't care if anyone wants to link mine. www.ourkrazzylife.blogspot.com

See, that's how new I am. I wasn't sure if there were unspoken rules or anything, so... Thanks for the link! What adorable kiddoes!

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Okay, I've added everyone up to this point. The only exception is newbie because you don't have a blog yet, babe! ;) Go get one. Come on, you know you want to! :D



I now have 4758 words, not counting footnotes, written in my dissertation. Actually, it's 4757, because one of the words is {noun}.


Wow. Just wow. I'm just amazed that you've written that many words and they make sense and are worth reading. That alone deserves a woohoo!! :D

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I don't know if that makes me special or adds to my super carpy day.


As soon as I get my digital cam. from old house and figure how to use it, I will try to rejoin club.


Thanks anyway,



It makes you special, of course! There have been an awful lot of carpy days around here lately, haven't there?

You could go ahead and start a blog even though you don't yet have your camera. Do you have pictures on your computer from before? Even without pictures, you can just use it to vent. That's what plenty of people do, myself included.

I'm sorry you're having a carpy day. :grouphug:

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I don't have a blog.:sad:

I can't be part of the fun.:sad:

How do I get a blog?:sad::sad:

I am so very sad.:sad::sad:


Well truthfully I had one but the last time I wrote anything in there was about 4 years ago. I don't even remember the name.


Awww, come on! Blogger is really easy to use. Just go there and sign up and start typing! Don't you have relatives spread out all over the world? Wouldn't they love to see pics of your kiddoes? Come on, Elmeryl, give in to peer pressure!! :D:D

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Okay, I've added everyone up to this point. The only exception is newbie because you don't have a blog yet, babe! ;) Go get one. Come on, you know you want to! :D



Oh, Anj, darling. . . .


I don't have one either!!!


(And judging by my poor use of time lately, I definitely shouldn't go that way!)

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It makes you special, of course! There have been an awful lot of carpy days around here lately, haven't there?

You could go ahead and start a blog even though you don't yet have your camera. Do you have pictures on your computer from before? Even without pictures, you can just use it to vent. That's what plenty of people do, myself included.

I'm sorry you're having a carpy day. :grouphug:


For all us beginner unblogerific gals, what is best hack free, free blogsite. In other words blog site for dummies. I am only dummy though.



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Oh, Anj, darling. . . .


I don't have one either!!!


(And judging by my poor use of time lately, I definitely shouldn't go that way!)

I hear you, Heather! I want to post something new about 3-4x/week, that's all. After I finish my lesson planning, I need to work out a time budget. I really think that if I budget my time the way I budget my money, I should have at least a little time to do something with my blog.


You can link to me! Oh, wait--I don't have a blog either. :blushing:


It's the story of my life: What on EARTH would I write? And who would want to read it?! If I built it, would they come?? ;)

Well, if you built it, someone would come. You'd just need to figure out who you wanted to come, and let them know that it's there. For the longest time I thought "I can never be like Ree, so why bother?" Well, yeah, it's true that I can't be like Ree, but that's okay. She can be Ree and I can be me. Hey, I like that! :001_smile:


For all us beginner unblogerific gals, what is best hack free, free blogsite. In other words blog site for dummies. I am only dummy though.



I like Blogger. I have also heard good things about wordpress. Blogger is really user friendly, that's why I have it.


Newbie, I like blogger. I've learned my way around it and knew next to zilch about blogging when I started.


Anj, I'll play! What the heck? If the offer is still open, I'd be honored to be linked to ya!

Yes, and I still know zilch. I'm learning as I go. Sure, I can still add a couple more links, then I should probably stop. :D

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Are you suppose to be on this board? Aren't you suppose to be planning this week? Aren't you GROUNDED from this board this week? Oh, I'm sorry, that's me ;) :D




You are so right! I was waiting for someone to say it. You're a true friend, Krista! :D

But seriously, I have given myself permission to visit here at night when my brain is too fried to do anything else. On the other hand, staying up here late at night is yet another bad habit that I need to break, so I'll have to stop doing that too. :glare:

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I love that song!


So, can we add you? I will gladly do so, but will people have to email you to get an invitation? Go public again, just set her computer so that she can't access that site. Can that be done? :001_huh:


Yes, absolutely . . . add me. Unfortunately, people will have to e-mail me/PM me to get an invitation. I'm not picky -- I don't care who does read it, just as long as she doesn't.


We only have one computer, so this is really my only option right now. Stinks.

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I just started and would love to get to know some people here better through their blogs! I am a lurker and a not very regular poster here.. but I am a real life friend of very regular poster 3lilreds who blogs at sunflowerhouse.blogspot.com if that gives me any Hive Mind street cred :)

I linked to you and you can link to me if you want. http://ouravalonacademy.blogspot.com/

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