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ice cube trays....I know this is almost an unknown item anymore....


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with ice makers in nearly every door of every refrigerator...but, my mom doesn't own an ice maker and gets SOOOO frustrated with the cheap ice cube trays that you have to melt the ice cubes to get them out. I told her that I would ask you fabulous people here if you knew of any ice cube trays that don't cost an arm and a leg to buy, and won't break while you are getting the ice cubes out....or simply won't release the ice cubes at all.


SO...if you know of any such thing...PLEASE let me know. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hehe. we have an ice maker and never hooked it up. bought the fridge 4 years ago. I second the silicone ones. you can carry them over on a tray if you don't want to risk spilling them or put the in freezer empty and fill them up with a cup of water

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I've never had an ice maker. I have no intention of ever having an ice maker. I don't want a fridge with a water/ice dispenser on the door. So there. :D


I just use the rigid plastic ice cube trays I bought somewhere...the grocery store? They're not silicon. They came with a thingie to empty the ice cubes into (you twist the trays and the ice cubes come right out). I've never spilled water when going from the sink to the freezer.

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Pick me!!! Pick me!!!! I know! I promise!


Rubbermaid brand and ONLY Rubbermaid brand. I buy them at Fred Meyer but I am sure other places probably have them too (I can not get them at Target, Walmart, or BiMart in our area). DO NOT buy the ones by IRIS or Steralite (sp?). They are hard to get the cubes out and the plastic breaks.. With the Rubbermaid brand, I twist and 100% fall right out into the bin. Zero problems. No running water over them. No breaking. They are about $4 for 2 trays. You can buy them on Amazon also but since I wanted to make sure that they were absolutely Rubbermaid, I buy at FM.


I tried the cheaper ones (vairous brands) thinking it was 'just an Ice cube tray', how much difference can there be.... and tossed them after they failed to work.


Silicone ones are often expensive, floppy and messy when you are trying to handle the water.

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I am with Ellie. No ice maker here. I use the ones that came with my fridge. (Trays) and the bucket that came with my fridge.

I also have a set of 4 Rubbermaid trays that stack. In the summer time I use more ice and like have the xtra set then. My rubbermaid sets have to be 10 years old at least and they still pop out just fine.

I do have a silicone tray that is in the shape of a coffee bean. I use them for freezing leftover coffee for making iced coffee. I love it and I hate it. I have to peal the silicone to get the ice out and by then the coffee is melting and it's all over my hands. Sticky, brown stained fingers.

However, once they are out and in a baggie, I love popping them into cold coffee.

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I am with Ellie. No ice maker here. I use the ones that came with my fridge. (Trays) and the bucket that came with my fridge.

I also have a set of 4 Rubbermaid trays that stack. In the summer time I use more ice and like have the xtra set then. My rubbermaid sets have to be 10 years old at least and they still pop out just fine.

I do have a silicone tray that is in the shape of a coffee bean. I use them for freezing leftover coffee for making iced coffee. I love it and I hate it. I have to peal the silicone to get the ice out and by then the coffee is melting and it's all over my hands. Sticky, brown stained fingers.

However, once they are out and in a baggie, I love popping them into cold coffee.


You would love these!! (in my post too) You can store the cubes in the container after they are made!!


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I agree with the Rubbermaid. We've never had ice makers in military housing and I'm not even sure it's a thing here in Germany. They must have them, but I've never seen them in any of the stores. Of course their fridges are pretty small, so maybe that's why. I honestly don't like the whole ice/water in the door thing. I prefer ice trays. I like the sound they make when you crack them. Maybe I should make an app with the sound, just for nostalgia.

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wow...here I thought we were all nuts...not having an ice maker in the door. It was because of my mom that I started this thread...but I too hate my ice cube trays...but I was thinking that because we live in the ice age (no pun intended...really).....and don't have all of the fancy gadgets that most of America seems to have...I was stuck with what I had...and was willing to live with it...but now I see 2 things...1) we are not as alone as I thought we were....and 2) there really might be an end to our maddness...thank you all so very much...I consider myself to be enlightened.

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Does anyone remember the ice tray that were metal and had a handle you had to pull back to release the cubes! If the elements were right your fingers froze to the handle.


Aww..those were the days.





My grandmother had those! I thought they were so cool (<---no pun intended). And yes, I thought it was awesome when my fingers froze to the handle.

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wow...here I thought we were all nuts...not having an ice maker in the door.


Hubby's colleague's ice maker malfunctioned and flood his kitchen during the night. His colleague had a really bad mess to clean up the next day.

Rubbermaid trays are the easier and most durable so far. Affordable too at Walmart.

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Does anyone remember the ice tray that were metal and had a handle you had to pull back to release the cubes! If the elements were right your fingers froze to the handle.


Aww..those were the days.




Oh my gosh I was just waiting to read through all the replies before posting the exact same question!!! I remember those!!! Metal tray, fill it with water and insert the metal grid. When frozen, lift the lever on the grid to shift and crack the cubes apart.


They remind me of my dad - sweet nostalgia! Anyway, I had forgotten about the fingers sticking. I remember when we switched over to all plastic. Somehow ice making suddenly seemed... Cheap. Ha!


Did you also have a real old fashioned (ack, murder weapon) ice pick? We did! Makes me think of Christmas parties and the aroma of bourbon, 7UP and cherries, my folks' holiday cocktail.

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Hubby's colleague's ice maker malfunctioned and flood his kitchen during the night. His colleague had a really bad mess to clean up the next day.

Rubbermaid trays are the easier and most durable so far. Affordable too at Walmart.


We visit a house in the mountains owned by dh's bff. It is a Very nice home with real hard wood floors. The power went out when no one was home, and all the ice in the door melted onto the floor. Luckily dh stopped by the house one day out of the blue, just to stay the night on his way somewhere else. He found the damage and was able to clean up the water. It damaged a 4x8 part of the hard wood. It had to be sanded down, refinished and there is still some noticeable damage/warping if you know where to look. I bought Rubbermade ice cube trays for that house, so I didn't have to worry about emptying the ice maker every time we leave.

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