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Reporting in so you can take me off the "presumed dead" list...

Halftime Hope

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Hi all! My last update post was several weeks ago. Where I left you: end of class year for my 8th graders, their Mock Trial, unexpected surgery literally the following day, my mom diagnosed with breast and pancreatic cancers within 4 weeks of each other, 6 days post surgery a quick trip to VA and then back so my young adults could see my mom (my kids drove, I rode the air mattress in the back of the SUV since I couldn't sit long enough to take a plane to see her), then youngest son's graduation back in TX 15 days post surgery. In the middle of all this, concurrent with Mock Trial and surgery, hubby sick, and our beloved doggie went in for emergency surgery (she ate an acorn!), and later another stint at the vet's for a horrible bout of pancreatitis. Whew! So that's where I left you last. Here's the update, and I'm sorry I can't do paragraph breaks. <P> While we went back home for son's graduation, mom was admitted to the hospital and they worked on getting her ready for surgery, getting her bilirubin down, getting TPN going, and making sure she didn't have any infections. It was too much to put her at 81 years of age through a pancreatic resection and remove the tumor, so she had palliative surgery to bypass and reroute her stomach and bile duct, and probably other details that went past my head. She is two and one half weeks post surgery now, and 5 days into rehab to get her steady enough to come home. < P > That has been an experience, as the rehab center has alternated between "really trying hard to help" and abysmal. (Who leaves a patient who can't safely get to the potty--she's there because she's a fall risk--and refuses to answer the call button all night, the first night she's there? Who leaves wet bandages on a patient overnight?) Gah! Memo to self--have more kids and be nice to them, too, so I don't run out of adult children to be my "patient advocate" in my old age! ; ) <P> Brother and SIL who normally care for my parents are out of town on a badly needed vacation, so I've been back in VA since last weekend, caring for dad and micromanaging (railroading) to get the needed care for mom while she's at the rehab. I hope she'll be able to come home in a day or two, but her GI track is the limiting factor right now. (Prayers appreciated for normalization.) <P> I'm finally feeling like I'm in the same zipcode as "normal," trying to sneak up on it and catch it if I'm persistent. It's been an ordeal--frankly, my doc was delusional, "Most people can go back to work in three days." Yeah? You try lamaze breathing and a peri-bottle every time you go potty in the stall next to your co-workers and see how that flies. ?!? It's been a month. But I'm thankful I'm well enough to take care of elders, and well enough to drive short distances as long as I have my pillow to sit on! : ) <P> Thanks for all the prayers for my mom. Her pancreatic cancer is terminal without divine intervention, so please keep our family in prayer as we walk this journey with her. It is going to be a fight, because mom and dad are the original health-food nuts, and honestly, they just haven't come to terms with their mortality since they've pursued good health with a passionate, almost obsessive persistence. It's an odd combination, because they are also very spiritual and do very much anticipate seeing their loved ones and Jesus, whom they have loved dearly, on the other side. <P> Thanks for bearing with me on this long post!

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it gives new meaning to "it never rains but it pours"..... that is just a Whole Lot to Deal With.....


thanks for checking in. we'll think good thoughts and pray healing prayers..... i am glad you are able to be with your mom....




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