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Re-reading previous readalouds by one's self?


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The thread about 3rd grade reading made me think of this. I read the entire Chronicles of Narnia to my kids about four years ago; they were 7 and 4 at the time. They've also seen the movies, so (ignoring the second one's gross inaccuracy) they know the plots and characters. But I think my 8yo would be about the right age for reading them himself, maybe this year or next. It seems like kind of a silly question, actually, because I think it's totally fine, this far out from me reading it, to have him reread the books (or one/some of them, anyway). I'm sure he doesn't remember many of the exact quotes and would gain a lot from reading them himself. Some of the "magic" will be gone, but he'll discover new things to love. Right?


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I'm sure he will love them. I've reread that series several times myself. My oldest has read books after listening to audio versions. Infact "The wizard of Oz" has been read aloud by me, reread by my oldest, and we are on our second audio version. Good book can last a life time of readings.

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Thanks, everyone! I think I was wondering about the idea of *assigning* them, whether that was useless as a school thing, vs. *letting* him read them, but I don't think it will be useless to assign at least one.


I'm assigning them as a literature study (using FUFI) next year. I know parts will be familiar, but I'm sure there will be others that weren't remembered well, and new connections to make. There are lots of topics to cover that I wouldn't have thought of on my own, including vocabulary work, mythology, and cooking. I hope the recipe for Turkish Delight is good. I'm looking forward to making it.

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I'm assigning them as a literature study (using FUFI) next year. I know parts will be familiar, but I'm sure there will be others that weren't remembered well, and new connections to make. There are lots of topics to cover that I wouldn't have thought of on my own, including vocabulary work, mythology, and cooking. I hope the recipe for Turkish Delight is good. I'm looking forward to making it.


Hmmm, that's a great idea too. We're going to be doing the Prairie Primer as a family this year, but FUFI might be a good idea for later too.


ETA: Looking at FUFI, I can definitely see using it for the whole bunch of them in a year. By then, DD will be in 7th grade and old enough to read some of Lewis's other works (she's reread the Narnia books a few thousand times, LOL), DS1 will be in 4th grade and can read them to himself (or to DS2), and DS2 will be 5-6 and just a good age to hear them for the first time. And since we haven't done a lot of modern history yet but want to give DD an overview of that before she hits high school, that would fit well with Narnia too.

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Maybe this is a personal thing. I marvel at people who read a book over and over but I just can't do it - even with my favorite books. I certainly see the potential value in it especially for books you might have read many years ago and can now appreciate at a deeper level but I just haven't found the experience rewarding. I either end up skimming to the end or just dropping the book entirely - just can't seem to savor it the second time around.

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oh yes! I personally re-read the Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter series, and the Anne of Green Gables series over and over and over again. They are certainly like visiting old friends. I expect to read them aloud to my children in lower elementary and encourage them to read them again on their own when they're older.

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