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Chicken pox


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My son is covered with red spots. They look like a hundred little mosquito bites of various sizes all over his trunk, groin area and upper legs. No scabbing or pustules. Just started today. No fever, all he is is itchy. He had the chicken pox vaccine.


Could this be chicken pox? The websites that I've read say that yes it can present this way. They also say that he would be contagious for 10-14 days. Which totally would stink since dh and I have a trip to Denver planned, leaving on June 8. My mil was supposed to be watching my kids and she has lymphoma, so there's no way I'd leave an ill child with her.


Please say it's not CP.


He's outside alot. I am holding out hope that he's got a bad case of chiggers.

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Ok lets say chiggers. :D Chicken pox doesn't come on all at once, you get a few and a few more. And no pustules? You might well be in luck!


Keeping my fingers crossed!

It might not be chicken pox, but I'd sure check with your peditrician.


If he's still getting spotty by Friday I will do that. Everything I read says that the Dr. can't make a positive or negative diagnosis in the first day or two. If we see pustules, I will go and have it confirmed. Then I'll go home and cry. :(


Poor guy is so itchy. I've given him some allergy meds, but I bet he has a long night. (which means I will too. He's only 5) He's been clawing at his crotch all day.

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Pick a few spots and circle them with a sharpie. Then watch them over the next couple days and see how they develop.


Our experience was that even though the spots followed the chicken pox "protocol" to a "T", our dr. tried to come up with every and any other possible diagnosis because dd had the vaccine.

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There is a prescription medication for chigger bites, but I cannot remember the name of it right now. It takes the itching away immediately from chigger bites, so I would call and try to get some of that from the pedi. If it works, then you will know what you are dealing with and your son will feel better, and if it doesn't, then it is likely CP.

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Yay!! :) My youngest is the only one who had the vaccine, but she did get the chicken pox about two years later. It was a very light case though, which is what I've heard is what it usually is if you had the vaccine. Glad your son is better!

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