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Do all private water wells have a filter?


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We moved here a couple weeks ago and the water makes me sick like I have been glutened (celiac). I am the only one getting sick from the water and I'm very sensitive to CC of gluten. My step dad says there is no filter on the well but I thought they do. Some filters contain gluten which contaminate the water which would make a celiac sick. I am sure its the water, Im fine if I use bottled and im running to the bath room quickly if I drink the well water.

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Our well doesn't have a filter, but our pump in the water system here in the house certainly does. It's not very hard to change out and filters are not expensive. It would be a pretty easy thing to check.


My mom was sensitive to something in the city water here when they moved into town. She had excellent success using a Brita pitcher that looked like this one except that it wasn't green. She had to change filters every few months. It might be something to try if there is something in the well water that is irritating your digestive system.


ETA: I wonder if a water-flitration system would filtering fine enough for you. They aren't cheap though. Another option if you can find where the filter is in the system (could be a sediment filter or such) would be to replace it with a synthetic materials filter. More expensive, but you can avoid the natural fiber/gluten problem.

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I've never heard of a filter on the well itself but only inside the house or such, it would be a huge PITB to change out in the well and I cannot see doing so would be practical or really possible. You should be able to look at your water system where it comes into the house to see if it has a filter. I'd take your water to be tested though to test for any other issues. Personally I've never heard of gluten in water filters.

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Have you had the water tested yet? Do you know when the last test was done? There may be bacteria in the water that you are more sensitive to given your issues. You should have your well tested every year.


There can be filters in the well house or in house. Depends on the owner's preference.

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