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5th grade grammar recommendations

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I'd love to know what you've used and loved. This year we started with Kiss and dd did not like it. We ended up doing Grammarland and focusing on the 9 parts. I would be open to something that included lit/Lang arts activities or just straight grammar. Thanks for the recommendations.

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straight grammar: Rod & Staff.


My ds didn't like this when younger but after seeing all his options chose it this year and it's been great. It's deep grammar/diagramming. We both learned a LOT of grammar. He's doing 6 next year. And that says a lot!


Dd will use it for 5th next year as well.


I don't use combo programs so no idea on grammar/lit combo sorry.

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We really like Hake. It is thorough like Rod & Staff but secular. It contains spiral review (a lot, easy to skip some if preferred) in every lesson and teaches diagramming. All the teaching is in the student book - independent, complete, solid. If we didn't want diagramming instruction or needed less review, we'd still be using Easy Grammar, which I also really liked. Growing with Grammar didn't work well for us. The way the exercises are written, it is too easy to decipher the pattern for expected answers and complete the work without really understanding the concepts.

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We transitioned from FLL4 to R&S 5. It was a pretty easy transition. We do a separate writing program (WWS) so we skip the writing exercises. My only complaints are that it is just not as portable as FLL (the books are not available as PDF), and there aren't pre-made lesson pages. That said, we plan to continue next year with R&S 6 and I plan to follow the same plan with my other kiddos.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My dd has used Hake in 5th grade. She chose it because she felt it was most similar to FLL4. We've been happy with it. It is VERY thorough. A few weeks ago she started complaining about how long it took, so I started allowing her to do the evens on even days and the odds on odd days. I'm planning to go through Hake 8 and then be done with formal grammar.


I tried Growing With Grammar with my son, and it was a bust. It's so formulaic that all he had to do was look at the patterns of the sentences to figure out the answers. He didn't actually need to understand the concept, and he learned nothing. Also, there is a real lack of depth of language in GWG. The exercise sentences read as though they were written to be a grammar exercise sentences. One of the things I like about Hake it that it incorporates content information into the grammar instruction, so my dd is learning about other topics while learning grammar, and the sentences are "real," if that makes sense.



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Is there such a thing as love for a grammar text? LOL


I got tired of looking at the options, so I used Rod and Staff for 5th, after four years of FLL. We do not love it, but it gets the job done and doesn't take too long. I think I'm going to use it one more year and then do a couple years of either Analytical Grammar or Stewart English.

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We used FLL 4 for 5th grade grammar this year, and we'll use Jr. Analytical Grammar next year. I have R&S 5, and used it with my oldest, but my middle child gets overwhelmed by R&S and prefers to have a workbook curriculum.

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I agree with Taryn and Tara: I recommend Hake. My oldest has been using level 8 since February and it has been great for him - the best thing we've found since FLL4 four years ago. I like it hands down over Rod and Staff because it's spiral and the diagramming exercises are for the entire sentence, not just the sentence "frame." I tried R&S several times and felt we would never see the "forest for the trees" because each chapter focused on one part of speech and we rarely looked at sentences in their entirety. Most people say you don't have to do the whole lesson in R&S, but I never knew for sure how much repetition we really did need. I like that Hake has all the teaching and all the review in the student book - so there's no guessing how much to do. It's very easy to use and the spiral means he has to truly understand the concept in different sentences/usages. I agree with Tara that the content in Hake has been really nice too. In level 8 there have been tons of references to age appropriate classic literature.

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Does Jr. Analytical Grammar include diagramming?


Yes, Jr. AG includes diagramming.....

I am also wondering if FLL4 is best followed in content by Jr Analyt. Gramm. or the 6-12 "regular" AG... I feel so very overwhelmed by all the choices:-0!


I think that FLL4 will be just fine to use before Jr. AG....then move into AG for middle school. I plan to use Jr. AG for my 5th grader & then hopefully move her into AG that I already own for middle school. We have been very pleased with AG this year for my 7th grader and I'm looking forward to using the Jr. next school year!
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Thank you, Murrayshire! We are finishing FLL 4 right now and I am looking for a long term grammar plan (maybe that is idealistic?) and that is one reason I am attracted to AG: their high school reinforcement really appeals to me! But maybe that is putting the cart before the horses:-)

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I am also wondering if FLL4 is best followed in content by Jr Analyt. Gramm. or the 6-12 "regular" AG... I feel so very overwhelmed by all the choices:-0!



I think JAG would best follow FLL4, but I say that having never seen it (other than samples). I do have FLL 4 and AG, and I think that transition would be quite a leap in intensity for my boys. My 7th grader just started AG this month, and prior to that he had completed FLL3, FLL4, and two years of R&S 5. My 5th grader is finishing up FLL 4. Next year he'll do Essentials with Classical Conversations, and then my plan is to complete JAG before moving to AG.

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I think JAG would best follow FLL4, but I say that having never seen it (other than samples). I do have FLL 4 and AG, and I think that transition would be quite a leap in intensity for my boys. My 7th grader just started AG this month, and prior to that he had completed FLL3, FLL4, and two years of R&S 5. My 5th grader is finishing up FLL 4. Next year he'll do Essentials with Classical Conversations, and then my plan is to complete JAG before moving to AG.


Thank you, that is very helpful!:-)

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We just finished FLL4 and my girls are entering 6th grade. So again you all think JAG would be best to start with rather than regular AG?


Also how long do you plan to do AG and then what do you plan to do after regular AG? R and S? Hake? I want to save R and S for High school. I don;t think my kids or I could handle Rod and Staff in middle school and high school. It would be too much Rod and Staff for us.

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We just finished FLL4 and my girls are entering 6th grade. So again you all think JAG would be best to start with rather than regular AG?


Also how long do you plan to do AG and then what do you plan to do after regular AG? R and S? Hake? I want to save R and S for High school. I don;t think my kids or I could handle Rod and Staff in middle school and high school. It would be too much Rod and Staff for us.


I would start with JAG after FLL4. AG ramps up quick and moves fast IMO. If my oldest hadn't had R&S for two years already, I would have had him complete JAG first before moving on. My plan right now is to finish AG over two years and then move on to their high school reinforcements along with SAT/ACT type grammar prep.

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