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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm supposed to be tackling my day, but it's not going so well. I woke up this morning and realized that our weekly fellowship meeting was at my house. :ohmy:


We have gotten a lot of school done, but wash has not been put on, and I have to clean my house.


I need to tackle it, but I just want to sit and drink my coffee and try not to eat more cookies. :laugh:

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My only goal today is to get through ds's scholarship audition without throwing up from nervousness. I don't know why I'm such a basket case. The results are really somewhat inconsequential - a scholarship means a few more opportunities and free lessons (and a help to our budget) but also more stress and scheduling issues; no scholarship means things continue as they have been, which are really going just fine.


I did manage to shower, fix a button on my pants, and get through morning lessons.


Lunch - Mac and cheese, peas

Dinner - uh, leftovers?

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Wednesday is going well for me :)


The kids have gotten through morning work, YDS passed his phonics lesson and did well in math so that was a nice touch. I've done two loads of laundry, swept the main floor, and reheated soup for lunch.


We are going to do our "together" work (history today) and then the kids have some chores (ODS will wash the car - pollen, pollen EVERYwhere! -, and DD will wash lunch dishes). I'm going to grade this week's (yes *week*, don't judge me :p ) math, and hose down the porch and carport to get the awul day-glo yellow pollen off them.

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11:30 check in:


Changed the dressing on Libby the Disabled Wonder Dog's paw.

Library stuff all renewed or checked in.

School at library is almost all done.

I got caught up in grading Latin, Geometry, history/lit. and Logic.

I explained the cosmological argument to ds15 and impressed myself by being able to do so. (This was after telling myself that I wasn't fit to be a teacher while grading his history/lit. paper.)

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Schooling light today, dh's is on a new schedule for the next two weeks and its thrown me for a loop.


Made burgers for lunch, shoveled and salted the front walk, older girls are working on an essay.

Dd7 is laying down with me watching her favorite movie (Facing the Giants)


No clue what I am making for dinner I hate cooking when dh won't be home for dinner but there are 12 others who need to eat.


I thought about ordering pizza but I need 4 to feed this crew and I hate to send someone out in the snow just to deliver pizza because I'm feeling lazy.


I need to do more laundry of course it never ends I am behind for the day in that respect.


So Wednesday is kinda kicking my butt.

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3pm check-in:



get up & dressed


morning lessons

take daycare child #1 to preschool (9am)


get dinner in crockpot

2 loads of laundry

lunch (salad & smoothies)

take dd15 to Spanish class (12:30)

pick up daycare child #2 at her preschool (12:45)

pick up daycare child #1 at her preschool (1pm)

afternoon lessons

pick up dd15 from Spanish (2pm)

naptime for daycare child #2

finish school with ds and dd9



kids have choir & handbells at church (4:15-6pm)


older kids have Bible Study at church (6:30-8pm)

clean kitchen

fold & put away laundry


go to work (8:30pm-12:30am)


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Help me out ladies! I've fallen off the tackle wagon and in just few days it looks like a tornado has ripped through my house! What is going on??? I have a list to do every day and it's not overwhelming at all, but I just look at it and think "Eh, I can do that tomorrow." The only problem is that I do the same thing the next day. I did manage to exercise, do b'fast, lunch, dinner, school, take care of Han Solo and take my dog to the vet, but I didn't sweep and wipe down the bathrooms, fold the laundry, go get my int'l license (which I NEED), vacuum, dust the LR, or sweep my bedroom (all from yesterday's list). Crap.


I did find out tonight though that James Bond will be home a few weeks earlier than we thought (Hallelujah!), so maybe that will motivate me. I just don't know!


Tell me to get off my behind and go do something.

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Why, yes, I think I'll actually tackle Wednesday given that I'm out of procrastination time. I started by giving each big kid a long list of chores to do.


DD13 was given the tasks of cleaning the dishes from last night and then drying and putting them away. She was also to wipe down the counters and stove. Finally, she was to pick up her room and vacuum. Once that was done, she had the responsibility of making lunch and washing lunch dishes. All she has left is washing lunch dishes.


DS11 was given the tasks of clearing everything from the laundry room floor, sweeping it, and mopping. Then he was to vacuum the master bedroom very thoroughly. These two chores were assigned to him because each room has a litter box that he scoops each day, and he's careless about it, getting litter all over the floor. Then he had the job of pick up his room and vacuuming. He also had a load of laundry to fold and put away. He also had to scoop the litter boxes, empty the bathroom trash cans, and take out the garbage and recycling. He finished early and helped his sister by making dinner.


Meanwhile, I folded and put away 5 loads of clean laundry. I also got sick of my underwear/slip/swimsuit/bra/sock drawer being a jumbled mess, so I made and installed cardboard dividers. On the table for the rest of the day is another load or two of laundry, washing my bedding and remaking the bed, packing for my weekend away, grading DD13's math, picking up and vacuuming the living room and school room, dusting, cleaning two bathrooms, getting library books ready to take back (some need to stay), making dinner, and cleaning out the car.

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We left the house at 7 AM this morning. I managed to get diapers washed and into the dryer before we left. We took the bus to campus, dropped DS at daycare, and then took the train and bus to DD's counseling appointment at 9 AM. We took the bus a mile down the road to Safeway to get stuff for lunch, then back two stops to take her to her enrichment program where were hung out and ate a picnic together until it was time for her to go in for testing. Then I headed back to campus. I have class in a little over an hour. A friend is picking DD up from testing and taking her home.


DH will hopefully fix dinner as DS and I will get home with DS at about 7 this evening. Class is out at 5, I'll get him and head for the bus, and we'll stop in to Albertson's on the corner near our house for milk.


And my phone died on the bus on the way back up to campus. I need to start carrying the charger around with me.

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I'm in - just got home a bit ago from errands.


Took care of all Mom's Funeral stuff

Hit up goodwill and found the motherload of SL books for .50 each

did get a load of laundry dried this morning before we left.




Laundry - put away everything clean, start washing what isn't clean.

Photo my decluttered clothing and post on the local FB sale group

help dd finish her GS patch & put her earned patches on her uniform

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I like the way you think!!!





Wait, you guys are in WA? We're PCSing there this summer. Maybe I'll be close to you and we can have a liquid lunch.


BTW, I swept the baths. Blech.




Yeah, let us know when/where you'll be. I'm only 15 minutes from Lewis/McCord.

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