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Oklahomans, did you feel the earthquake this morning?

Excelsior! Academy

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Oh good grief. I should not have been able to feel that enough to wake me up? I woke up feeling startled. Looked at the clock real close to that time. Couldn't figure out why i was startled though, so I went to go potty and then went back to bed. Yes, I am an extremely light sleeper. Sigh.

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Well, THAT explains it! We must have felt the seismic waves this morning. My eldest DD is home with diarrhea that has magically gone away. She had woken up a little earlier than usual today, then spent a while on the toilet. We live near the Gulf Coast, and this has happened to us before -- a number of years back there was an earthquake in Kansas or someplace which disturbed our whole family's sleep, especially the kids', when the seismic waves reached us. That one also made us nauseous.


There's a website somewhere where people can report their earthquake experiences. Scientists use it to better understand the extent of effects and the timing of the spread of the waves. I'll have to go find it again -- I reported our experience last time, and we weren't the only ones this far away to have done so.

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There's a website somewhere where people can report their earthquake experiences. Scientists use it to better understand the extent of effects and the timing of the spread of the waves.



Found it! http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/

USGS collects the data. This page lists recent seismic events -- you can click on the Oklahoma one to go to that page, and there's a link there to report your experiences. There's also a button on the main page for reporting unknown events (events you can't ascribe to one of the listed events).

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Oh good grief. I should not have been able to feel that enough to wake me up? I woke up feeling startled. Looked at the clock real close to that time. Couldn't figure out why i was startled though, so I went to go potty and then went back to bed. Yes, I am an extremely light sleeper. Sigh.



Report your experience to the USGS -- they collect this data for seismologists to use. Go to http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/ and click on the Oklahoma event, then follow the link for reporting your experience. Startlement and queasiness are common effects noticed at a distance. Such reports help the seismologists know more about each quake.

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It made my tummy upset too, I wasn't sure if it was nerves or the shaking and rattling that happened.


I am annoyed that my dogs who patrol the yard for squirrels and roadrunners, and bark at the neighbors every time they come home, completely ignore earthquakes!

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Take heart Jen. One of my dog is a yapper except for tornados and earthquakes. He just quietly pees himself then. *eyeroll* We have a crate shoved in the back of the stairs a stuffed with pillows so he can burrow into his mental happy place when sirens go off.

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Well that's something. A furry ball of pee doesn't put up much resistance to anything. The mastiff though. Good grief. She runs to me when scared. Which would be fine if she also didn't try to climb me like a tree in flood waters. And there's no reasoning with her that the vacuum cleaner is not going to suck her up or that the cat can't do much damage without claws. It's like the elephant scared of the mouse!

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I'm trying to decide on whether or not to invest in a storm shelter. We just bought this place. We are about 15 miles east of Tulsa. Hardly anybody here has one. It would be a huge financial strain if we did get one, but our lives are worth it. You talk to people around here and nobody has used theirs (IF they have it, and most don't) in years and years.

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I'm trying to decide on whether or not to invest in a storm shelter. We just bought this place. We are about 15 miles east of Tulsa. Hardly anybody here has one. It would be a huge financial strain if we did get one, but our lives are worth it. You talk to people around here and nobody has used theirs (IF they have it, and most don't) in years and years.



Only takes once. I mean was it last year or the year before the one took out the neighborhood near piedmont? I bet if most of them could go back they'd have gotten the shelter. Just not worth the gamble unless I knew someone really close with one.

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I've lived here my entire life and never once made use of a storm shelter. Yes, we frequently get tornados, but it's rare to lose life in one here. An interior room or stairway is sufficient vast majority of the time.


However, I would offer the proviso that if you live in a trailer/mobile/prefab home - get a shelter. I don't care how nice it is or how anchored it it or what all else. As far as I'm concerned a mobile home is about as safe as a tin can during tornado season. It's fine to start a homestead with, with a really bad idea imnsho to do it without a shelter.

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We had a storm shelter put in our current house when we had it built 2 years ago. It is under the staircase landing. We have not needed it yet but we came very close to going one night when our town's tornado sirens were going off. It certainly provides for a lot of peace of mind and I feel it was totally worth the money.


I didn't know we had even had any earthquakes until I just recently read some online news. I grew up in Oklahoma and I don't ever remember hearing anything about any earthquakes around here. Yet Oklahoma has had earthquakes multiple times since we have lived here over the past 7 years. Does any one know if this is common for Oklahoma or is it unusual?

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If you have an interior bathroom, stairway, or closet I would probably consider that as safe enough while you saved up for a shelter or safe room, a neighbor with a basement would be a good choice too! Living in Tulsa I wasn't nearly as concerned about the tornadoes as I am now that we are in the wide open north of OKC.


We do have an under the stairs area as well, but I am so glad to have the storm shelter here too. Every single house around here does, which is a good thing IMO.

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We had a storm shelter put in our current house when we had it built 2 years ago. It is under the staircase landing. We have not needed it yet but we came very close to going one night when our town's tornado sirens were going off. It certainly provides for a lot of peace of mind and I feel it was totally worth the money.


I didn't know we had even had any earthquakes until I just recently read some online news. I grew up in Oklahoma and I don't ever remember hearing anything about any earthquakes around here. Yet Oklahoma has had earthquakes multiple times since we have lived here over the past 7 years. Does any one know if this is common for Oklahoma or is it unusual?




I have lived here my whole life, Ds has slept in the closet with his baseball helmet on a few nights of his life, and I know my parents carried me down to their basement several times as a child.


As far as earthquakes......those are new. :glare: :svengo:

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