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Exercise thread 4/7-4/13


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did my yoga practice. 1ds didn't join me. But I love how I'm feeling. over the weekend, it felt like a whole chunk of something disappeared from the upper part of my throat next to my jaw. dh does say he can tell I'm getting slimmer. (my clothes say that too.)

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I've been gardening every day, cleaning up and weeding with some digging, for an hour or so. We had some rain overnight so I may not be able to garden today depending on how wet the beds are (I don't like to step into the wider beds when they are wet because the soil can compress too much.) If I don't garden, I will do No More Trouble Zones with my new weights :D

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Nothing yesterday. This morning I got up early(!) to run. Just as predicted my little one got up and wanted to go. Guess how long it takes to get a 4 yr old ready? You can't rush a still-not-fully-awake preschooler. I don't know about anyone else but my kids are *slow* to perk up. Then, of course, he didn't like the first three pairs of underwear I tried to put on him. We had to hunt for the shoes that he just had to wear. Then after walking out the door he decided he had to go potty after two minutes after saying he didn't right before we walked outside. By that time my older two were up and they wanted to join. They were faster as they don't even bother with finding clean underwear.


So we spent a half hour running, walking, racing, jumping, and playing (I was the bad guy and Spiderman was after me) on the dirt road in front of our house. I'm sure the neighbors going to work must wonder just what we crazy homeschoolers do all day. I call that recess.


Will try to get my workout in this afternoon, but I have to take the kids shoe shopping for upcoming piano recitals. Sigh. Apparently, flip flops won't cut it for the recital.

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Crossfit this morning. Today, Trainer N decided my daughter and I needed to 1) have deeper push-ups and 2) do them on our toes. So she had us use the bands as a backpack and hook it to a pull up bar to give us a little extra support. UGH. In better news, we had an AMRAP work out (after warm-up and jumproping). AMRAP stands for "as many rounds as possible." Well, they told us that they wanted us to do three and that there would be a penalty if we didn't make it to three (there were murmurings of burpees!). Both my big kids and I made five entire rounds! Post-WOD was 2000m row (or a certain run, but I almost always choose row over run).


BTW, yesterday, I hurt my toe really really bad. I thought maybe I broke it. Last evening, I couldn't even wear my shoe without dying. I pushed through this morning (well, I wimped out of most of the warm-up). At some point, the pain was so bad, it wasn't so bad, if that makes any sense. It actually feels better now though it is nasty looking (red, bruised, swollen). Well, now I just touched it and thought I'd go through the roof. UGH.


Anyway, this morning, we're going to hit a few garage sales and go to Costco (need grass-fed butter and paper towels...probably will get some chicken and bacon too). This afternoon, Tumbler has her last meet. That will be extra cool as she always gets the highest vault and floor scores and now she has a chance at a half-decent bar score too!


I need to run this puppy of mine before she drives us batty too.

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did yoga, so that's 4xs. ds is sick, so he's not doing any with me this week. I'm getting where how I feel (and what can I wear from the back of my closet next week? :drool5: ) is starting to be motivation instead of dangling a professional massage in front of my nose.


tomorrow - my goal is to do the pilates dvd for my 5th day - full modified while I'm learning the routine, then I'll have it so all levels are shown. (last week, I did yoga for my 5th 'cause I'm familiar with the routine.) most isn't too bad, but a couple positions :ohmy: :eek: . once I'm really comfortable with this - I may or may not trade off workouts between the two as they do work some different muscle groups. my goal is workout 5 - 6 times per week.

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I have had a weird week. I ended up using a treadmill and an elliptical trainer. What a waste of money! Ack! I would hate exercise too if that's all I had to look forward to! What enthusiasm killers.



I feel the same way about ellipticals. I've never really used a treadmill but I imagine it's about the same. The only stationary equipment I don't mind is a bike.


I'm debating if I should take some motrin and go for a light run or not.

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okay , , ,I did Pilates today. my goal is yoga 4x, and pilates onces - at least until I'm comfortable with the routine. (so this is the second time I've done pilates) I think I'm back to dangling a massage in front of my nose. other than it's not as interesting as my yoga practice - there are a couple positions (hips) my body does not want to do. just keep repeating - this will be good for me. :tongue_smilie: I have given myself permission to not do them 10x, but just as many as I can.

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