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Word Problem Supplements


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We are currently using Rod and Staff for 3rd Math and planned to continue with it for 4th, but it's very light on word problems. What would be good to supplement with to cover word problems? The only thing I thought of was LOF, but I don't know if that would fit the bill.

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LOF is a fun supplement, but the elementary series hasn't struck me as particularly heavy on problem-solving.


Some programs that I have heard others use for problem-solving are:

  • Singapore's Challenging Word Problems. (Sometimes these are used a year behind because they're tough.)
  • Zaccaro's Primary Grade Challenge Math / Challenge Math


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We use Singapore CWP. Agree with using one year behind, they are definitely challenging. I've also used Kumon word problems, they are simpler but to me it felt like the skill level jumped around a bit so we didn't finish the book we were in. After we've finished our current CWP we'll probably get out the Kumon book again for a change of pace.

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The R&S 4 book is much heavier on word problems. I thought the same thing that you did, that the 3rd grade book was light on word problems, so I ordered CWP 3 for my daughter to use along with the R&S 4 book. I started it midway throught the school year and my daughter thought I was nuts; it wasn't any more difficult than the word problems in her textbook. Different, maybe, but no more difficult. The problem solving skills that are taught in the 4th (and 5th) grade books are excellent, and there are word problems in every single lesson. We dropped the CWP book after a few weeks because it was a waste of time for her, they weren't challenging.


During this time we also checked out several prealgebra programs (just out of curiosity), and she was also able to easily solve the honors word problems for MUS prealgebra sample that was posted on the website. R&S is very, very good at teaching word problems!

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I'm going to try CWP with my third grader next year, but you might also check out the Franklin Institute's website -- they have a lot of free word problem sheets. Might be a bit above your student, but there are a lot on there.


Where are they on the website? That website is huge. If you could steer me in a direction, I would appreciate it! The homeschool programs look great, but they are pricey!

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can u tell me more about this? Process Skills and Problem Solving

Process Skills in Problem Solving teaches strategies for solving word problems (including the bar model method) in an explicit, incremental fashion. The student is introduced to a type of problem, and then shown how to apply a specific strategy to it. Then the student does a few similar problems, and moves on to the next strategy to practice. I have found the books helpful for me as a teacher to understand how those bar models actually work, and to give my daughters a gentle introduction or extra reinforcement. I'm not having them do every problem in the book, but we're using enough to help us select strategies ... and then apply those to the Challenging Word Problems.

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Here you go: http://www.fi.edu/math/index.html


Some other sites (geared toward algebra, since that's what I was looking for for my DD, but the sites may have other types too):








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