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Easter Desserts: Cheesecake, lowfat & chocolate...

Michelle My Bell

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I am in charge of desserts this year so I need some recommendations. Here is what I need:


Cheesecake: I found one that looks pretty good but I am open to more ideas.


Lowfat: My mom is having issues with her gallbladder so she can't have anything with a lot of fat in it. I have no idea what to make for this one.


Chocolate: You always need to balance it all with chocolate. :) I don't want brownies or cookies however.


Any thoughts?

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This is an awesome, easy cheesecake dessert I made for Palm Sunday dinner, the family reunion, pretty much everything. If you don't want it very coffee flavored, just use regular brewed coffee and it will be slightly coffee flavored. I think it is best as the recipe says though.



What about a jello with fruit in it for low fat?


Chocolate chip cookie sandwhiches?

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well - we have a killer chocolate cheesecake recipe. or a chocolate mousse cake. as for low fat, some kind of topping on meringues? (you bake the meringue until it is dried out. then leave it in the oven overnight so it is really dried out. put the topping on right before serving. we use a mock Devon crème, but that might have too much fat.)

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A fruit crisp would be low fat. I've done apple cranberry for christmas, but you could do peach or berry for easter. I have even used frozen fruit. I toss with a little bit of sugar, and then top with a crumble made of oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and a bit of butter. But it is mostly fruit, so low fat.


I've also done small sponge cakes or angle food cake slices topped with a fruit mixture and a bit of a glaze....I did one that was strawberries and mandarin oranges, mixed with a bit of honey. I put those on the cake slice and then drizzled over a glaze I'd made from orange juice and sugar.

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