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Coughing, missing sleep.


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Ahhhhh! Every night this week I go to bed between 8-10pm then wake up after an hour or two feeling wide awake coughing my butt off. Then, I stay up till 4:30/5 when dh gets up for work. Then sleep till 7. I have some health issues (I'll skip the details) but I'm very prone to colds when we have drastic changes in the weather. This is cold #3 in just a mere 6 weeks. I take supplements, Vit C and melatonin to help with sleep. I am so tired and grumpy. I don't know if I'm asking for advice or just complaining here. I would be thrilled with a solid 6 hours of sleep!

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Do you/could you have asthma? Oldest went through months of coughing and colds and I never connected the dots. I was skeptical still even in the beginning until I realized her meds and inhaler were helping her sleep better. She's a different kid now.

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Does sound like asthma. Try sleeping partially propped up.


Eta. Try antihistamine and see if that helps. I used to sometimes use pseudroephrideine in cold products too before they banned it here.


But if it goes on much longer seek medical advice etc.

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Does sound like asthma. Try sleeping partially propped up.


Eta. Try antihistamine and see if that helps. I used to sometimes use pseudroephrideine in cold products too before they banned it here.


But if it goes on much longer seek medical advice etc.


Oh my! Where are you? I would be very upset if pseudophedrine were banned! Earlier this week I asked my doctor about the new meds they put on the shelf to replace it. (I can't take it at night b/c it keeps me awake.) She told me not to even bother b/c the new one does not work. I take pseudophedrine during the day if my sinuses are bad and it is a real life saver.



OP, coughing at night is horrible. I end up like that when I have a sinus infection. I've tried lots of different things and sometimes they help, sometimes they don't. I've used a vaporizer, kept the window open, taken Nyquil or a cough suppressant, and slept with my head elevated. I hope you get some better sleep soon.

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The new ones do work, just not as well. I took real sudaphed for years until the anxiety from it was too much


There is a bottle of NyQuil next to my bed at all times exactly for this reason. The new NyQuil (they reformulated when sudaphed went behind the counter) is not as effective as the old one, but it will stop the cough and let me sleep. I don't measure, but take a swig which is definitely less than the reconnected dose, and ill still have a hangover the next day, but sleep is crucial

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The new ones do work, just not as well. I took real sudaphed for years until the anxiety from it was too much


There is a bottle of NyQuil next to my bed at all times exactly for this reason. The new NyQuil (they reformulated when sudaphed went behind the counter) is not as effective as the old one, but it will stop the cough and let me sleep. I don't measure, but take a swig which is definitely less than the reconnected dose, and ill still have a hangover the next day, but sleep is crucial


Hmmm...the new stuff does nothing for me that I can notice, which is why I wanted my Dr's opinion. My doctor said it doesn't constrict the blood vessels in the nasal passages which is why it isn't effective. She buys only the real thing. My previous doctor told me I just thought it wasn't working b/c I was really looking for a high. :confused1: Umm, no. I just wanted sinus relief. One of many reasons I found a new doctor.


Sorry OP, back to the original subject.

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I was told when I was younger that I had "exercise induced asthma" I get wheezy when jogging and such but never have needed an inhaler for daily use or anything. I got some night time robatussin (sp?) and took 10 mg melatonin hoping that gets me sleeping tonight.


I thought it could be pneumonia again (I had it back in October) because my cough is kinda raspy tonight.


We just moved a little over 6 weeks ago and our health insurance with dh's new job starts May 1st so I'm trying my best to not rack up medical expenses.


Here's to a good nights sleep! (I hope)

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Sinucleanse/neti pot. Rinse sinuses before bed so drainage doesn't choke you while sleeping. Rinse in the a.m., too, and a few times throughout the day.


Honey/onion syrup - chop a small amount of white onion, put in tiny bowl, cover with honey, cover bowl. After 5 hours or so, strain out the onion and poor the honey into a small bottle. Take a tablespoon of it and refrigerate the rest. Seems to work as well or better than non-prescription cough syrup.


Sleep in slippers and gloves to keep warm. Some coughs are brought on by cool temps.



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