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Quirky/Unique Birthday party requests from your kids?


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My son turns 5 tomorrow. We told him we would take the family anywhere he'd like and let him choose. (I thought for sure it would be the John's Incredible Pizza Party place or the swim center.)


He chose the Rock Museum! (Not Rock & Roll, just Rock.)


He wants to "show daddy all the minerals".


I love that he loves this stuff, I know it's not necessarily just because we homeschool, but we do take advantage of the time to explore together and develop his quirky interests.


How about your kids? Any fun/unique party requests? (I may be stealing some ideas for future years!)

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My son once had a "Recycled Art Party". His idea. (I swear!) He wanted to pick up trash in the neighborhood and make art from it. He suggested that pre-used gifts would be wonderful (he had lots of older friends through his siblings, so the gently used books and toys were perfect for him). Everyone had a fabulous time. The kids went out with adults and ended up finding, among other things, a big wooden box. When they brought it back to our place, instead of everyone making a piece of art, that box became a space ship and the kids nailed things on it and painted and played with it. It got left at our house for our son and he played with it for months! He was 7 or 8 at the time. We also dipped candles from candle stubs and did a couple other things, but that spaceship trumped it all! One of the other kids even asked if it was okay to borrow the party idea later!

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My son's 18th. We were open to a bigger celebration and thought he'd opt for a group gettogether, but he wanted a quiet day full of familiar childhood favorites to close that chapter. He did a Star Wars marathon and I fixed him up with favorite foods from years back: Kraft mac and cheese, Teddy Grahams, Goldfish Crackers, etc. It was sweet.

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Ds had a Star Wars party once, not unusual. But we had a friend who was into costumes and wore his Darth Vader costume as a surprise. A ton of 8 year old boys had a nice light saber battle with Darth Vader, it was a hoot. The previous year we went to the local firehouse for a tour (pre-planned). That was fun and informative.

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One year my kids (I have 3 with birthdays within 5 days of each other) did a backpack party-


And I thought having 3 (5 if you count the adults) birthdays 7 weeks apart was nutty. WOW! Three in one week is almost like having your own major holiday!


BTW - I am in love with your backpack party. What a fun idea!

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My 4yo wanted a donut cake for his last birthday. I don't know how he got the idea, because we don't donuts very often at all, but he really wanted one. So I used my bundt cake pan and frosted it with pale orange frosting (he's my October baby, our little pumpkin) and added sprinkles. He was so delighted (and it really did look like a large donut)!


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I just posted about my dd's 6th birthday party. She wanted a Mister Rogers party and she insisted on dressing like Mister Rogers. I had to redo her hair because it didn't have enough of a "swoop" and she wanted it to look more like Mister Rogers!

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