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Prayers/good thoughts needed: Horse related


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My horse Jeaux coliced this morning. Ran him to the vet where he immediately started seizing after Banamine was administered and continued for almost 4 minutes. Had to have another drug to calm him and then some valium because the vet couldnt get him tubed if he wasnt calm enough. He still wasnt very calm but we snubbed him to the stocks and got it in. He hasnt passed anything much yet but atleast hes interested in eating and drinking now...its going to be a long night though.


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I am glad you caught it early. I hope he gets better soon. As someone who is having to bottle feed three newborn puppies because their momma does not have enough milk. I get the stress and exhaustion of having to be up at night too. Don't you have to keep walking them if the have colic? Please keep us updated.

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He's passed some 'apples' now, so now we walk a while, rest for longer, walk some more and rest...repeat through the night. With colic, you walk to get the gut moving and the mineral oil (that you tube into their stomach) worked into the intestines to help move things along. Once that happens you can start putting in periods of rest and walking.

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So far so good today. He got walked and checked on throughout the night. The four wheeler was my friend yesterday; I'm so glad he walks along willingly with it. He was passing small compacted poo and then it slowly progressed to softer and softer, but still small amounts. He has lovely gut sounds that I can hear when I stand near him :) Always a good sign!


I gave him a handful of pellets to see if he was interested-he of course was :) . He really is a piggy. I will slowly introduce his pelleted ration (safe choice) over the next week. He has 24/7 turnout so it will keep his gut moving. I believe it was a weather change (high 70's to 80's for almost a week and then it dropped low again) . I am going to start him on a psyllium/probiotic type supplement to try and avoid this in the future. I was looking through his old records and he had small minor suspected colics 3 other times over the last 12 years when he belonged to my neighbor ( & best friend). She kept meticulous records on him and though I predominantly rode him I only knew of one such episode. She never called the vet, just walked him out and administerd Banamine. I now have a fresh tube of it in the drawer just in case...

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I have my two on Kaufmann's Equine Gold. it was recommended by a horse friend that i totally trust. just started them both this past week. I especially like it because our mare (who had never colicked in the 6 years we owned her, and has colicked twice now in just over a year) should do well on it. i think her colics were weather related too. You might want to check the stuff out especially since (not sure where you live but) we're going to be starting to go on pasture soon. Hope everything is okay with your gelding.

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I have my two on Kaufmann's Equine Gold. it was recommended by a horse friend that i totally trust. just started them both this past week. I especially like it because our mare (who had never colicked in the 6 years we owned her, and has colicked twice now in just over a year) should do well on it. i think her colics were weather related too. You might want to check the stuff out especially since (not sure where you live but) we're going to be starting to go on pasture soon. Hope everything is okay with your gelding.



I'll check it out. Thanks. Mine are on pasture 24/7 and it doesn't grow rich so no worries there. They get hay all winter, but again, it's cut from our pasture so it's not overly rich either. The 4 horses I own are mostly easy keepers. The older ones, Jeaux at 16 and Cadence at 19, require a little more feed, but they don't get more than 1 scoop twice a day right now (except for Jeaux who is going to go gradually back up), free choice pasture and the hay if needed. Free choice salt and combo mineral blocks as well, but I'm actually going to add some salt to his ration to help him drink more as that will also help gut function (unless the supplement I decide on already has salt). I'm looking at various ones right now.

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