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could I just have a hug (female content) and some ideas??


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So, I'll be 51 in a couple months. Started perimenopause at 42. It has been a rough road. IF I made it just a couple more weeks, I would have gone 6 months without a cycle. No such luck. On the day I was scheduled to meet with my doc and lower my hrt dosage, my cycle started. 160 days. I kept the appt and the doc did make some adjustments, but he said it was going to be a challenging 3-4 days for me.


Over the past couple years, I have been reluctant to schedule much or commit to much due to the major cycle problems. I never knew when, how long, how heavy, how bad the migraine, or how severe the fatigue would be. Or how often it would happen. I've kept dds in their activities but I have not signed myself up to teach, host, or lead a group. Until I found out 2 weeks ago that a host home was needed this weekend for dd's high school group. I thought to myself, "It has been nearly 6 months, I feel good. I can provide a host home and a meal for 20 teens and 8 adults. Sure! I can do that for the high school group." Until yesterday.


I just feel like I've been hit with a bad practical joke. Instead of looking forward to a fun activity, I'm now dreading it. I knew cleaning and cooking for everyone would take effort and preparation, but I felt confident it would be a good thing. I would be stepping back into an active participatory roll rather than a side lines onlooker. Dd would have her new friends in her house, most for the first time. I would be able to get to know the familes more. We moved a year and a half ago and I am still "the new kid" here. Everyone is crazy busy here. No one has time to come over for a cookout or game night or some such activity to get to know the new family. I thought this would be a good "ice breaker."


So, I need a virtual hug. My long time IRL gfs are either crazy busy or away on spring break. My new gfs here are either crazy busy, too young to understand (or transitioned into menopause easily), or don't appreciate just how long an ordeal this has been for me.


I could also use some quick, easy, feed large group ideas. I can't cook during the meeting since we have an open floor plan and the living room is open to the kitchen. So, all prep needs to be done prior to the meeting. My original plan:


plate of grapes and cheese cubes

bags of "bag" salad tossed into a bowl

spaghetti with meat sauce kept warm in a crockpot

slices of bread

brownies for dessert


Does that sound like it will work? I will go to the market tomorrow and fix the brownies. I'll prepare the spaghetti and meat sauce early and have it in the crock prior to the kids arriving so I can clean up the kitchen. The meeting is from 4:30-5:45, then dinner, so I can rest during the meeting time if I need to lie down. Dds will help of course, but dh will not be available.



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Your meal sounds good. I'd make it as easy as possilble. This is definitely a time when convenience is worth spending a little more. Have your DDs prepare the grapes and cheese. Just empty the bags of salad into a bowl and put out bottles of dressing. Buy jarred sauce and mix it with some ground beef for the sauce. Your DDs should be able to take care of most of it ahead of time and clean the kitchen. Store-bought, pre-sliced bread and store-bought brownies or brownie mix would be just fine.

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:grouphug: I can relate to the issues surrounding your cycle. I've been fortunate that pcp have helped me tremendously. But :grouphug: :grouphug: for you...how frustrating for you. Do as much as you can while you're feeling okay and have your kids help you as much as possible. Hope it all turns out okay.

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I totally relate! I'm so tired of not being able to volunteer for activities, of not knowing if I can leave the house, or when. I had 2 months of bliss, and bam! And of course, I wake up to a txt from a friend who is currently out of state, wanting to know of her dh can drop off her two young kids for a couple of hours today. Thankfully, she found someone before I got back to her.


Your meal plan sounds great- nothing your dd can't handle alone of necessary! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


ETA: I wanted to mention magnesium. I started taking a supplement a few months ago, that has magnesium and selenium among other things. It's actually a thyroid booster. My cycle got much better, more manageable, and down to nothing, but they ran out, and I haven't taken it in over a month. I do notice a difference when I take magnesium though. Hope that helps.

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I totally relate! I'm so tired of not being able to volunteer for activities, of not knowing if I can leave the house, or when. I had 2 months of bliss, and bam! And of course, I wake up to a txt from a friend who is currently out of state, wanting to know of her dh can drop off her two young kids for a couple of hours today. Thankfully, she found someone before I got back to her.


Your meal plan sounds great- nothing your dd can't handle alone of necessary! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


ETA: I wanted to mention magnesium. I started taking a supplement a few months ago, that has magnesium and selenium among other things. It's actually a thyroid booster. My cycle got much better, more manageable, and down to nothing, but they ran out, and I haven't taken it in over a month. I do notice a difference when I take magnesium though. Hope that helps.



Which magnesium are you taking? I've tried Calm, but it doesn't seem to do much.


I'm in the same boat with IRL friends. Everyone seems to need something from me at the moment and no one (IRL) has much they can offer to help me. Honestly though some of my IRL gfs are going through some heavy "stuff" and I wish I could be more help to them...

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Unfortunately, mine is is a store brand. For Goodness Sake and it's called Thyroid Support.

This list of ingredients are:


A-2500 iu,

C-30 mg,

D-400 iu,

B6- 15 mg,

folic acid- 400mcg,

iodine-300 mcg (from kelp),

Magnesium (as oxide, amino acid chelate)-100mg

zinc (as monomethionine ?)10 mg... (having trouble reading fine print)





Green tea extract-60 mg

Gugulpid extract- 150 mg

Bacopin leaf extract-100 mg

ashwaganda root extract-100 mg


Not sure on the spelling on a few of those- tiny print and old eyes! I was also eating a lot of baby spinach in salads and eating broccoli several times a week, which I need to get back to. IDK if it will help you, but it sure seemed to help me, and I've seen others mention magnesium several times!

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