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7/31 Runners/Walkers/Swimmers/Bikers

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We must ahve posted at the same time.... Looks like you had a great run. Hills are a burner but they are great for the legs. I try to hit the big one by me atleast twice as much as I hate it. Igot 30min run/jog in that I really did not want to do but it's done and I can go on with my day.

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Great job Scarlett! We don't have hills here, but I read in Runner's World that you are supposed to take smaller steps and move your arms more and it will help with the hills. I was at my parent's house last week and they have a hill and I did that and was able to run it all.


I did a quick 2 mile today because I'm going to do a long run (for me) tomorrow. And, I wore my new running skirt!! I still need to do my crunches.

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Hot and humid. But I did run.


First, my theory test - 31 minutes yesterday and 1/2 pound down today. So it's still working out!


Today, like I said - soup! I ran 35 minutes, iPod said it was 2.57 miles for an average pace 10:47 (I think). I ran my "extra" loop backwards today - not a good thing. Running down steps on legs that tend toward shin splits - the last 1/2 I hurt. I finished and they weren't as bad as they have been in the past.


Scarlett, was it you who wondered about fats/medium/slow pace? When I say I'm slow, it means several things. (1) My pace will not win any age group awards. (2) My pace is not what it was when I was running competitively in high school or college, or even what it was before my last child was born! (3) It just feels slow. Even though I think my average pace today was good, it felt slow to me: I know I was shuffling along at times.

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Today's a rest day (well, from running, anyway;)) for me. I tried earlier to do some very easy crunches and my abs just couldn't tolerate it. Such a bummer to be in shape and still have this stomach "stuff" to deal with. Later I'll ride bikes with the boys a few miles up to town and back for their swim lessons. Have a great day, all!:)

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I'll be doing 2 miles later on this afternoon. I should've gotten up early and went, but I was so stinkin' tired!!! There's a heat advisory for this afternoon, so it won't be pleasant. Oh well.


It was 80 here right at 6:30 this morning. I'm glad I ran before that. :tongue_smilie:

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I did six miles in 48 minutes and it was hot as freakin' blazes!:ack2: I actually wrung my tank top out when I got home. :ohmy:


I have a great mix on my iPod shuffle though, so it was tolerable. It's hard to be cranky when Bruce is yelling Born to Run in your ear.;)

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I did six miles in 48 minutes and it was hot as freakin' blazes!:ack2: I actually wrung my tank top out when I got home. :ohmy:


I have a great mix on my iPod shuffle though, so it was tolerable. It's hard to be cranky when Bruce is yelling Born to Run in your ear.;)


Girl, you are singin' my song!!!! :D I just have to get my own mp3 player; I don't like half of what ds has on his, although I do appreciate that he lets me borrow it for my runs. But he doesn't like Springsteen. Where did I go wrong?!?!? :confused:

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I did six miles in 48 minutes and it was hot as freakin' blazes!:ack2: I actually wrung my tank top out when I got home. :ohmy:


I have a great mix on my iPod shuffle though, so it was tolerable. It's hard to be cranky when Bruce is yelling Born to Run in your ear.;)


Great job Elaine! :thumbup:

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My dog and I left the house at 7:10am and walked briskly (no jogging today). We got back at 8:15! I say I did an hour, since we had to stop little bits here and there for the dog to do his thing! ;)


I left a note for the kids, but when I got home, none of them were up yet! It felt good to get in an hour brisk walk (up and down hilly neighborhood areas), and a shower before the first one popped their head out! :D


Good job to you all! Thanks for the encouragement, it's cuz of you guys that I made it out this morning!

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I have walked 8 miles this morning and did 20 minutes of weights, crunches and push-ups. Great day! I have to take dh to the dentist this afternoon so I had to get most of my workout done this morning. I will walk another 2 miles this evening. I did mix ina bit of running to get my heart rate up. I usually walk a 4.1 rate.

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I did a total of 3 miles, walking 5 minutes to start and 5 minutes at the end, running the entire rest of the way! The farthest yet! It was hot and humid though. My hair looked like I had taken a shower b/c it was so wet!

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I have walked 8 miles this morning and did 20 minutes of weights, crunches and push-ups. Great day! I have to take dh to the dentist this afternoon so I had to get most of my workout done this morning. I will walk another 2 miles this evening. I did mix ina bit of running to get my heart rate up. I usually walk a 4.1 rate.



ARe you doing any marathons? I am hoping to be ready for a 10K in the fall. I am working on breaking my 4mile mark and make it 5miles straight run w/o walk breaks by the end of next week. We are now in the hottest humidest time here in N AL so I'll have to get out earlier if I don't want to drown in sweat. It's killing me not to do weights but my arm is getting better. Thankfully I had left over Motrin 800mg. I'll start my weights again Monday with lighter weights fewer reps.

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I did six miles in 48 minutes and it was hot as freakin' blazes!:ack2: I actually wrung my tank top out when I got home. :ohmy:


I have a great mix on my iPod shuffle though, so it was tolerable. It's hard to be cranky when Bruce is yelling Born to Run in your ear.;)


Okay, I want to be like runninggirl and you!:hurray:

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Girl, you are singin' my song!!!! :D I just have to get my own mp3 player; I don't like half of what ds has on his, although I do appreciate that he lets me borrow it for my runs. But he doesn't like Springsteen. Where did I go wrong?!?!? :confused:


That boy needs his head examined!:lol:

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Boston, Journey and REO you say. OK, I can overlook the Bruce issue.;)


I know, I know...but Thunder Road is my all-time favoritest bestest ever song. Ever. Of all time. I think I should put that on my mp3 player (whenever I get one) and just run to that....over and over and over again.


Back to the point: it is beyond me how anyone -- but especially one of my own -- can not at least like Thunder Road. :tongue_smilie:


Roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair... :auto:

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I am very pleased. Now keep in mind I am a slow runner and have only been running for about half a year but I have cut 7 minutes from my 5 km route from the first time I ran it until today (today I cut one minute from my run compared to yesterday's run). I am still in need of loosing some weight so I'm looking forward to being lighter and running faster.


Funny thing is yesterday I was feeling like throwing in the towel. I felt old and kind felt like just eating chips instead of working so hard. I resisted and today I'm back to working hard!

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I am very pleased. Now keep in mind I am a slow runner and have only been running for about half a year but I have cut 7 minutes from my 5 km route from the first time I ran it until today (today I cut one minute from my run compared to yesterday's run). I am still in need of loosing some weight so I'm looking forward to being lighter and running faster.


Funny thing is yesterday I was feeling like throwing in the towel. I felt old and kind felt like just eating chips instead of working so hard. I resisted and today I'm back to working hard!


Great job Rose! Hanging in there does pay off! :)

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I am very pleased. Now keep in mind I am a slow runner and have only been running for about half a year but I have cut 7 minutes from my 5 km route from the first time I ran it until today (today I cut one minute from my run compared to yesterday's run). I am still in need of loosing some weight so I'm looking forward to being lighter and running faster.


Funny thing is yesterday I was feeling like throwing in the towel. I felt old and kind felt like just eating chips instead of working so hard. I resisted and today I'm back to working hard!


What a difference a day makes! WTG!!

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The one benefit to being older is that I've been around the block on a lot of fad things and this time it really has become a way of life (sounds corny but true). I eat great and love it. Sometimes enjoy treats and don't feel guilty (most of the time). And exercise regularly and am challenged by it and feel so good. But occasionally there's those off days. (Probably due to lack of sleep.)


Tomorrow I'm going to try and fit in a run in the morning. Mornings are not as easy for me but I know it would be much easier on my schedule!

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Great Job Brindee!

Thankyou so much! I wonder if I can do it again in the morning??? :001_smile:



I am very pleased. Now keep in mind I am a slow runner and have only been running for about half a year but I have cut 7 minutes from my 5 km route from the first time I ran it until today (today I cut one minute from my run compared to yesterday's run). I am still in need of loosing some weight so I'm looking forward to being lighter and running faster.


Funny thing is yesterday I was feeling like throwing in the towel. I felt old and kind felt like just eating chips instead of working so hard. I resisted and today I'm back to working hard!

That's so great! I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel....just look what you would've missed! :001_smile: Keep at it girl! I come here in the morning to get inspired, then I hope I keep following through with exercising! Your story is quite inspirational!
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