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Do we have a right to know where our MD went to med school?

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Hi all,


Popping in to ask a quick question: Do we have a right to know where a doctor (MD specifically) went to medical school? Or are they allowed to withhold that information if they desire?


If we have a right to know - can you share where you got this info, or where I can find it on the Internet. I must be looking in the wrong places. Thanks, everyone.



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As in a legal right? I don't think so, but I've never really looked into it. But if your doctor is keeping that from you that would be very weird and I would run away. It's certainly your right to decide what qualifications you would like your physician to have, and to choose accordingly.


If you are concerned about the quality of the physician, I would look more closely at the residency than the med school, personally. The residency programs screen based on med school as well as performance in med school and on exams. So that would be my litmus test.

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Thanks, Amy. I was hoping you would answer this.


Unfortunately, it's too late to "run away", though I'd like to! I'm having issues with where my mammograms are sent. They're not reading them on site. The radiology/imaging center has a lot of complaints against them, which I didn't realize until after my mammo. Not sure if you remember biopsy and all I went through last year. Well, long story short: The imaging center is sending my films to a radiologist that I can't locate anywhere on the Web and, after lying about where he went to med school, they are now refusing to tell me where he went and what his credentials are. There's more to it than that but...


I hate being lied to!


Especially when it involves my microcalcified bre*sts!



Thanks again,


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I agree that you may not have a legal right, but there should be no reason a doctor would want to hide it. I also agree that where your MD did his/her internship & residency is very important. Top students usually get top places, but there's more than that. Finally, I want to say that unless it's a notoriously disreputable school, the doctor's ability isn't necessarily directly related to his school. Case in point, my dad, who went to a med school that is not only not famous, but he was in its first graduating class. Yet he was offered a position of the chief of surgery residency program at one of CA's top hospitals--and he didn't even apply for it. They remembered him from his times of residency there (he did his residency during sabbiticals and later did a year of something else there.)

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Look up your state's medical board online & see if they have a registry of licensed MDs.


For example, here's the one for the state of GA. When you enter a specific dr., the info includes their educational background, residency, etc.... Perhaps your state will have something similar?

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Hi all,


Popping in to ask a quick question: Do we have a right to know where a doctor (MD specifically) went to medical school? Or are they allowed to withhold that information if they desire?


If we have a right to know - can you share where you got this info, or where I can find it on the Internet. I must be looking in the wrong places. Thanks, everyone.



ASK! I know a lot about each of our doctors, both in interviewing them and in general conversation during a visit. If someone chose to not provide the information, I'd find a new doctor.

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Why not just ask your physician? If he's above board, he won't hesitate to tell you. He would have no reason to withhold that information.


We have a "physician" in Tulsa who isn't a real physician (but claims to be one based on a purchased diploma from the non-existent British West Indies Medical School whose founder is now in the federal pen - Gregory Caplinger). He tells his patients he is a physician but found that physicians truly didn't know how to heal patients. But he learned the healing secrets - and charges a bundle for his services and doesn't take insurance :-). He claims that people on the internet are "just out to get him". See this link for information. I spent a great deal of time investigating his claims of being a physician - the internet allows all of us to be detectives.


So, if your physician grumbles, find another one. Also most physicians will have their diplomas framed and posted in prominent areas of their offices - they are usually quite proud of it.

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If I knew that they lied to me about something like that I would have to vote with my feet. If they cannot be trusted to tell the truth about something so basic, they cannot be trusted with anything else. I know that there is backstory here that we don't know about, but truly, I would not darken their doorstep again.


And I'd be sure to let them know that word of mouth is a very important thing.

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Well, long story short: The imaging center is sending my films to a radiologist that I can't locate anywhere on the Web and, after lying about where he went to med school, they are now refusing to tell me where he went and what his credentials are. There's more to it than that but...


I hate being lied to!


Thanks again,



You may have grounds to file a complaint with the State Board about this.

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And is that the same office that gave you such poor service last year? The ones that kept saying they'd call back, but didn't? Or you'd call them practically begging for answers and they pretty much blew you off?


Not good at all. :mad:

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Already done, friend! I learned my lesson for next year and have threatened word-of-mouth already, lol! I'd even go somewhere else right now if insurance would pay for it. Also, I will report them as I hate to see others go through the same thing. Will tell you all about it tonight!


Are you going to report them to your insurance company, too? Because they're paying for fraud and won't like that one bit. It also makes me wonder just how well your insurance company checks out doctors. IMO, they ought to.

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Well, long story short: The imaging center is sending my films to a radiologist that I can't locate anywhere on the Web and, after lying about where he went to med school, they are now refusing to tell me where he went and what his credentials are.


Whole thing does sound fishy. Did you go through insurance? Most insurance companies have minimum standards for payment.


BTW, where a person went to med school is far less important than where they got their training, and how they did on their boards. A typical med student won't even see a mammogram, let alone get tutoring on how to read one!


This especially has important with foreign grads. Some of the smartest docs I've know were from overseas. Some of them had already done training in the UK and were "society" members over there, and then came here to do residency. Some of them knew more than the lamer of the attendings!

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Are you going to report them to your insurance company, too? Because they're paying for fraud and won't like that one bit. It also makes me wonder just how well your insurance company checks out doctors. IMO, they ought to.

That is what I thought. Call the insurance company and ask if they realize the doctor and hospital/facility isn't willing to give you accurate info on this guy.


If you can't get any where with the first rep from the insurance company ask for the fraud line.

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