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Would this bother you (insurance quote)


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We received a personalized insurance quote from a competitor to our current insurance company. This company took complete liberty to (somehow?) pull all of our personal information and give us a written quote. This agent wrote on the outside of the envelope that she can beat (insert our current carrier's name) price. Inside was a detailed quote ~ cars with makes, models, etc. and homeowner's information. We didn't give them this information and we didn't ask for this quote. The agent had a nice little sticky note with a hand written personalized note saying she can do better for us. I thought about calling to tell her that the homeowner's quote is hundreds higher than our current and ask her to please not pull our personal information again.

How did they get our info. so easily? Would it bother you?

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Yes, that would bother me. I would think you need to give your permission for them to access your information. My mom is an insurance agent and I don't think she would ever take the time to write up a quote for someone who has not asked for one. It is time consuming and she has real customers to deal with first.

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The banks mortgage department and mortgage brokers have a database that they (banks or self-employed individuals) paid to access. We just needed to give our home address and they could give us a personalised quote with all the personal information. I believe that there is a equivalent paid database for insurance agents/companies to pull data from.

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The information could have come from one of the credit bureaus like the information companies use to send out credit card offers.


The credit bureaus do not receive any information about insurance. The bureaus also do not get homeowner's information. My name is on the house and not on the home loan. It is easy for us to narrow down the source of "information leak"


The banks can give out certain personal information to their associates. There is an opt-out form to fill up.

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Public records are available for them to see. That doesn't mean you have to like it or do business with them. I had an accident once and got several calls from doctors and chiropractors who had seen the accident report and wanted to know if I needed their services for any injuries I might have sustained. Um... no thanks.

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