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Oh. My! Hubby just brought home a Surprise for me!


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So he had an errand to run off at the boy scout office...


He texts me and says that he got me a surprise and I thought, cool! Got me a cheesecake or something yummy.


Well he did bring me home a DQ Blizzard and said, "surprise!" lol and I just laughed and said you stinker, lol


Nope, he said, I'm kidding, I've got to go back out and get it. :confused1:


So I have to close my eyes as he brings this surprise in (I love animals, but I'm thinking, please don't let it be another thing that I have to take care of! LOL)


It wasn't....


He bought me a VIOLIN! And sprung for a fairly good one it seems :) I'd already been looking at them and then he asked me not to ask him what he spent. Considering I don't pay the bills, I won't really see it anyways, lol.


So I've got a call in to a lady about lessons. I'm totally excited :hurray:


So now I join the crowd of ladies here playing violins :thumbup:


Oh and I've already got some nice regular sound from it too, as well as a few loud squeaks :tongue_smilie:

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I know a wonderful lady that teaches violin! And it's not me. :nopity: But you would have to come to Canada for lessons. :auto:

Congratulations, by the way!!! :hurray:



Yeah, I think that would be a bit of a drive!


It was funny that he handed me the blizzard....because he'd already told me about it and I knew that wasn't really it, he was just trying to be funny. He teased me on the way home saying it was a Great Dane puppy because "I know it is your faviorite breed" and I just nervously laughed and said "I hope not"! He sometimes gets a wild hair, lol


Now off to play twinkle twinkle before anyone else gets up :)

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