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Loving swim team..


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I posted asking about swim caps in October before my kids started their first season. A few people gave me advice and told me how much we would LOVE swim team. You were right!! We just wrapped up our winter season yesterday with a state meet and it was so much fun! My 8yo and 11yo learned SO much and it was a thrill to watch them improve with each meet. I wish I had started them sooner!! I'm totally exhausted from this weekend but it was just an amazing experience. I think I enjoyed it as much as the kids did! My kids are sad that swim team doesn't start back for 8 weeks. I think I'm going to even let my 5yo try it out this summer. It was just a great experience!

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I really wasn't too sure about it. But the improvements my kids made were huge. They're still behind others their age since it's their first season but they loved it. They got lots of exercise, made new friends, learned so much, etc etc. I'm thrilled. My oldest even said he'd rather hit the pool on our own a few days a week until summer team starts instead of playing spring football. We're hooked. :)

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Your children will probably have a blast swimming on a summer league. If they return for the short course season next fall and have a lot of fun, they might be ready to swim during the long course season the following summer. Depending on where you live, they might be able to swim long course and summer league.

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How well does a child have to swim to join the swim team (a rec one like the Y)? My kids both swim well but it isn't any particular stroke if that makes sense. The 8 year old would love to try swim team but I am wondering if she should have some lessons first to learn the actual mechanics of the strokes.

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How well does a child have to swim to join the swim team (a rec one like the Y)? My kids both swim well but it isn't any particular stroke if that makes sense. The 8 year old would love to try swim team but I am wondering if she should have some lessons first to learn the actual mechanics of the strokes.



Yes. the requirement is that they have to swim one length of the pool without stopping. My kids were both good swimmers but they had no technique. They now know the breaststroke, freestyle and back stroke. They have a long way to go but they learned a lot this season.

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Glad they're hooked! Swimming is such a great sport. There are drawbacks, sure (yawn! my 12 yo practices at 5:30 every weekday morning, and 4 afternoons a week), but it is one of the few sports where you can get out of it what you put into it. My 12 yo is five foot nuthin', and she competes against girls nearly a foot taller than she is. She is famous on our swim team for her work ethic, and my baby won THREE! events at State this weekend. She had a bunch of seconds as well. Her performance was the talk of our team--I was not the only one in tears at her come-from-behind win in the 200 IM.


I know she will eventually plateau, but I could not be more grateful for the benefits of hard work that she has seen in her swimming. I doubt any school will ever give her a dime to swim for them, but she is fast enough right now to swim for a small Div II school, and more importantly, she has learned some incredibly important lessons at a young age. It has also given her a body that I'm going to have to put in a burkha when she's 16, but that's probably not what you were looking to hear...



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Glad they're hooked! Swimming is such a great sport. There are drawbacks, sure (yawn! my 12 yo practices at 5:30 every weekday morning, and 4 afternoons a week), but it is one of the few sports where you can get out of it what you put into it. My 12 yo is five foot nuthin', and she competes against girls nearly a foot taller than she is. She is famous on our swim team for her work ethic, and my baby won THREE! events at State this weekend. She had a bunch of seconds as well. Her performance was the talk of our team--I was not the only one in tears at her come-from-behind win in the 200 IM.


I know she will eventually plateau, but I could not be more grateful for the benefits of hard work that she has seen in her swimming. I doubt any school will ever give her a dime to swim for them, but she is fast enough right now to swim for a small Div II school, and more importantly, she has learned some incredibly important lessons at a young age. It has also given her a body that I'm going to have to put in a burkha when she's 16, but that's probably not what you were looking to hear...





My main reason for putting them on swim team was for exercise/health reasons. NO one in our family is tiny and they're going to have to fight to stay fit all their lives. My 8yo is especially just going to have to fight it. I might have to make sure she's covered up as she gets older. I can already see her getting a lot of definition in her shoulders. I want them to learn the discipline that goes with swimming too.


Congrats on your daughters accomplishments!!!

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I have to hijack and brag for a moment with my fellow swim moms. Not only is my boy going to states for the first time, tonight he was awarded his varsity letter for the high school swim team. After all I went through to get my homeschooler on the high school team it felt pretty darn good to see him get that letter as a freshman.

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I have to hijack and brag for a moment with my fellow swim moms. Not only is my boy going to states for the first time, tonight he was awarded his varsity letter for the high school swim team. After all I went through to get my homeschooler on the high school team it felt pretty darn good to see him get that letter as a freshman.


That is awesome!! Congrats to him! Here you are old enough to swim for the high school team in 7th grade. We now have a bill allowing private and homeschoolers to participate in public school sports. I'm hoping my kids will want to swim for the high school when they are old enough. My oldest is finishing up 5th grade now.

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