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Weird and random question...


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Do you think there is a certain facial structure that appeals to you? Like... Idk... If you look at some people (like, say, celebrities, just because they're people that everyone sees a fair amount of) and most you can recognize that, yeah, they're nice looking, but there are a handful that you find particularly attractive - are their facial structures at all the same?

Just curious. Something about facial structure came up on a show once - the people didn't necessarily LOOK alike, but the similar structure was there, and I was talking about it with someone the other day.

Anyway, I know it's weird and random, but any thoughts?

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Scientists have studied this. There is a British 3 part show that covers lots of issues around this. They indicate that there are certain proportions that generally appeal more to people. Obviously, individuals attraction vary some from the average.


ETA I think it was called the Secrets of the Sexes

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This is an interesting question. We recently started watching Lost on Netflix and I kept thinking "what else has that guy been on? He seems vaguely familiar." The guy who plays Boone. When I figured it out, I was shocked. He also plays Damon on vampire diaries and I LOVE Damon on vampire diaries. But watching him play Boone he was just not the same guy at all. I find him incredibly attractive on Vampire Diaries and not at all on Lost. Weird. I hink in this case it has to do with his mannerisms and the personality of the character he plays. He's an amazing actor. I do have a thing for dark complexions/hair paired with light eyes.


So, yes, I do think people have preferences of facial structures, but it's not really the deciding factor.


Interesting discussion.

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I am definitely attracted to a certain facial structure. Square forehead and jaw, defined brow and nose, preferably with dark hair. Like Mark Ruffalo from The Avengers, or the lead singer of Train. My husband has very similar features to both of those men. They don't necessarily look alike, as you said, but they all have very similar features. They also all have a similar build to their bodies...shorter, more compact.

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I haven't noticed my own preferences, but I've seen my friends lean toward one look or another.


One girl married a red haired, tall, skinny man and divorced a few years later. When she re-married many people didn't even realize that it was another person - another red haired, tall, skinny man. The weirdest part was that they both shared the same nickname.


She claimed they looked nothing alike.


The mind is interesting.

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This is a bit off topic, but I've been noticing that people on television seem to resemble certain animals to me. Seriously, I've seen at least three women in the past few days who resemble gold fish. Am I nuts?


I notice this, too! I see a lot of turtle looking people and also fish and ameoba (something about their eyes).

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Do you think there is a certain facial structure that appeals to you? Like... Idk... If you look at some people (like, say, celebrities, just because they're people that everyone sees a fair amount of) and most you can recognize that, yeah, they're nice looking, but there are a handful that you find particularly attractive - are their facial structures at all the same?

Just curious. Something about facial structure came up on a show once - the people didn't necessarily LOOK alike, but the similar structure was there, and I was talking about it with someone the other day.

Anyway, I know it's weird and random, but any thoughts?




I don't know. I know that lots of celebrities (actors and stuff) have what looks to me a "fake" face.

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You know, a lot of the faces that are supposedly the 'most symmetrical' are, while I can recognize that they look nice, not what I find attractive. I'm thinking mine has to do with high cheekbones, but I'm not sure.

A lot of the people who are what I call 'standard' nice looking aren't the ones that jump out at me for some reason. Idk. It's weird... lol

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A year or so ago I saw a news item on this. The results in that particular "study" identified the Brad Pitt type of facial structure as the one most appealing to women. Iirc, this facial structure elicited the most "makes me feel safe and protected" sort of responses.




This, but without the meh. ;) Mostly, I find a strong jawline and facial hair very appealing, both of which are very masculine characteristics. I do not find metrosexuals attractive at all. My dh has a strong jawline and facial hair. As far as celebrities go, Brad Pitt is my kind of guy (speaking solely of his appearance).
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