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What age for Diary of Anne Frank?

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At what age is it appropriate for a child to read Diary of Anne Frank? My dd is 10yo and we will be covering WW2 in SOTW4 in the next few weeks. I am considering having her read Diary of Anne Frank for reading then. I read the book so long ago, I can't remember enough to decide if it's appropriate or not.

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People will have different opinions on this, but I wouldn't let my 10 year old read it. There is talk about Anne's budding se%ual feelings, and some stuff that's not appropriate for my family at that age. It also might be traumatizing for some kids to read it and find out what happened to her.


Have you looked at Number the Stars? It's historical fiction from that era that is a bit gentler, IMHO.

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I think I did read it around 10-11, but would have probably gotten more out of it had I waited until 12-14.


"Number the Stars" is excellent and is a Newberry award winner.


Honestly, though, you really need to know your child. In third grade, I had a classmate whose father had been in one of the camps as a child and survived. He came in... showed us his tattoo...and talked about it a bit. I don't think he gave us much details--but probably told us that his Mom and Dad died (but not how). I didn't fully get how amazing his story was for many years, however I am grateful that he came in and shared. I think if I were to read either, I'd want to revisit them at a later date.


There's also a story called "The Grand Mosque of Paris" about how Muslims rescued some Jews during the Holocaust. With the way the politics are today, I think it is important to point out stories like that for kids of all faiths (or no faith for that matter).

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We will hit that time period when dd is 11.5. I will most likely have her read it then. I don't remember anything that would make me hesitate to let a 10 yo read it assuming that she won't be traumatized by the outcome. (She has a crush, and I think they kiss. She also discusses her period, IIRC. YMMV) Undoubtedly, an older child will get more out of it, so you might decide to hold off for now. But I reread it as an adult and had a completely different experience than when I read it as a teen. I figure, that's what rereads are for.

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I remember reading it in fourth grade on my own, and it was very powerful for me at the time. I was young for my grade, and I was 8-9 yo at the time I read it. My son will do SOTW 4 as a 9yo fourth grader next year, but I am not sure if he's ready. He is more sensitive than I was at his age, although I was more sensitive than average I'd say. I am undecided on how much of the Haulocaust he's ready for, and am trying to figure out what to do. My daughter will be in 1st next year, and I don't really want to do SOTW 1 and 4, but I think that's what I'm going to end up doing.

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My dds are 9 and 11. We will probably read one of the original edited versions. Her father edited out the sexual references as well as many of the entries showing animosity toward her mother and the other family. This is a book to be re-read in the future, and no doubt, my girls will re-read it. They can read an unedited copy when they are a bit older. But for starters, and younger age groups, the edited version is fine. (The library has lots of copies that are pre-1989, which is apparently the year the previously edited-out material was added back in. I think I'm going for a 1960's copy).

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