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HPV shot for teens. Yes? No? Why or Why not?

Hot Lava Mama

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My 16 year old just got his first HPV shot on Tuesday, he gets his second one in April, and the third and final one in August. Our doctor is a wonderful Christian man that we have known since we were teens- we used to hang out with his kids. I trust him completely. He delivered all four of our kids, is a church elder, Christian counselor, and a very knowledgable man. Last year, he told me that we might want to consider it but that it was not necessary. This year, he said that he was strongly advising us to start it. He had done further research and really felt that it was important. As he put it- everyone makes mistakes and sins (even good Christian kids). He felt that it was better to err on the side of caution than risk serious issues down the line. We are strong believers in immunizations but make sure we are well educated on the pros and cons of each.

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No way. A teen girl at our church had debilitating symptoms for a very long time after receiving a series of HPV vaccinations. Her mom told me all about it. I am not sure if she is completely over it or not. We are passing on this one, but I also am not debating it with anyone who is on the other side.

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Undecided but leaning towards vaccination. We typically fully vaccinate on the recommended schedule but I've delayed a few of the recommended pre-teen/teen vacs (primarily HPV and meningitis).


DH feel strongly against the HPV vax because of the heavy marketing/lobbying from the drug companies. However, I've talked about it with my trusted GYN and she vaccinated her niece and nephew for HPV and strongly recommends it. I'm willing to overlook the obvious financial objectives of the drug companies if it means my daughters will lead healthier lives.


My main concern is the period of time that HPV vax will be effective. It hasn't been out long enough to really know. What if we are vaccinating all these young preteen/teens and the effectiveness wears off by the time they are in their late teens/early twenties, just when a lot of people begin to become sexually active.


I can't put it off much longer. My oldest DD is 16 and if I decided to have her vaccinated, I want to do it before she turns 18 and/or heads off to college. I especially appreciate this thread and everyone who has shared information and their opinions on this topic.



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The incidence of Guillian Barre syndrome with this vax concerns me. We have given our daughter all of the recommended vax except for those cultured in egg as she is allergic. Thus we cannot get flu shots(aargh) as they are all cultrued in egg medium to date. I am concerned that this vax might not give coverage for as long as it is predicted to and I am committed to barrier birth control methods to prevent HIV. The biggest problem we had in the late 80's and early 90's was educating young women that the bc pill will not in any way, shape or form protect against HIV, Hepatitis or Herpes. Thus they never made it non negotiable with their partners that condom use was mandatory. So simple yet so totally under utilized. I am tired of seeing many people my age(late 40's) dying of HIV due to the early years when we were not certain how HIV was transmitted and certainly safe practices were not followed. I never want young women and men to think that anything can protect against HIV except for condom use. Or abstinence. I would not want to rely on the latter so being a realist the former is the rule.

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We were scheduled vaxers turned delayed/selective vaxers. We nearly lost a child to a vaccination and genetics were a possible factor. We quit vaccinating for years. The one year my husband got the flu vax, we ALL got the flu severely, starting with HIM. My in-laws get deathly sick every single time they get the flu vax and not sick on the years they have missed their appts. They still insist on getting it (you would think they would have made the connection by now). Last year, I finally started working with a dr that I trusted on selectively vaxing my older children. There are some (the ones my daughter reacted to) that are banned for our family. There are a few that we are fine with (hep, tetanus alone). There are some that we see absolutely NO use for (chicken pox...all but three of my children have had it, the older ones got it from cousins right after they came down with a severe case of it FROM the live vax!, and the cases of shingles are crazy because of this vax...nope, no way). The only one the dr and I disagreed on was the Gardisil. No way on heaven, earth, or hell! #1 we don't really know what it can or can't do #2 too many cases of reactions, disabilities, and deaths associated with it and #3 this is the daughter that nearly died from a vaccination, so why would I give her a highly questionable shot? We agreed that she will soon be an adult and when she is eighteen, then it is on her to decide. Lord have mercy, I hope she tells off any doctor that tries to push it on her! And yes, we have a history of various cancers in our family (pancreatic, colon, stomach, leukemia, brain tumor...female problems run in my family and I've already dealt with a cervical cyst out of this world, I thought I was miscarrying and it resolved by the end of the pregnancy (btw, dh and I have only had one partner, each other). I still am against Gardisil.

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The incidence of Guillian Barre syndrome with this vax concerns me. We have given our daughter all of the recommended vax except for those cultured in egg as she is allergic. Thus we cannot get flu shots(aargh) as they are all cultrued in egg medium to date. I am concerned that this vax might not give coverage for as long as it is predicted to and I am committed to barrier birth control methods to prevent HIV. The biggest problem we had in the late 80's and early 90's was educating young women that the bc pill will not in any way, shape or form protect against HIV, Hepatitis or Herpes. Thus they never made it non negotiable with their partners that condom use was mandatory. So simple yet so totally under utilized. I am tired of seeing many people my age(late 40's) dying of HIV due to the early years when we were not certain how HIV was transmitted and certainly safe practices were not followed. I never want young women and men to think that anything can protect against HIV except for condom use. Or abstinence. I would not want to rely on the latter so being a realist the former is the rule.

I believe even condoms have proven to not be entirely effective.

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I believe even condoms have proven to not be entirely effective.


It has always been known that the only 100% guarantee is to abstain but studies have shown over and over that consistent latex condom use is highly effective at preventing the transmission of stds.

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