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Ovulation cramping?


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If you cramp when you ovulate, what is it like?


This is my third cycle off of BCP and each time on day 14 or 15 I've had about twelve hours straight of cramping. But, it's right in the middle, not on one side like everything I read online says ovulation cramping should be. So, is this what's going on, or just a really strange coincidence?

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Yep....only I just cramp mostly on the right side. I always know when I'm ovulating. When I get the "signs" that ovulation is starting, I immediately start taking two Advil every 4 hours as needed (I get severe cramping and this is what the doctor prescribed.) If I do that and stay ahead of it, I'm golden.

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Mine is to the side and stabby.


Yep. I usually get the on sided stabby pain. Lately, however, I sometimes get more general cramping . . .enough that I wonder if my period is here early. It never is, but it's a change in my cycle that I've noticed . . .you know . . . cause I'm 40 now and OLD.

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My ovulation pain is usually much worse than my actual period. Mine is usually on one side but is very achy and occasionally stabby. It is very uncomfortable at time and usually only lasts 6-12 hours. There are times when it is uncomfortable to walk and I feel a lot if pressure.


The joys of womanhood!!!!


Elise in NC

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Yep. I usually get the on sided stabby pain. Lately, however, I sometimes get more general cramping . . .enough that I wonder if my period is here early. It never is, but it's a change in my cycle that I've noticed . . .you know . . . cause I'm 40 now and OLD.



Wait unti you're 46, Kung Fu! You're young!

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