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NME Roll Call

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We haven't done too much to prepare either because I figured dc's ongoing love of mythology would be sufficient. Roger Lancelyn Green, d'Aulaires and others are fixtures around here. We'll do Perseus as well. Btw, there's a great production on Perseus here It's only about 25 minutes but pretty well done and is part of a series.

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NME here for one kiddo, NLE (or is it the Latin Exploratory Exam?? I'm confused) for both. Mythology exam is here, Latin exam hasn't arrived yet. Nope, we haven't studied for either one beyond our normal curriculum! Probably Latin will be a disaster! Mythology will be fine-- he'll need to do Perseus and I'm guessing he'll choose Norse Mythology as his final section.



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I have two kiddos doing the NME (and three others from our local HS group). I had Greek Myths checked out of the library a week or two ago, but it went untouched until I pulled out the audiotapes dd#2 used to listen to all the time. Now, she's listening everyday while following along in the book. Oldest isn't paying any attention, so we'll see which one scores better. ;-)


I moved my old boombox into dd#2's room so I wouldn't have to listen to d'Aulaire's tapes. They drive me batty! :leaving:


This arrangement works for everyone. :hurray:

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DD's taking it for the first time, along with the ELE. I'm not worried about the NME too much, but I am about the ELE-DD likes reading Latin, but hates memorizing, and has had trouble pulling up words out of context. I guess it's not the worst thing ever if she doesn't do well-maybe she'll learn that you actually have to study!

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First time here! Ds chose Norse myths as his additional subtest. We're both very excited, especially since the exam showed up in yesterday's mail! Not a ton of studying going on, because Greek mythology has been a passion of his for quite some time, so we're just refreshing our memories on a few things, and we're studying the Norse myths as we are less familiar with those.

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Our NME packet arrived, but not the Latin packet. I was kind of excited in October, but at this point, I hope we can just do a quick review and take the test. I think the cost of the CDs and paper/ink rankled me, especially given what could be learned from the sources versus what the company was providing. I should have used the money for BtB Spanish, which I really need right now.




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