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In "real" school, a child who obstinately argued with the teacher or was disrespectful would be sent to the principal's office or depending on the severity, suspended for the day. IOW, they are removed from the "privilege" of being taught until they become teachable.


Therefore, if my child is obstinate and argumentative, just because I homeschool, it does not mean that I have to soldier on through the lousy attitude. I will remove myself or my child from the situation until the attitude improve.


(says Fairfarmhand whose daughter is in in school suspension for the day)

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I used to tell a particular child to go outside and run up and down the driveway 10 times (which, considering our driveway, is no small request!). Said child would always tell me she didn't WANT to run up & down the driveway, at which point I would inform her that I hadn't asked if she WANTED to, I just told her to DO it!! So, out she would go. I never, ever watched her run or asked her whether or not she did as she was told. The important thing was that she WENT OUTSIDE and gave herself a chance to refocus and gave me a chance to pray and calm down.



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We employ trampoline therapy here. Disruptive? Go bounce. It tires them out enough to be compliant....most days.

I used to tell a particular child to go outside and run up and down the driveway 10 times (which, considering our driveway, is no small request!). Said child would always tell me she didn't WANT to run up & down the driveway, at which point I would inform her that I hadn't asked if she WANTED to, I just told her to DO it!! So, out she would go. I never, ever watched her run or asked her whether or not she did as she was told. The important thing was that she WENT OUTSIDE and gave herself a chance to refocus and gave me a chance to pray and calm down.




We did this, too, with our swimming pool. They would swim laps or sometimes just swirl around in the water, not really exercising, but thinking their thoughts and calming down. Worked great during the warm months.

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Yep, I have sent kids outside to run a few laps around the house. I've also removed them for extreme silliness (some I will tolerate, but too much is too much), or unpleasant attitudes. I also assign extra work for attitude problems, including excessive dawdling or whining -- if you can't do your work with a pleasant attitude, you will be given the chance to practice doing more.

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