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Sci-Fi Show Superlatives


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Do you remember your high school yearbook having senior superlatives (best smile, most athletic, etc)? I thought we could do one for sci-fi shows.


Most Manipulative:


Most Humble:


Best Leader:


Most Skeptical:


Best Sense of Humor:


Favorite Alien Species:


Favorite Alien Character:


Most Realistic Show:


Least Realistic Show:


Feel free to add your own categories.

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I'm probably a bit generous with my definition of Sci-Fi, but I'll give it a go. :)



Most Manipulative: Saffron, from Firefly


Most Humble: Dr. Rush from SGU. Ha! Kidding. Um, probably Colonel O'Neal from SG1.


Best Leader: Mal, from Firefly


Most Skeptical: Scully. Isn't that her whole point of existing?


Best Sense of Humor: Pretty much the entire cast of Firefly.


Favorite Alien Species: The Ood. Gotta love the Ood.


Favorite Alien Character: The Doctor. :D


Most Realistic Show: The Walking Dead


Least Realistic Show: Stargate Atlantis. Or anything made prior to about 1995.


And I'll add one of my own.


Scariest Aliens: The Vashta Nerada from Doctor Who

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Do you remember your high school yearbook having senior superlatives (best smile, most athletic, etc)? I thought we could do one for sci-fi shows.


Most Manipulative: Garrick- Deep Space Nine


Most Humble: Dr. Crusher- Next Generation


Best Leader: Picard- Next Generation


Most Skeptical: Major Kira- Deep Space Nine


Best Sense of Humor: Data- Humor, I love it!


Favorite Aloen Species: Ferengi


Favorite Alien Character: Quark- Deep Space Nine


Most Realistic Show: City on the Edge of Forever- Episode in old Star Trek series (I don't find any of the series realistic, so I picked an episode.)


Least Realistic Show: Lost In Space


Feel free to add your own categories.

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Most Manipulative: I was going to say Ben (Lost), but I have to agree that Garak (Deep Space Nine) is up there.


Most Humble: ?


Best Leader: ?


Most Skeptical: I'm re-watching Enterprise now, so I'll vote for T'Pol. Scully is a good choice, too.


Best Sense of Humor: ?


Favorite Alien Species: I don't know, but it's not the Ood (Doctor Who) because they creep me out.


Favorite Alien Character: Definitely Quark!


Most Realistic Show: Battlestar Galactica had episodes with water shortages and severe food rationing, which few shows include. I also like how Babylon 5 showed that even in the future, there will still be homeless people living in shantytowns.


Least Realistic Show: Star Trek: TNG - Maybe not technology wise, but it is so idealistic and everything always works out. There are few power-hungry people in Star Fleet, which isn't realistic.


​Most Likeable Leader: Well, Picard is too formal, Janeway and Sisko weren't very friendly, and I don't remember Kirk too well. Archer is friendly and curious.

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Most Manipulative: CSM from XFiles


Most Humble: Hmm, not sure on this one.


Best Leader: Capt. Picard


Most Skeptical: Scully. Hands down.


Best Sense of Humor: Capt. Mal


Favorite Alien Species: I'm going back to my childhood on this one - Ewoks


Favorite Alien Character: The Doctor. He is an alien, after all.


Most Realistic Show: BSG – the reboot. The original is pretty cheesy.


Least Realistic Show: There are so many. Sigh.


Scariest Aliens: The Weeping Angels. Followed by the Wraith.


Most Mysterious: The Silence


Most Malevolent (Long Term, Not Short Term): The A'shen (sp?)


Wow, I probably spent way too much time and energy on that. :laugh:

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Most Manipulative: Dr. Smith or Rygel


Most Humble: Data


Best Leader: Capt. Picard


Most Skeptical: Garibaldi/Susan Ivanova


Best Sense of Humor: Mal, Dr Who (Tennant) or Walter Bishop


Favorite Alien Species: Wookies


Favorite Alien Character: Ambassador Delenn


Most Realistic Show: Battlestar Galactica (newer)


Least Realistic Show: Red Dwarf


Scariest Aliens: The Weeping Angels


Most Mysterious: The Vorlons


Most Malevolent (Long Term, Not Short Term): any gov't agency. Scifi does not trust the gov't

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I'm surprised so many people think the Weeping Angels are scarier than the Vashta Nerada. The Weeping Angels mostly just send you back in time. The Vashta Nerada pretend to be shadows and then eat your face off and reanimate your corpse. I don't know about you all, but I'd MUCH rather be sent back in time.


ETA: Oh, and I should throw in mine for the new categories.


Most Mysterious: The Silence


Most Malevolent: Aliens only, or anyone? Well, either way it's a tie between the Dalek and the Reavers (though the latter aren't technically aliens, of course)

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I'm surprised so many people think the Weeping Angels are scarier than the Vashta Nerada. The Weeping Angels mostly just send you back in time. The Vashta Nerada pretend to be shadows and then eat your face off and reanimate your corpse. I don't know about you all, but I'd MUCH rather be sent back in time.



I thought the Weeping Angels were creepy until Angels Take Manhattan. That whole convoluted mess of an episode sort of ruined them for me.


I still want to put one in my front yard.


ETA: My answers... took a while for me to think/debate with DH about it. Don't throw tomatoes, I haven't gotten through Firefly yet, so I didn't include any of those characters.


Most Manipulative: Fifth, the Replicator from SG1. And I would rank The Doctor pretty high in this category, though he usually has good intentions. Not always.


Most Humble: Ood Sigma (DW)


Best Leader: General Hammond (SG1) or Capt. Picard (ST:TNG)


Most Skeptical: Have to agree with Scully here.


Best Sense of Humor: Jack O'Neill (SG1). "Window of Opportunity" is probably the funniest episode of any show ever, mostly because of Jack.


Favorite Alien Species: The Ood (DW)


Favorite Alien Character: Teal'c (SG1) or The Doctor


Most Realistic Show: Battlestar Galactica (new series)


Least Realistic Show: Also have to agree with Stargate Atlantis. It got a bit more ridiculous over time. I also used to argue with DH a lot over the overly unrealistic plot devices in Sanctuary.


Scariest Aliens: I was always creeped out by the Replicators from SG1.


Most Mysterious: Whatever that creepy parroting possessing thing was in the Doctor Who episode "Midnight".


Most Malevolent (Long Term, Not Short Term): Individual? Ba'al (SG1). Race/species? Daleks (DW).

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Ok here's my vote, though my sci-fi watching is limited to Star Trek, TNG, Doctor Who, Firefly and Star Wars.


Most Manipulative: Lwaxana Troi (TNG)


Most Humble: Rory from Doctor Who


Best Leader: Capt Picard--maybe not the best, but my favorite


Most Skeptical: Ro Laren (TNG) or Zoe (Firefly)


Best Sense of Humor: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)


Favorite Alien Character: Yoda


Scariest Aliens: the alien from Alien


Most Malevolent: the tar thing that killed Tasha Yar in TNG and the Reavers (Firefly)


Most Annoying: Wesley Crusher and Q (TNG)

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I was just thinking about them yesterday, not in relation to my post. I remember they ended the fertility of humans. Were they trying to take over the planet in a century or less, without war?


Yep, that was the plan. I picked them because they were so sneaky and backhanded, disguising their method of destruction as help for the poor technologically inferior humans.

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(List made by both Mrs. & Mr. Warde)


Most Manipulative: a Goa'uld (they take you over completely!) or Caprica Six


Most Humble: Jewel Staite (we couldn't decide between Kaylee or Jenifer Keller)


Best Leader: Captain Mal


Most Skeptical: Rodney McKay


Best Sense of Humor: Teal'c: "...The Setesh guard's nose...drips." :D


Favorite Alien Species: Changelings/shape-shifters


Favorite Alien Character: Dh says Teal'c, I say Worf or Quark


Most Realistic Show: Battlestar Galactica


Least Realistic Show: Warehouse 13


Scariest Aliens: Dh agrees with the aliens from Alien. (Revers scare me the most, but they're not aliens.)


Most Mysterious: The Furlings: because we know their name and have seen their written language but we never get to learn anything else about them!


Most Malevolent (Long Term, Not Short Term): Love the A'shen as an answer for this one. :)


Most Annoying: Luxanna Troy

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Do you remember your high school yearbook having senior superlatives (best smile, most athletic, etc)? I thought we could do one for sci-fi shows.


Most Manipulative: ? I'll have to think about this one!- Got it! Palpatine/ Darth Sidious (Star Wars)


Most Humble: Kryten (Red Dwarf)


Best Leader: Picard (ST:TNG)


Most Skeptical: Spock (ST)


Best Sense of Humor: Lister (Red Dwarf)


Favorite Alien Species: The Q (ST:TNG)


Favorite Alien Character: The Doctor (all regenerations)


Most Realistic Show: Star Trek: Enterprise


Least Realistic Show: Doctor Who (Old)


Feel free to add your own categories.


I agree with a PP: The thing in the New Who episode "Midnight" just gave me the willies! So there's another vote for scariest alien.

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Here it goes with ds 16.



Most Manipulative: Saffron from Firefly or any given human form replicator


Most Humble: Jack O'Neill


Best Leader: Capt Mal


Most Skeptical: Han Solo


Best Sense of Humor: Wash or Jack O'Neill


Favorite Alien Species: Asgard


Favorite Alien Character: Chewbacca or Teal'c


Most Realistic Show: We haven't seen much realistic sci-fi. Ds says the most realistic he's seen is Firefly.


Least Realistic Show: Do the Jettsons count ?


As you can tell we watch a lot of Stargate even have the fegos. :)

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Do you remember your high school yearbook having senior superlatives (best smile, most athletic, etc)? I thought we could do one for sci-fi shows.


Most Manipulative: Diana (V (the 80's version))


Most Humble: Albert Einstein (Alien Nation)


Best Leader: John Sheridan (Babylon 5)


Most Skeptical: Yes, that was Scully's reason for existing. Runner up: Commander Ivanova (B5)


Best Sense of Humor: Also Commander Ivanova


Favorite Alien Species: Klingons


Favorite Alien Character: Delenn (Babylon 5)


Most Realistic Show: Alien Nation


Least Realistic Show: Star Trek


Feel free to add your own categories.

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