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He fractured his skull...


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When our ds17 was a baby we had our pediatrician over. We were standing by the dining table and dh was letting baby crawl on the table by him. The baby stopped and sat up right at the edge of the table and fell off backwards. Thankfully he was fine, but way to look like good parents!


Our 4th born could get out of/climb anything. He pretty much had a constant knot on his forehead. It was a nightmare to try to figure out what he was going to do next so we could keep him from getting hurt. He's 13 now and I can actually sleep at night now!

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Here's something that may help....


ETA: Sorry, I don't know how to make this bigger.



LOL, they actually make something sort of like this! It's called a crib tent.


I have twins who could launch themselves out of anything, at any time, in any place! Truly unbelievable, really...and they are still that way at 10 yrs old! For a long time, I had to use a crib tent on everything...their cribs, a pack and play next to my bed, wherever they slept. Crib tents are awesome and are the only way I got any sleep for at least their first two years!!!


ETA: I just googled them and unfortunately, they are off the market. Bummer. I didn't read the safety concerns, but I'm sure there are some! For us, they were the only way our kids safely made it through infancy and early childhood!



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I'm so sorry, that must have been really scary. I think I'd either push my mattress up against the wall, put a mattress on the floor, or I guess never nurse him in bed if there is a chance I'd fall asleep. So sorry! My babies were all pretty slow physically except one who climbed a lot, and she became our diver/dancer/gymnast.


My brother has a son who was like yours, and even as a toddler, he couldn't seem to perceive danger. He would walk on a dock that went out over the water, and would just keep walking all the way off the end and into the water, never stopping.


Now he is an extreme adventure guy, climbs mountains and things like that.

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I'm so sorry, that must have been really scary. I think I'd either push my mattress up against the wall, put a mattress on the floor, or I guess never nurse him in bed if there is a chance I'd fall asleep. So sorry! My babies were all pretty slow physically except one who climbed a lot, and she became our diver/dancer/gymnast.


My brother has a son who was like yours, and even as a toddler, he couldn't seem to perceive danger. He would walk on a dock that went out over the water, and would just keep walking all the way off the end and into the water, never stopping.


Now he is an extreme adventure guy, climbs mountains and things like that.

I think I'll have a legit heart attack if he grows up to climb mountains. Lol. I'm terrified of heights.


To everyone - I spent last night sleeping with Marco on a blanket on the floor in my eldest son's room (the air mattress will not fit in there). Worked well. At least when he woke up and decided to play without Mom, there wasn't/isn't anything dangerous for him to get into... and God knows - he did wake up to find something to get into (all that was on the floor and accessible were older son's archiquest blocks, lol).

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Those crib tents are only work if your child isn't determined to climb out. Dd was 8 and half months old when she conquered the crib tent. We had one with a zipper and figured out that if she stuck her finger in the gap she could open it. Unfortunately the only thing that yet contains her is her car seat (she's 4 now). Car seat only works because she knows that mom and dad don't mess around with that. We pull over immediately and if going some where fun, we turn around and go back home.

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Those crib tents are only work if your child isn't determined to climb out. Dd was 8 and half months old when she conquered the crib tent. We had one with a zipper and figured out that if she stuck her finger in the gap she could open it. Unfortunately the only thing that yet contains her is her car seat (she's 4 now). Car seat only works because she knows that mom and dad don't mess around with that. We pull over immediately and if going some where fun, we turn around and go back home.

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Didn't think about that at the time. She slept in a playpen until 10 and a half months when she climbed out of that then she went to our bed. Figured out she needed her bed all put together at 15 months for her to sleep in it (twin with a safety rail and against the wall) now she sleeps in a twin bed with no safety rails :). Oh and baby gate conquered at a year old when she climbed over it. After that we just gave up on trying contain her outside of the car seat. Just keep a close eye on her now. Seems to us the more freedom we gave her the less she rebelled :)

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I won't go into the whole story... Oldest dd had a concussion at 9 months. Let's just say they didn't believe us. We were very lucky that she wasn't removed from our home and put into foster care (still makes me sick thinking about it).


I want to reassure you. My daughter does not have any problems due to her injury as an infant. For example, throughout her public school experience she was labeled as "talented and gifted." She was a runner during high school and she just gave birth to her fourth child.


:grouphug: I hope you can feel some peace and that you can get the rest you need.

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:grouphug: I know how you feel. My oldest tried climbing the stairs at 5 months... never occurred to us to block them at that age because our baby book said they climb stairs at 12 months. She made it to the 3rd or 4th step before tumbling down. She wasn't injured, but I shudder to think what would have happened if she had been. Then when she was 8 months, dh pulled the play pen across the bottom of the stairs to block them off while he was in the bathroom. She crawled under the play pen and nearly made it to the top before she tumbled down. Dh heard the rustling on the stairs, but got there just in time to watch her fall. Again, we were just so thankful she wasn't injured because drs and nurses are often cynical and might not have believed she fell down the stairs. At 18 months, she rode her little yellow car down the basement stairs and hit the bridge of her nose, giving her two black eyes. By then we had known our pediatrician long enough that it wasn't quite so scary to tell her what happened... By then she knew we were good parents and she would have been an ally if any accusations were made. I'm glad your Marco is okay!

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We slept on a king sized mattress on the floor. Actually, our mattress is still on the floor, 8 years later. It's been great for the kids to jump on, also. I wouldn't put him in a crib. I'd cosleep on a mattress on the floor. I wouldn't spend time with any seven month old on a bed of full height!


:grouphug: Don't be too hard on yourself. Accidents happen, and he's okay, and exhaustion gets the better of all of us.

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Hugs! So so scary! My dd was like that. I remember at her one year visit the pedi telling me to remove any obstacle she could/would climb on. I was like, the kitchen table? The counters? Yeah. Several times I would look up from washing dishes and my 10 month old had scaled the living room arm chair onto the high kitchen counter. Ack. Crazy kids trying to give us a heart attack!


Big hugs! And I definitely recommend the mattress on the floor!

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Can you put a pack and play beside the bed? Since he is still pretty little those things are tall and hard to get out of. You have to be able to really pull yourself up and out and stand up well. It might work for a few months. Jane fell flat on her head over and over once she started walking she just refused to out her hands. I still have to get some mederma for the scars areas there. I was sure a few times she would fracture he skull. I think I read back of the head hits are more sensitive than the front.

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:grouphug: The little baby I used to watch had a fractured skull when his mom tripped going down the stairs and dropped him. Very scary stuff. My second son was a mover, too. At three weeks old, I left him napping in the middle of our king size bed to take a shower. When I got out of the shower, he had wriggled himself perpendicular to how I laid him down and was about 2 inches from the edge. I about had a heart attack.


I had to either confine him or watch him every single second. One time when he was 2, I left him and ds1 in the living room playing ring around the rosy, and went into the kitchen for a minute. Of course, I immediately heard a thunk, followed by screaming. He had somehow whacked his face on the wood part of the couch, which led to x-rays, etc.


Take your baby into the bathroom with you. Keep him confined. The doctor isn't there to watch him for you, for all his talk of "exploring".

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You have my sympathy! I think each one of my munchkins have seriously thwacked themselves on a hard surface at some point in their young lives. Short of duct taping them to the floor 24-7, or keeping them in a padded room, it's pretty tough to keep them safe. Miss Congeniality slid down the stairs on her back and thwacked the back of her head on the tile at the bottom, sometime when she was crawling age. I also had her in her car seat, in a shopping cart, with a large flat box in a strong wind, which resulted in car seat, child and box flipping over; thankfully she was still strapped in the seat and was protected in the fall. When the Questioner was about 2ish, he was sleeping in bed with me one night - rolled over, thwacked his mouth on the side of the dresser, cried and bled all over my shirt, and then I discovered that a front tooth was missing. That tooth actually got shoved up into his gums, came back down, eventually died and had to be pulled about 4 months ago. Wrecker of Havoc has a thing for climbing. I have found him standing on the bathroom sink a few times, sitting in the bathroom sink several time (we keep that door closed now!), up ladders (remodeling here), and even on top of a bookcase one time. Oddly enough, he hasn't injured himself too bad...YET! I swear that I'm going to be dragging him out of trees this summer. But as nerve-wracking as it seems, I'm glad all my children are active and curious, even if it means they've shaved years off my life! So take a deep breath...maybe you could just wrap him up in bubble wrap for now!

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