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Little House books- which one, if you have to choose...


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Of these three, which one would YOU prefer to read if you can't do all three:

Little House on the Prairie

On The Banks of Plum Creek

By The Shores of Silver Lake


Note: I don't have too much concern over order. My DS read LHITBW this year and Dd read FB in third grade. This is for lit and comprehension, etc. I'm leaning towards OTBOPC but wanted opinions. I read them all as a child, thousand times over but can't remember which ones I liked best. Lol!


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Little House on the Prairie. I still remember them alone on the prairie, with the waving grasses. The process of buiding the house, the meeting of some key characters, the Boasts and Mr. Edwards. The Indians that go past their house in a long line. Wasn't Carrie or Grace born in this book? Slapping mosquitoes down by the creek, and then catching fever n'ague. Christmas. Good times.

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My personal favorite is probably Little Town on the Prairie, but that's because I'm a hopeless romantic.


Of those three, I'd probably opt for Little House on the Prairie. Maybe Plum Creek, because it's interesting to see how they start in the sod house and all (and because Nellie Oleson is in it!), but LHOTP is so sweet and really does set the stage for the rest of the series, as a PP said.

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Of those three I would vote for Little House on the Prairie. I think it might have been the first one actually written. Also, Carrie was not born in this book but, in real life, she was born in that house in Kansas.


But I love the Little House books so much I'm confused as to why you wouldn't just read them all over and over? :laugh:

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Ha! I heedlessly read The Long Winter to my daughter the first winter we moved to Michigan, which was particularly fierce even for Michigan. The grinding, grinding, grinding of the grain in the coffee mill...the screaming winds...the long, dark days...shudder.


My favorite is The Long Winter, but it must be read in the heat of the summer.


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On the Banks of Plum Creek was always my very favorite. Little House on the Prairie is great, too. I didn't like Silver Lake as a child. There's a part where a 13 year old girl gets married, and that upset me. And there's another part where Ma is basically running a boarding house for the railroad workers, and they lock the girls in their room when the strange men are around. I had a vague idea why, and that disturbed me too.

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