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Tell me to pick up the phone and call


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I keep putting it off. I know it isn't right or good, but I do.

I *need* to call my son's pulm team and set up his check up/x-rays. He's past due for it. I'm just scared. I'm uneasy. There's something in my gut that doesn't want to call. That doesn't want to know. Sounds horrible doesn't it? The last time he went in for a check up, post op, he had to be readmitted to the hospital. He seemed fine, other than a low fever, but his partial lung (the portion that they didn't remove) had recollapsed and he had contracted an infection. He wasn't fine and it threw me... much more than the initial dx. He was there for so LONG.

So now I need to call and set up another apppointment and he seems fine otherwise, but he is coughing... and I can't shake this feeling... the "can't we just keep on like we are" feeling... the cough is probably just a cold... but maybe not...


Someone slap me and tell me to just call. I have to. I'm going to really. I just need a shoulder.

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I totally know the feeling. I sometimes have to talk myself into making certain appointments for ds, especially the ones that involve not so fun tests.


You have to do it. Grab your phone. Do you have it? Go get it! Ok, got the number? On the count of 3. One, two, three- CALL!


When you're all done, sit down and eat some chocolate. (((Hug)))

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