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My baby girl lost her front tooth 3 months ago and the adult tooth has not come through yet.


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My kids's teeth have always been shy. DD the Younger looked like a huge six month old until her first tooth came in at 18 or 19 months. My eldest has been without eye teeth for over a year, but the dentist assures us they're coming. :)

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My oldest son had a partial extra tooth (a mesiodens) up in his gum, where it was blocking his adult tooth from coming in (and thus the baby tooth wouldn't fall out because there was no pressure on it). We had to have the mesiodens and the baby tooth removed surgically, and the dentist said it could take six months before the adult one would come in. Sure enough, it did take six months (and is still taking its time; three months after it broke through the surface, it's still not in all the way, but it's coming). I wouldn't worry too much yet, but you might inquire at your her next dental checkup. Our dentist said that if it wasn't in by a year, he would want to take more in-depth x-rays to be sure there wasn't a problem.

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Agreeing with others that it's probably not something to be concerned with, but your dentist can confirm at her next appointment. My daughter's front teeth took nearly TWO YEARS to come in. I thought I was going to be slicing corn off the cob for the rest of my life. The official dental diagnosis: "slow to erupt teeth".

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Agreeing with others that it's probably not something to be concerned with, but your dentist can confirm at her next appointment. My daughter's front teeth took nearly TWO YEARS to come in. I thought I was going to be slicing corn off the cob for the rest of my life. The official dental diagnosis: "slow to erupt teeth".


My older DD's top front teeth took almost a year and a half. The funny thing is that about a week after we had x-rays to make sure they were there and there weren't any problems, they both started coming in. My younger DD seems to have the same issue, though it hasn't been that long yet.

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