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No/Low Spend Week 4 & 5 (1/21-1/31)


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Look on line for a list of the "clean 15". Those are the 15 cleanest fruits and veggies. I feel comfortable buying those non-organic. Right now (I'm trying to save money for a vacation!), we are living off of those 15.


Also look up the dirty dozen. Stay away from those if you are going non-organic.


(That's what we do anyway!)



I do that too. Maybe I'll just not buy produce this month. Lol

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This month we reduced the grocery budget by $200. The new budget is less than the thrifty plan and seems to be doable. I'm not sure if it is doable long term because we had meat and money left over from last month's higher budget, but it's close.


Did anyone look at how the amounts changed over time. November 1994 is shockingly different from November 2012.


I didn't look at that on the chart, but I am aware of it anyway. I have tracked expenses for a loooong time. I remember when my upper-limit budget was $300; now it is twice that and we are below the "thrifty" line. I remember when we moved into our house in 2003 our electric bill was $60 on a good month, $120 in the dead of winter. This month it was $312 and that was before the cold front came through! :glare:

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The link is pretty interesting to look at the different averages from a few years ago.


I'm working on our shopping plan for next month by creating a spread sheet. I'm not sure I want to change what we are eating so much that the quality drops or the chemicals skyrocket. If we ate pure junk this grocery game would be a lot cheaper.

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I'm going to try to meal plan better, and also creatively use what we have at home. For the bulk of my shopping each week, I'm going to aim at just replacing dairy, produce, and meat. I will give myself leeway that if a store has a great sale on something we use a lot (a loss leader), I will add in a bit to stock up on that!!

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Ran out of coffee creamer this morning so stopped at the grocery store and we should be good now till Fri. I swear my kids eat all the food on the weekend and every Monday there isn't anything left.


Week 1:


1/1- 2.99 Les Mis kindle book

1/2- 0

1/3 -78.86- eating out, groceries, misc purchases

1/4- 0

1/5- 2.91 video game, book

1/6 -0


Week 2:

1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 -27.74 new toaster

1/10 -2.16- kindle book

1/11- 0

1/12- 22.83- pizza out and 1.18 in screws

1/13 0


Week 3:

1/14- 0

1/15- $11.77 fast food. In my defense we were out of the house from 11:30-7:30 and very hungry!

1/16- 0

1/17- 0

1/18- $96.74-new drill for DH

1/19- 0

1/20- 0


Week 3:

1/21- 24.38 2 pairs of jeans for my daughter.

1/22- $6.34 poster board and stickers

1/23- 0

1/24- 28.16 yarn

1/25- 9.00 t-shirt and puff paint for a project for DD

1/26- $32 washer hose


1/28- 32 grocery store



Total: $347.06


Grocery Budget $570/$500

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1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)


1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner

1/11 -- $20 parking at museum

1/12 -- $12 groceries (donut run by DH), $35 robotics class fee for oldest

1/13 -- $0 (YAY!!!)


1/14 -- $108 for groceries & ice melt, $3 shipping (for an ebay sale, so I've been paid for this!), $3 library fine (DOH!)

1/15 -- $0 (Woot! Woot!)

1/16 -- $0 Two days in a row!

1/17 -- $80 science museum membership (planned), $20 art classes for middle dd, $35 gas, $17 pizza

1/18 -- $0

1/19 -- $55 groceries

1/20 -- $13 curriculum (I had a gift card to Amazon that was like a sirensong to me, so I now own WWS and a google earth book)


1/21 -- $0

1/22 -- $40 Delivery for dinner (I'm sick & DH had a bad day at work)

1/23 -- $0

1/24 -- $0

1/25 -- $14 for McD's with girls.

1/26 -- $38 gas, $21 groceries, and $25 pizza (DH ordered when I was gone last night)

1/27 -- $18 water bowl fountain for cat

1/28 -- $21 for classes for 2 kids, $97 groceries

1/29 -- $0 And that makes 10 for the month!

1/30 -- $0


Groceries: $471/$600

Eating Out: $148/$125

No Spend Days: 11/10


I don't think this month will ever be over; I will have to make another run to the grocery store this week as I am starting a diet on Friday (the month of Feb) and I need all different foods. I looked in my freezer before going to the grocery store, and it's looking kind of bare in there.

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I updated my post mid-thread. I apparently picked January to develop an amazon addiction. More (used) books are coming my way. On the upside, I have all of the Science Explorer books, all of K12's Human Odyssey texts, and several pre-algebra textbooks. *painful grin*.


I picked January to re-do our curriculum. And I still have more to buy. (I would add the ninja face, but I'm on my phone. So just pretend its here.)

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Going out today. I'm not sure where. The weather is too nice and it's already 10:50 and oldest hasn't started school yet. I went a little crazy making extra pancakes to freeze and didn't realize the time. Plus I dyed my hair this morning before everyone was up. I hope to just use one of our memberships for low cost. I did find $10 in the wash, so I could spend that and have it not count, right? ;) ;) :p



I say definitely!

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This really is an interminable month. :banghead:


I think my (formerly) regular grocery store is worried. They keep sending me coupons for things like "$10 off your $200 purchase." I haven't spent $200 there the whole month. They've noticed. :ph34r:

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It was so nice today we had lunch from Chick-fil-a....delicious and even better with the sunshine. Also ordered some Atkins bars....so I'm down to my last $50 until payday Friday. We are also all going LCHF starting Monday, so I need to do my shopping on Friday...I have my recipes and menu planned and expect to stay right in budget. Other than buying some more fabric and crafting supplies on Friday....February is looking to be a very low spend month.

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Do any of you use programs on line to track spending? Right now, I put everything on our credit card and pay it off every month. Then, I split the cc bill up on paper according to categories. So far it works well, but I wonder about entering it at the end of the month on line somewhere.



I tried to use a program, but I hated it. I use a spiral-bound physical notebook. I also put nearly everything on a credit card and pay it off every month. I write down expenses throughout the month, though, and only go through the cc statement to note anything I missed. I split my groceries with ridiculous precision, so I use the store receipt to total up the different categories. Thus, if I go to Walmart or Target, when I come home (or soon after), I will physically work through the bill and separate the food groceries, non-food groceries, medical, pets, decorating, etc. I don't think very many people do that. :tongue_smilie: I just cannot stand to lump that all as "groceries," when it could represent several different categories.

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Do any of you use programs on line to track spending? Right now, I put everything on our credit card and pay it off every month. Then, I split the cc bill up on paper according to categories. So far it works well, but I wonder about entering it at the end of the month on line somewhere.




We use mint.com. I am very anti budget, anti tracking, anti responsible. :) mint works for us.

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So today spent 14 dollars at the grocery store on some things. I really, really, really want to buy Elementary Greek, but I am holding off til the next month. I also have The Story of Science in my Amazon cart. I. want. this. It would go SO well with our current ancient studies....arg.I also have Lives of the Great Artists in there and Ancient Rome: Rise and Fall of An Empire and an ice bag for my sore back and A People's History of Christianity.


I have decided I hate Amazon. I would never know half these things existed if Amazon was never born. :drool: :willy_nilly:


On the plus side, I am FINALLY beginning to list some valuable-ish collectibles on ebay. First one sold for 50 dollars, so I am off to a good start.

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So today spent 14 dollars at the grocery store on some things. I really, really, really want to buy Elementary Greek, but I am holding off til the next month. I also have The Story of Science in my Amazon cart. I. want. this. It would go SO well with our current ancient studies....arg.I also have Lives of the Great Artists in there and Ancient Rome: Rise and Fall of An Empire and an ice bag for my sore back and A People's History of Christianity.


I have decided I hate Amazon. I would never know half these things existed if Amazon was never born. :drool: :willy_nilly:


On the plus side, I am FINALLY beginning to list some valuable-ish collectibles on ebay. First one sold for 50 dollars, so I am off to a good start.




I don't even want to know how much I've spent on amazon ove the past 5 years. When my twins were babies, I bought everything on there, and I'd just throw extras on just for fun. So horrendous for my budget, but it did keep me sane! (mostly)

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I'm glad we are continuing with this thread even though all I'm really doing is tracking spending. But having somewhere to post that is helpful to me; it gives me the motivation to keep up with it. Over time, I hope it will help me adjust our budget more accurately.

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Is everyone in agreement that no one cares how we post for these threads? Does that sentence make any sense?



I'm going to just post my total for the day, and then at the end of the week, do the tally. I think. :)


Yeah, I don't especially care how people put them up. I'll post the same way I have been - haphazardly. I'll just post my category total as the month progresses. For myself, I don't particularly care about zero-spend days - my goals center on the averages for the month.

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Should we do a challenge to spice things up? I can't really think of anything, but I thought I would throw it out there.


A challenge could be a simple as naming a category each week or month to call a no-spend category for the month, or if that is too hard, set a low spending limit.

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Yeah, I don't especially care how people put them up. I'll post the same way I have been - haphazardly. I'll just post my category total as the month progresses. For myself, I don't particularly care about zero-spend days - my goals center on the averages for the month.

Yea I think the zero spend days don't do much for me either. I mean, sometimes I put off buying something til the next day, when i know I have to buy something else anyway, but really, how does that help me in terms of overall finances? I am still buying it LOL.

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Or if "no spend" challenges don't work for people because they just put off spending, a challenge could involve posting ways in which you avoided spending.


"I was considering buying a Kindle book but checked the library first. They even had it as an e-book, so I saved $7.99 by borrowing it instead."


"Instead of running to the drive-thru, I got created with the meager supplies in my pantry for dinner. I ended up throwing together a homemade pizza with a white sauce, some leftover chicken, onion, and some spinach that would have ended up in the garbage."

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Should we do a challenge to spice things up? I can't really think of anything, but I thought I would throw it out there.


We could each pick our "trouble spot" (be that eating out, or amazon downloads, or whatever) and reduce expenditure in that category by a certain percentage over the course of the month. So let's say I spent 150 eating out in Jan, my goal in Feb would be to reduce that amount by a percentage (something we could all agree on, maybe 50%) It should be a TROUBLE category, meaning that if spending $150 a month on dining out is fine and in your budget, don't choose that. For me, I should probably choose curriculum, but seeing as I spent almost nothing on that in january, and am jonesing for Feb to arrive so I can buy a few things LOL. So I could choose groceries and try to reduce that by, say 20% or something. Or I could choose gas, and try to reduce it by a certain percentage.


Just thinking out loud.

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Or if "no spend" challenges don't work for people because they just put off spending, a challenge could involve posting ways in which you avoided spending.


"I was considering buying a Kindle book but checked the library first. They even had it as an e-book, so I saved $7.99 by borrowing it instead."


"Instead of running to the drive-thru, I got created with the meager supplies in my pantry for dinner. I ended up throwing together a homemade pizza with a white sauce, some leftover chicken, onion, and some spinach that would have ended up in the garbage."



I like this idea too. I like the idea of posting what we did INSTEAD of buying something. Like "Went to beach and read my (library) book instead of going shopping at the mall."



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I like this idea too. I like the idea of posting what we did INSTEAD of buying something. Like "Went to beach and read my (library) book instead of going shopping at the mall."




That was just off the top of my head. Now, that I've thought about it for a few minutes, I like it even more. It puts a positive spin on being frugal. It would help us have a better attitude on saving money. It's too easy to slip into the habit of thinking about what we can't have or can't afford. This would help us learn the habit of thinking positively about what we got to do.

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That was just off the top of my head. Now, that I've thought about it for a few minutes, I like it even more. It puts a positive spin on being frugal. It would help us have a better attitude on saving money. It's too easy to slip into the habit of thinking about what we can't have or can't afford. This would help us learn the habit of thinking positively about what we got to do.



My thoughts exactly. I have been slowly less inclined to automatically think "Oh, it's too bad I can't buy XX" to thinking "We had a wonderful walk today and isn't it beautiful out." I have slowly, very slowly, been thinking less about what I "can't buy" and more about simple things to do and enjoy that are available for free. It's a struggle though.

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Well, I'm glad I'm not tracking the next few days... our coffee maker spit coffee all over the counter and died this morning. So I did some research and sent DH to Target after work for a new one. We got this: http://www.target.com/p/hamilton-beach-black-2-way-brewer/-/A-13372264#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=Hamilton+Beach


DH wanted a Keurig, but we've had one before and I hated it. So, this was less expensive (not cheap, but less than a Keurig!), gives me a nice traditional carafe, and him a way to make a single cup. It got great reviews so I am crossing my fingers that it's great!


I like the idea of challenges... the "spending avoidance" idea is great, and so is focusing on one category. I think mine will also be groceries. Holy moly, have those gotten expensive. I know I can't get it as low as it used to be, but I can surely do better than I have been lately!!

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My thoughts exactly. I have been slowly less inclined to automatically think "Oh, it's too bad I can't buy XX" to thinking "We had a wonderful walk today and isn't it beautiful out." I have slowly, very slowly, been thinking less about what I "can't buy" and more about simple things to do and enjoy that are available for free. It's a struggle though.




Oh, I understand. We just started a cash budget December 10th. During that first month, I was near tears most of the month and got into a fight with DH over money. Now 7 weeks later, I'm excited about the budget. We promised the kids that any money left in the eating out budget each month would be put into a Disney fund. We budgeted $300 a month because that's how much we spent in November, and we know we've spent much more than that at times. $300 sounds like a lot but it's equal to fast food twice a week or one sit down meal at a place like Red Robin per week. After 7 weeks, we have $440 in the bank for Disneyland. Our attitude has definitely changed. When the kids mention eating out or stopping for a treat or something, all I have to say is "Sure, are you sure you want to take that money out of the Disneyland fund?" and they change their minds.

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TOILET PAPER! Major confirmation of shrinking sizes tonight! I was putting a fresh roll of Scott's in the bathroom. The old roll had been packed in a box (sadly, labeled "open first" from our move 4 yrs ago). The recently purchased roll was an entire half inch shorter than the older one! Friends, I have discovered that the reason we had to create this thread is because we are flushing money down the toilet!

Don't even get me started! The ice cream companies think we JUST WON'T NOTICE when they shrink the size of their 1/2 gallon cartons so that they LOOK the same, shape-wise, but they're, like, miniaturized versions of what I grew up with.....yet the price remains the same or rises. Yea, we consumers are stupid like that. :glare: The incredible shrinking ice cream containers...grr.


I wonder whether it would be cheaper for us to make our own ice cream.....off to research.

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Oh yikes... EM, I remember the first time I compared a new TP roll to the empty one and came up short. I don't remember what brand it was (we use Kirkland from Costco now) but it was a VERY noticeable difference!!


Joann, you're right... a $300 dining out budget sounds like a lot but it just doesn't go as far as it used to... like everything...


ETA: Halcyon, oh yeah... the ice cream! That's just downright insulting...

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Amen on the shrinking groceries! That totally chaps my hide! I decided I am going to start making homemade crackers because I am so disgusted with the thin, fragile, miniaturized crackers they're selling now. I want my frickin cracker to be bigger than the piece of salami I'm putting on it, yk?


And - I love putting up what we did instead. I even did that a couple of times this month. I also like when we post where we "went wrong." It's just kind of nice when we admit that we're human and we all buy something unnecessary from time to time.


I was looking in a catalog today - I should never do that - and I found the perfect new quilt for my bed that will look good with the paint I'm planning to put up. In fact, I found TWO! Two perfect quilts that would both go with my newly decorated room. :ph34r: It's making me look forward to February, because, you know, that will be a whole new month, clean slate and everything. :leaving:

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Speaking of ice cream, we try to buy Open Nature (Safeway brand) or Breyers because they have flavors that are made with real ingredients. Unfortunately, they only come in a few flavors.


Occasionally, we buy other flavors and pretend we don't know they are made with tons of yucky stuff. But this last time I brought home a Breyers waffle cone flavor. I was thinking at least the ice cream part would be real since their plain flavors are real. Nope. They don't even call it ice cream; it is "frozen dairy dessert." In the ingredients list, it lists the ingredients for the "frozen dairy dessert" portion and the ingredients for the chocolate waffle cone part. And it wouldn't freeze solid in the freezer; it just stayed this soft, mushy consistence.


We need an ice cream maker.

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Speaking of ice cream, we try to buy Open Nature (Safeway brand) or Breyers because they have flavors that are made with real ingredients. Unfortunately, they only come in a few flavors.


Occasionally, we buy other flavors and pretend we don't know they are made with tons of yucky stuff. But this last time I brought home a Breyers waffle cone flavor. I was thinking at least the ice cream part would be real since their plain flavors are real. Nope. They don't even call it ice cream; it is "frozen dairy dessert." In the ingredients list, it lists the ingredients for the "frozen dairy dessert" portion and the ingredients for the chocolate waffle cone part. And it wouldn't freeze solid in the freezer; it just stayed this soft, mushy consistence.


We need an ice cream maker.

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This challenge inspired a blog post today. We wanted milkshakes... we are close to the end of our money... it amazes me the impact of this board!





Nice job on the milkshakes! Not to one-up, by any means, but we had a similar "Mom-there's-no-ice-cream" cry around here a couple of days ago. I made parfaits from vanilla yogurt, lemon curd, a crumbled graham cracker, coconut flakes and whipped topping. (DD also scrounged up some frozen raspberries and put those on hers.) This made me happy not just because it was kick-butt delicious, but also because I've been wondering how I'm going to get rid of those slightly stale graham crackers! :leaving:

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Snowstorm here, so a no spend day. Tucked in and watching the snow fly costs no money. Since all of our activities were cancelled tonight, we're popping popcorn & watching a movie. Of course, Kari's milkshakes would be great, but we have no ice cream. Nor do we have cream to make any in my DH's new ice cream machine (Christmas present). Hmmm, maybe we'll do hot chocolate instead.

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