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Does anyone else have a kid that acts out EVERY movie they watch??

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My younger dd7 is a movie freak. Yes, we are an electronic family. Dh is in the movie rental business. Dd doesn't just sit in front of the tv and veg out. No. She has to find an outfit that suits the occasion, fix her hair, and fully arm herself for her role:D She is cracking me up. Lord of the Rings finds her alternating between play armour while being Merry or Pippin in battle and a ring on a necklace as she's Frodo battling the giant spider (she hates spiders, but loves this part, go figure :001_rolleyes:) If it's a Barbie princess movie, then we move on to very intricate hair braids (no problem for a computer animator) and princess gowns. Pirates of the Caribbean finds her outfited as Captain Jack with her sword and her compass. Right now, for some odd reason, it's Jurassic Park. She has a back pack, cell phone, old computer keyboard, and a myriad of other things. She has been watching it in the room above me and when they are running away from things she is literally running in place or all over my room! The ceiling sounds like it's going to fall in! Not to mention the screaming:blink:


Anyone else have this??? Please say yes:001_smile: She just told me she is going to Jurassic Park camp. I asked if she was going to come back in a bunch of little pieces:D


What a girl!

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All of mine have acted out stuff to some extent. I consider it a pre-writing skill. It often builds the ability to create dialogue, though I had one who at age 6 was saying stuff like, "Walk the plank, matey!" said the captain with a sneer. " (yup, narrating the narrator lines.)


I have one who acts out movies, audio CD's, and books. Surprise, surprise: he attended his first drama camp this year and did really well! It's a great strength-builder not just for writing, but public-speaking, empathy, etc.


We had home movies from when I was a kid of my sister running across the yard holding an umbrella and leaping upwards, filmed after we returned home from Mary Poppins!

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My boys act out almost everything they view on the tv. Even PBS Nature shows. I guess having 2 boys the same age = built in playmate. I really don't let them watch anything before bed because there's not enough time for their after-show activity!

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My son makes everything on TV 3D. We finished a LOTR marathon last week. He originally had out his toy guns, until we had a very in depth :tongue_smilie:disussion about the lack of firearms in Middle Earth. Then he went and got his sword. I am sure many an Orc has perished in my living room. He now wants a bow like Legolas.


He does this during read-aloud time as well. I hope he never stops doing this, I find it Precious.

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My 7 year old daughter does this. She's still acting out scenes from Nacho Libre and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, both of which she saw 2 years ago. I think she has more fun reinacting scenes than she does actually watching the movies...

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My dd10 has always done this since she was about four or so...she really gets into it "after" the movie...she is a particular character for a day up to a week or so...totally inspired. Even if the character is an animal.


I remember doing that even as a teen ager...really identifying with the spirit of a movie...I did it with books I read too...hey, I still simper a bit after watching Gone With the Wind!

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My younger dd7 is a movie freak. Yes, we are an electronic family. Dh is in the movie rental business. Dd doesn't just sit in front of the tv and veg out. No. She has to find an outfit that suits the occasion, fix her hair, and fully arm herself for her role:D She is cracking me up. Lord of the Rings finds her alternating between play armour while being Merry or Pippin in battle and a ring on a necklace as she's Frodo battling the giant spider (she hates spiders, but loves this part, go figure :001_rolleyes:) If it's a Barbie princess movie, then we move on to very intricate hair braids (no problem for a computer animator) and princess gowns. Pirates of the Caribbean finds her outfited as Captain Jack with her sword and her compass. Right now, for some odd reason, it's Jurassic Park. She has a back pack, cell phone, old computer keyboard, and a myriad of other things. She has been watching it in the room above me and when they are running away from things she is literally running in place or all over my room! The ceiling sounds like it's going to fall in! Not to mention the screaming:blink:


Anyone else have this??? Please say yes:001_smile: She just told me she is going to Jurassic Park camp. I asked if she was going to come back in a bunch of little pieces:D


What a girl!

In the middle of watching Finding Nemo ds went upstairs and started flushing toys down the toilet


dd #2 acted like Swiper the Fox (Dora the Explorer) for the longest time


ds tried to be Indiana Jones and used a bungee cord like a whip trying to climb the stairs railing.

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Wow! All these replies make me smile. She is precious. No doubt. I have to admit that all your stories have made me grin. CalicoKat, my dd tied a jump rope from her little Target market to a chair and was going to shimmey across the rope like Elizabeth does between the two ships in Pirates 3. One "ship" promptly fell on her.:001_rolleyes: Did your Indiana Jones make it very far up the stairs? :D I think SusanG may have hit it on the head. Dd might just enjoy the acting MORE than the movie.


ElegantLion...dd has used a clothes hanger bent just so for a bow when playing Susan from Narnia...just fyi;). I am glad your living room is orc-free:001_smile:


I haven't had dd do much writing yet, but she sure narrates long stories for me. It will be fun to see if she does elaborate as much in her writing as she does in her narrating.


And yes, I do have plenty of pictures. Mostly of her Captain Jack get-up. He tends to come out the most often (I think she likes Johnny Depp or maybe she just likes to say "Why is the rum always gone?) She has the dress-up pirates set, complete with compass and sword. Even those eyes that Jack had in the 2nd movie with the cannibals. They were stickers she could put all over her face.


I'm so grateful that she has an active imagination. I guess a small part of me was worried that it wasn't true imagination if she was acting out something else, but now I won't worry about that anymore!


On with the show!:lurk5:

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Yep, that's my ds 6! He and she would make fast friends, I'd say.


Ds has to have props to go with any cartoon or movie he may be viewing. The right costume is essential. He prefers anything superhero related.


He also acts out lines when he's not watching. He will do the Mike's "stand-up" routine from Monster's, Inc. He doesn't even know all the words, but, never mind, he has the tone down pat!


Sometimes we'll watch a kid's movie together on family night and we'll watch it upstairs in our sitting area. Ds makes us all line up downstairs, tapes a piece of paper to the door, and goes through a "ribbon-cutting" ceremony (except he cuts the paper in half), complete with "ladies and gentlemen" and all that. Once he has cut the paper and introduced the movie, then we are allowed to go upstairs.


Dd just cares whether we're going to serve popcorn!:lurk5:

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Yep. Both my girls act out movies they've seen. They assign roles to themselves and act accordingly. For hours upon hours. Days upon days. Weeks upon weeks....


Sometimes, I get tired of it and put a stop to it. Depending on how much I liked the movie myself. After a month of endless reinactments of Shrek the Third, I finally called out "OK! That's the end of that one." They're agreeable about this.


Lately, they've been reinacting various mermaid movies they've seen: The Little Mermaid; Barbie's Mermaidia, etc. They do this when they're swimming, and if they're swimming with their friends, all the girls grab a role and it's pretty much a school of little mermaids in the pool, usually all claiming to have found The Magic Crystal, simultaneously, as in:


Kid #1: "I've got the Magic Crystal, you guys!"

Kid #2: "No, I'VE got it!"

Kid #3: "No, wait! It's over here! C'mon!"

Kid #4" "Here it is! The Magic Crystal! I found it!!!!!"


It's quite the magic crystal farm we've got brewing around here.


On rainy days, or when we're not swimming, the girls like to wrap blankets tightly around their legs, tie knots in them, and flop around on the floor like mermaids out of water.


And if the mermaid thing gets old, there's always the old standbys: Horses and unicorns. And dogs. It's a rare day when the kids are just hanging around being themselves.


Of course, we just went to see Kung Fu Panda last weekend. And the girls are taking karate lessons now. So, it might be time for another radical shift in the never-ending movie that runs in my living room.


I'll keep you posted. Please send popcorn.

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