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Well, *that* went well....


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<sigh> 8:15 and already had 1 less than positive encounter with ds11. Over oatmeal of all things.


Even as my brain was screaming,"Red Alert! Hormonal pre-teen! Don't engage!" my mouth opened and, well, you can probably guess the rest.


It's 5:00 p.m. somewhere in the world, right. (j/k)



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I'm sorry I have one (two?) of those right now.


I seem to recall my mom often saying "I'm sorry I opened my mouth" when I was a tween/teen.


I love that quote, lol. I may steal it. The other day DD14 wanted me to watch a show with her. I could tell it was important to her for me to be there with her, but every time I said something, I regretted it. I'm slow, lol, so it took me more than a few comments to learn that I should just watch and shut up, even when DD would ask me a question. This is (thankfully) not the norm. But between my 12 and 14 yo, sometimes I feel like I'm walking across a field of landmines.

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You might try messing with his mind by being terribly kind and agreeable today.


I've tried. I think my tongue has open wounds right now.


I seem to recall my mom often saying "I'm sorry I opened my mouth" when I was a tween/teen.


Oh, this is good.


How are things going?


Erm, how about an extra jigger or two of something special to go in that blender, hmmmm?

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<sigh> 8:15 and already had 1 less than positive encounter with ds11. Over oatmeal of all things.


Even as my brain was screaming,"Red Alert! Hormonal pre-teen! Don't engage!" my mouth opened and, well, you can probably guess the rest.


It's 5:00 p.m. somewhere in the world, right. (j/k)




I know! It is SO hard. We've had this run-in every day for a week. I don't know why I keep falling into the trap. Fortunately, neither of us gets mad for long, stays mad, or holds a grudge.

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Thanks for the commiseration, TM. Yes, it's so easy to say/think "I'm not going to be sucked in" in the rational light of day. But once someone's hormones and/or emotions start up it's so easy to forget that rational resolution. The eruption doesn't usually last long; but he does know how to milk the situation.


Extendedforest, your analogy of the mine field is so true.

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Thanks for the commiseration, TM. Yes, it's so easy to say/think "I'm not going to be sucked in" in the rational light of day. But once someone's hormones and/or emotions start up it's so easy to forget that rational resolution. The eruption doesn't usually last long; but he does know how to milk the situation.


Extendedforest, your analogy of the mine field is so true.


Yes, it was a stellar evening in our household as well. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I engage? Ugh.

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