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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's the weekend and I can clean if I want to. . . .

Zumba first thing in the a.m. (after breakfast). Make sure I wear my volunteer shirt. Today is my day to officially help in Zumba, not that I do anything different from the days that I help unofficially. . . :hat:

Grading at the Y while I wait for dd11 to finish volunteering. :hat:

Clean kitchen. But first I have to go to the store and buy dishwasher detergent, and peanut butter, and oranges, and frozen fruit and Ezekiel bread. . . :hat:


Continue to TSP walls and ceiling in the cat's bathroom.

Sunday school prep. :hat:


Ds has almost a full day of school to do - all stuff that he didn't get done during the week. I was hoping to go to the luthier's with him. Might not have the time.



Dd volunteers again from 4:30 - 9:00 pm. I don't think I have to be on the premises. :hat:

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Saturday tackle is in progress!




get dressed

take kids to dd8's first ice skating lesson





take dd8 around the neighborhood to sell girl scout cookies

general clean-up (especially bedrooms & bathrooms & kitchen & living room....oops, I guess that's the whole house!)

drop dd15 at the movies to see Les Mis (again) with her friends

dinner out with dh and younger kids

pick up dd15 from movies

get littles to bed/lay out clothes for church tomorrow morning

go to work (8:30pm-12:30am)

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I love posting on days like today.......I have nothing to tackle!


Took Dd to her 4H sewing club this morning. Now we are getting ready to drop Dc off at grandparents and Dh and I are having a late lunch out at a favorite British place that serves real clotted cream. Then we are going to pick out phones after passing around an old flip phone for years.


Only other thing I might attempt is some of my lists inspired by Getting Things Done and starting on school plans for this week---that's if my in-laws don't keep us there talking too long!

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We've cleaned the church in record time, been to the library to return books, and to the mall to exchange a shirt. We're eating a lunch of leftover Panera bread that a friend at the church had. And the laundry is in the washing machine to hang soon.


I'll take one son to basketball in a bit and run some other errands while he's there and I have the car. And I need to figure out something for dinner that is filling, nutritious, and popular with everyone since we'll be fasting for 24 hours after that. That is a very difficult expectation to meet with this family.

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Pick this week's meals from my monthly plan

Print applicable coupons




FAFSA forms

Pull books I need for upcoming semester

Put schoolwork pile in binders





Help dh change dd's water pump gasket (by help, I mean provide company & conversation lol)



Organized coupons to file


Not much done, lots left to,do!

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Took ds14 to work, now I have some time to get some work done. Up for today

  • clean the kitchen, this is a big one, all teh bins etc from other rooms to be sorted for keep/trash/donate are stacked in there. Likely the kitchen will take me until bedtime
  • pick ds up from work at 3pm
  • laundry(blankets to wash and hang on doors to dry)
  • work on home notebook some more
  • continue knitting project during breaks from the rest

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Got Share it Saturdayup and the linky is working (come play!)

Laundry folded and put away

meat for the week cooking in crock pot, chix shredded

wrote 2000 words

made breakfast, cleaned kitchen.

Dh is putting together the saw to cut the trim for the 2nd floor!! WOOHOOO! (now he just needs to get better so that we can actually cut the trim!)

ds 18 is picking up dd9 from sleepover, dep. checks and putting in app for p.t. job (no physical effort on my part, but some mental...)


Still to do:

Write another 1500 words

Read Switch and Film making book

File papers for GTD- I have a filing system that is actually working!!

Errands list (vs. putting errands to do on a particular day) has made errands so much MORE manageable, and much less of a I hate errands issue for me.

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11:30 check in: Zumba done and it was a doozy! I was pouring with sweat. it was packed too because it is January. In about two months it will go back to the regulars. Talked to the instructor and offered to do one cha-cha with her next time. What was I thinking?! (She was happy because she keeps asking me to do a song.)


Next - grade ds' chemistry test. I am afraid of doing it but I have to do it anyway.

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Got bagels for breakfast


Showered (something I forgot to do yesterday!)


Helped 14 Yo old with writing project


Remembered to have him do his assigned reading the was the reading specialist said to


Forced 17 yo to work on his research paper and wound up being his secretary and letting him dictate to me cuz he was having tremendous writers block. It was a good session. He got unstuck!


Planned meals and went grocery shopping.


Cleaned out fridge.


Got dh to take dog to the dog wash place.


Planned my Rel Ed. class for tomorrow.


Still need to:


Do load of laundry


Go to Michaels to get craft supplies for class tomorrow.


Go out to dinner with dh


Read my 52 book book.

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mop floors

vacuum, dust

clean dd9 closet, get clothes ready for the week

set up study area for schoolwork, homework, grading in dining room



Got a burst of energy. Finished:

laundry (ongoing)

floors, vacuum, dust

dd9's closet,clothes

cleaned out dining hutch/buffet, cleaned servingware, glasses

cleaned computer, printer, desk

1 set of kitchen drawers

living/dining room


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I have totally flaked this afternoon. I sat and finished an Anne Perry Mystery. After dinner I've been working on my Sunday school lesson. Ds is STILL working on the work he owes me. I am now going to actually do a bit of grading - what I owe him.


Jean, I think you accomplish an awful lot every day! I'm glad you flaked and read instead. Now when I have down time I'll think to myself "Well, there was that one day when Jean read that mystery." Really, you deserve some down time. :)

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Jean, I think you accomplish an awful lot every day! I'm glad you flaked and read instead. Now when I have down time I'll think to myself "Well, there was that one day when Jean read that mystery." Really, you deserve some down time. :)


:lol: Well, I am trying to make up for years when I didn't do very much.


I just finished grading the chemistry test - he got a C+ which is frankly a lot better than I thought he might do.


And I got done with one geometry assignment.


I still have two Latin assignments to grade and am waiting for his last geometry assignment.


Dh has lured ds away from his work though with Flashpoint.

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Jean, I think you accomplish an awful lot every day! I'm glad you flaked and read instead. Now when I have down time I'll think to myself "Well, there was that one day when Jean read that mystery." Really, you deserve some down time. :)





The zumba alone would do me in for the rest of the day. It does sound fun, though.

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I emptied a desk/ and a file cabinet/hutch, put them in the garage to go on Craigslist. It was a 2 hour project LOL Man there was a lot of things in there!!!


Bought a new Ikea shelf to organize dd6s things as she comes in the door. She had started dumping her backpack, shoes, lunchbox in the kitchen floor and I am getting really tired of it. This should help tremendously! This sits where the old file cabinet/hutch used to be.


I wasn't sure how dh was going to feel about my project (he just got back in town tonight), but he is really happy with it :0)


I buried my kitchen counter with things from the desk/hutch but they have to wait until after work tomorrow to deal with. I found homes for about 1/2 of it, but much of what is left, I am at a loss for where to put it.



I almost made a HUGE mess! I was moving a rack with 8 bottles of wine in it and dropped 3 bottles of red wine onto a 2 month old carpet. They hit my husbands $300 printer on the way down. I can not belive that the printer didn't break, nor did the wine. I absolutely expected there to be some major damage as they were falling, but not a single drop spilled.

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I almost made a HUGE mess! I was moving a rack with 8 bottles of wine in it and dropped 3 bottles of red wine onto a 2 month old carpet. They hit my husbands $300 printer on the way down. I can not belive that the printer didn't break, nor did the wine. I absolutely expected there to be some major damage as they were falling, but not a single drop spilled.



Whew! I'm glad that they didn't break!

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