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Surprise package from Amazon


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My brother just texted to ask if I sent him a book on tape, "Sh*t my Dad says." I told him no, did he send me a bottle of eucalyptus oil?


Maybe the Amazon employees are slap happy and hitting the eggnog. Maybe they're overwhelmed and have given up and are just flinging random things at people. Has anyone else received an odd item in its own box that they didn't order and have no record of paying for? It's so odd that it happened to both of us this week.

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a week or so ago....received package addressed to a former resident of my address. she ordered it for a friend. messed up the send to. amazon struggled but finally figured out how to pay for the package to be returned to them. then 3 days later, I got a gift card refund from amazon for it. uhmm.... no.. I never ordered anything so I'm not the one who should get the refund..... and gift wasn't intended for me... all weird.

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We did, too. Strange items. No invoice. But, it had my order # on the box. I received all my items (it was a large order, so I was afraid that someone might have ended up w/my nice stuff when I ended up with a box of unwanted stuff.


Yeah, mine had no packing slip either. That's why I was confused. I've received everything I've ordered. An extra item in a larger package I can understand. but I don't see how you can just create a rogue order.

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