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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning everyone! Welcome to a new week of busy!


My plans today:


Clean the kitchen which looks like a tornado hit it over the weekend (and I did clean it).


Wash the laundry which is interbreeding as we speak.


Write the Christmas newsletter!


Send out 100 plus newsletters and cards.


Get ready for the Christmas baking we're doing tomorrow. This will include a trip to the grocery store.


My sister's present.


My parent's present.


Dd11 has a baking order to fill. They've requested a cookie that she's never made before so this should be interesting. . .

Elf Time for the kids to work on Christmas stuff without anyone seeing.

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It's Monday let's get some stuff done.




breakfast eaten

Left message for guy at the state




Email Darrell

Email Steve

Respond to voicemails





Call my dad

Finish some paperwork

Tidy desk

Make bread because we have company coming over tonight

Make soup - ditto on the company

Make a tart for dessert - see above :)




Charitable contributions mailed

City paperwork

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Phonics (oldest)

Breakfast cleanup


To Do:

Sweep floors


clean out cabniets with school stuff and organize

clean bathrooms

put away mountain of clothes

do a few more loads

straighted mud room up

the rest of school, ugh

go to grocery store

bake almond poppy seed bread for gift

fix dinner

make applesauce (2 batches)

take care of all the animals this evening and bed them down



WHEW!! That's a normal day though, sad to say.

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My week is "front-loaded"...meaning I have lots that I need/want to get done at the beginning of the week, so we can really sit back and enjoy our time together as enter the Christmas holiday.






LOAD 2 of 6 IN PROGRESS: Laundry, laundry, laundry x2 (yes, that makes 6 loads that have piled up since Thursday evening

HAVE FINISHED ABOUT 70% SO FAR: Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping x many (Christmas presents need to be wrapped today as I am running out of hiding places!)





Chores (clean kitchen, bathrooms, vacuum, dust)


Make dinner

Take dd15 to dance (4:30-6)

Take ds to Boy Scouts (6:30-9)

Take dd8 to Girl Scouts (6:30-8)

Attend parent meeting re: cookie sales at Girl Scouts (7:45-8)

pick up pictures for MIL

mail presents to my nieces




Exchange shirt at Kohl’s for my mom’s husband’s Christmas present (I bought the wrong size)

go to bank (personal)

go to bank (Girl Scouts)

write out Christmas cards (decided to send a few--have whittled down my list greatly from years past)

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I have a ridiculously long list of things to do--cleaning the house from top to bottom, organizing menus for various parties, planning gifts and excursions, planning birthdays, cooking large amounts of food--but as I go about my day my thoughts are not far from the community in Connecticut who are trying to find their way (is that even possible???) through the unspeakable horror that occurred there on Friday.


So my long list of things to do seems like a grace, a supremely messy house that needs several hours of cleaning feels like a generosity, a gift when I think of the incomprehensible suffering that the families are going through. I don't even know what prayer to offer up because nothing I think of could even begin to touch the surface of their pain. So I am simply breathing with them as I go about my day and offering up tears and gratitude for innumerable 'simple' gifts in the same moment.

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My day is different from what I had planned. Dd12 woke with a fever and sore throat. Then at 9:30 we discovered there was no hot water :eek: The thermostat had melted!



~new thermostat installed by wonderful plumber

~2 loads of laundry completed

~watched two episodes of Globe Trekker with dd (Tanzania and Kenya) and calling school for the day

~made eye dr appointments for the girls



~lunch :lol: DONE

~third load of laundry



~start prereading World War 2 nonfiction and fiction for after Christmas break (I will choose representative books for Nazi Germany/Europe/Asia/United States and dd can select 1 or 2 that she'll read from each. I currently have 16 books sitting in front of me with 10 or so more requested from the library. I also need to find dd17's copy of "Number the Stars." And apparently I need to figure out how to italicize on the iPad!)

~give ds a list of gift ideas for his sisters

~buy one last gift

~check supplies of felt and trims for 2 wallhangings for my sisters (I am copying one my mother made in the 1970s that she always displayed at Christmas. I retained "custody" of suchlike items when we sold my parents' house as I am the crafty one and promised to make copies for my sisters.)

~potential trip to Joann Fabrics

~plan meals for week. DONE

~make grocery/errand list. DONE

~cook dinner...

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Partially done:

Call health insurance (on phone now)



Go to bank


To do:

College work


RCIA (4-5)

A*l - A*n*o*n meeting and business meeting (7:30 - 9:15)


I'm trying to squeeze a week's worth of college work into today, tomorrow, and partially Wednesday. DH and I are leaving for VA Wednesday evening and not coming back until late Sunday night. And I still have to take a bus to the mall to go Christmas shopping tomorrow. Blah.


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11 am check in:


I am cleaned and scrubbed.


The kitchen is halfway cleaned and scrubbed. The dishwasher was unloaded and then loaded again and is running. I've done some handwashing but have more to do.


Ds and Dd did early morning chores - animal care, recycling and garbage.


I embarrassed myself standing at the backdoor calling for Rocky for 2 min. while he sat patiently behind me waiting for me to turn around. . ;. (The kids thought this was hilarious.)


Dd has brought out an entire bag of garbage from her room. :svengo:


Ds has brought up all the clean laundry that has to be folded and put away.


Ds also put in a FULL load of laundry after I reamed him out for starting the load with only TWO pairs of pants in it! :scared:


Ds is now working on entering my address book into a program that will allow us to print out mailing labels.


Dd and I are going to start working on the newsletter in 4 minutes. (We have a date.)

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It is Tuesday here, but here's my list.


Get everyone dressed and breakfasted


Tidy and declutter the computer desk and DVD shelf.


Tidy and declutter all surfaces in the kitchen


Laundry to fold and laundry to wash and get hung out


Clean bathroom sink and tub.


Vacuum the living areas


Check on all the areas I have recently sorted and make sure they are still looking sorted


Encourage 11yr old to fold and deliver pamphlets


Make sure 9yr old hasn't destroyed the kitchen while making pancakes for breakfast


Micromanage the almost three year old through all this


Anything over and above this will be a massive bonus

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It is Tuesday here, but here's my list.


Get everyone dressed and breakfasted


Tidy and declutter the computer desk and DVD shelf.


Tidy and declutter all surfaces in the kitchen


Laundry to fold and laundry to wash and get hung out


Clean bathroom sink and tub.


Vacuum the living areas


Check on all the areas I have recently sorted and make sure they are still looking sorted


Encourage 11yr old to fold and deliver pamphlets


Make sure 9yr old hasn't destroyed the kitchen while making pancakes for breakfast


Micromanage the almost three year old through all this


Anything over and above this will be a massive bonus

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3:30PM update:









LOAD 3 of 6 IN PROGRESS: Laundry, laundry, laundry x2 (yes, that makes 6 loads that have piled up since Thursday evening

HAVE FINISHED ABOUT 75% SO FAR: Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping x many (Christmas presents need to be wrapped today as I am running out of hiding places!)

Chores (clean kitchen, bathrooms, vacuum, dust)




Make dinner

Take dd15 to dance (4:30-6)

Take ds to Boy Scouts (6:30-9)

Take dd8 to Girl Scouts (6:30-8)

Attend parent meeting re: cookie sales at Girl Scouts (7:45-8)

pick up pictures for MIL

mail presents to my nieces




Exchange shirt at Kohl’s for my mom’s husband’s Christmas present (I bought the wrong size)

go to bank (personal)

go to bank (Girl Scouts)

write out Christmas cards (decided to send a few--have whittled down my list greatly from years past)

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Say good bye to Mom, see her off to airport (DONE)

Breakfast (DONE)

Handwriting (DONE)

McGuffey (DONE)





Pick up entire house









Reading for fun (yes I have to schedule this or I'll just hang out online till bed)

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3 pm report. Addresses are finally all entered into my database. Now I have to figure out if I have enough paper to copy the newsletters on, envelopes, stamps etc. and set up and assembly line.


I decided that I am going to stop having an afternoon snack. It is 3 pm - snack time and I want my snack! :crying: I'm going to try and distract myself with some flavored tea.

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I'm going to just pout. The first thing on my list was some laundry. I have no water pressure so the washer's not filling.


Ds did math and handwriting despite his allergies.


I'm going to pout with netflix until my water comes back to normal.


Oh no :(


We had no water pressure last night and have a well. My husband about died when he found out the water was left on most of the day/night by my oldest. Luckily it came back and the pump wasn't burnt.


Monday got the best of me (ok well my kids did).

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7:00pm check-in





Exercise (did 3.55 miles on the treadmill - 45 mins)


Make dinner

Take dd15 to dance (4:30-6)

Take ds to Boy Scouts (6:30-9)

Take dd8 to Girl Scouts (6:30-8)

pick up pictures for MIL

go to bank (personal)



LOAD 3 of 6 IN PROGRESS: Laundry, laundry, laundry x2 (yes, that makes 6 loads that have piled up since Thursday evening

HAVE FINISHED ABOUT 75% SO FAR: Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping x many (Christmas presents need to be wrapped today as I am running out of hiding places!)

Chores (clean kitchen, bathrooms, vacuum, dust)




Attend parent meeting re: cookie sales at Girl Scouts (7:45-8)



write out Christmas cards (decided to send a few--have whittled down my list greatly from years past)



mail presents to my nieces

Exchange shirt at Kohl’s for my mom’s husband’s Christmas present (I bought the wrong size)

go to bank (Girl Scouts)

2 more loads of laundry

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3 pm report. Addresses are finally all entered into my database. Now I have to figure out if I have enough paper to copy the newsletters on, envelopes, stamps etc. and set up and assembly line.


I decided that I am going to stop having an afternoon snack. It is 3 pm - snack time and I want my snack! :crying: I'm going to try and distract myself with some flavored tea.


What made you decide to give up the afternoon snack, Jean? I "need" some type of snack (usually some nuts or something with protein) to get through the afternoon slump!

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Get everyone dressed and breakfasted


Tidy and declutter the computer desk and DVD shelf.


Tidy and declutter all surfaces in the kitchen


Laundry to fold and laundry to wash and get hung out


Clean bathroom sink and tub.


Vacuum the living areas


Check on all the areas I have recently sorted and make sure they are still looking sorted


Encourage 11yr old to fold and deliver pamphlets


Make sure 9yr old hasn't destroyed the kitchen while making pancakes for breakfast


Micromanage the almost three year old through all this


Anything over and above this will be a massive bonus



I have managed to do everything in red. It is nearly 1.30pm. The near 3yr old is in bed, the 11yr old at a practice and the 9yr old is over at the neighbours. The 7yr old did vacuum some of the living room thanks to the littliest person tipping the entire contents of the lego box on the floor.

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5:30 check in:


labels all printed out.

100 newsletters copied onto colored paper.

My sister's present bought and sent.

Grocery store for cookie baking supplies.

Our little city's 1 1/2 blocks does not have any colored envelopes for sale anywhere. :bored:

Dinner is cooking.

Ds made my Christmas present (I think from all the top-secret activity which included banning me from that side of the house).


Now it is dinner and then kickboxing.


Jenn - I thought I'd try the No S diet (no snacks, no seconds, no sugar). I cheated and had half a cookie that broke from dd10's baking today - which was both a snack and sugar. I've been trying to lose weight actively for 3 years with no luck at all. (I lose and regain the same 10 pounds over and over again.)

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Get everyone dressed and breakfasted


Tidy and declutter the computer desk and DVD shelf.


Tidy and declutter all surfaces in the kitchen


Laundry to fold and laundry to wash and get hung out


Clean bathroom sink and tub.


Vacuum the living areas


Check on all the areas I have recently sorted and make sure they are still looking sorted


Encourage 11yr old to fold and deliver pamphlets


Make sure 9yr old hasn't destroyed the kitchen while making pancakes for breakfast


Micromanage the almost three year old through all this


Anything over and above this will be a massive bonus




Nearly 4pm here now. Kitchen not too far away from being finished. I have sat down with the blossoms this afternoon too and read a book. Have done a few little extras as I've gone. Starting to make progress in the house. Am pleased as it's been a long few months of illness that has let it get so bad and I am finally on the road to recovery. DD9 is making pudding at the moment so hopefully she won't create too much of a mess before I get back in there.

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7 pm check-in




Say good bye to Mom, see her off to airport (DONE)

Breakfast (DONE)

Handwriting (DONE)

McGuffey (DONE)




Lunch (DONE)

Pick up entire house (DONE)

Math (DONE)








Reading for fun (yes I have to schedule this or I'll just hang out online till bed)

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Get everyone dressed and breakfasted


Tidy and declutter the computer desk and DVD shelf.


Tidy and declutter all surfaces in the kitchen


Laundry to fold and laundry to wash and get hung out


Clean bathroom sink and tub.


Vacuum the living areas


Check on all the areas I have recently sorted and make sure they are still looking sorted


Encourage 11yr old to fold and deliver pamphlets


Make sure 9yr old hasn't destroyed the kitchen while making pancakes for breakfast


Micromanage the almost three year old through all this


Anything over and above this will be a massive bonus




Well, it's 5.25 now and I'm about to cook dinner. I have achieved much more than I could have hoped. Not sure If I will get to the vacuuming today, but have got a few things done I hadn't planned on, so quite pleased.


Well done everyone else, thanks for the motivation. It's funny when you're accountable you get stuff done. I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to having the house in a controllable condition after my illness.


Jean, the No S diet sounds like something I need to look at. I have considerably more weight than I did before I got sick so need to keep moving and get it off but I need to change some of my eating habits too.

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9 pm check in and I'm ticked! Sometimes living in the "little town in the big city" is a big pain in the you-know-what. I had to drive in to the next city to get my hold from the library. The good thing is that this is the last hold that will go there because we now have our own library! But then I had to get ds from taekwando and drive to the edge of the next big city to look for envelopes. I wanted to get them tonight so that we will have all of the supplies to get these things out tomorrow. But I guess unless we go all the way downtown in the big city (which I don't want to do) there are no stationers or places with colored envelopes! Grr. So this means I will spend an hour tomorrow driving into the big city tomorrow to buy envelopes and then hurry home to stuff them. Then because (of course) our small town doesn't even have a post office, I'll have to drive the hour again in the evening to mail the darn things!

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