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Christmas gift wwyd?


gift wwyd  

45 members have voted

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    • Get him the boots and let him exchange
    • Let him pick them out, wrap for tree
    • wrap empty box w/ cash or note
    • obligatory other (please explain)

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Ds wants a new pair of boots. He asked for them last year when he grew out of his, but we couldn't find much in a size 13, so I didn't get him any. I really want to get him a pair this year. He is fairly picky about fit as he does have some sensory issues. This is his main/big gift.


So here's my question: Would you...


A. Get him a pair without his help, so they are under the tree and wrapped Christmas morning- only if we could return to the store and exchange if they didn't fit (but then he has to choose from what that store has)


B. Take him out and let him find the pair he wants/fits...then wrap and put under the tree (dd did this last year w/ hers and was fine w/ it)


C. Wrap up a box w/ money or a note in it, that we will take him shopping after Christmas




I would really like to have them wrapped and under the tree, and I love surprises, but dd loved having th boots to wear to Grandmother's on Christmas Day last year, and she doesn't really like surprises, so IDk what to do. Ds would probably be fine w/ whatever.



attempting a poll... yay!

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My girl would love the whole exchange/shop for boots that fit if the gift ones aren't right.

My boy is picky about how his shoes fit so he'd rather shop in advance for them than have the hassle of after Christmas shopping. He HATES shopping anyway, and if it's for clothes or during busy times, it just becomes a miserable experience for him.


I'd feel your boy out and see which of your scenarios he'd prefer.

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I'd definitely take him shopping for boots, as there may not be much left after Christmas.


As the kids move into the teen stages, there have been few surprises on the big items because we always try to give the one gift they really want. I try to make up for it by surprising them with some small, fun items.

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Is there anyway you can take him to the store looking for something else and happen to come upon boots and see if he points some out to you? Did this with my ds. I pretended to be looking for something else and he started looking at boots. He even tried them on and declared he really liked a certain pair. I mumbled ok, like I was only 1/2 paying attention but really I was making all these mental notes. Later that day I went back to the store alone and got them.

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Other: if you think he might wear less-than-ideal boots to an event anyway and then not like them after they are unreturnable, wrap an empty box or something liek that.


Here is what I did once: Great-Gram wanted to buy new tap shoes for Diamond. Diamond is picky AND hard to fit- plus we were changing style/brand. The dance shop was in on the deal- Diamond tried some on, found what she wanted, and the shoe fitter said "I can't sell these to you, they're on hold for somebody." (It's common to just have one of a size in stock, and it can be tried on others while it's on hold) Great-Gram then bought them at a later date and gave them to her for Christmas! She was thrilled- especially when she realized they had been on hold for HER!


You knwo your son best- would he be more diappointed by having to wait, or by being tempted to wear boots that aren't quite right?

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is it sensory issues making the fit hard, or does he *also* have a harder size to fit? (e.g. wide foot, high arch, etc.) if the latter - that makes it doubly hard to find comfortable shoes.

mine stopped caring as much about surprises and wouldn't have cared about the surprise factor on the "big" gift (they had smallish presents that were surprises), and then they'd have the boot.

otoh: It can be a real drag taking teens/ya's clothes/shoes shopping and I was happy when they could do it themselves.

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Other: if you think he might wear less-than-ideal boots to an event anyway and then not like them after they are unreturnable, wrap an empty box or something liek that.


Here is what I did once: Great-Gram wanted to buy new tap shoes for Diamond. Diamond is picky AND hard to fit- plus we were changing style/brand. The dance shop was in on the deal- Diamond tried some on, found what she wanted, and the shoe fitter said "I can't sell these to you, they're on hold for somebody." (It's common to just have one of a size in stock, and it can be tried on others while it's on hold) Great-Gram then bought them at a later date and gave them to her for Christmas! She was thrilled- especially when she realized they had been on hold for HER!


You knwo your son best- would he be more diappointed by having to wait, or by being tempted to wear boots that aren't quite right?


I sold my dining room table on craigslist last christmas that way. the wife contacted me - sent her husband to pick it up, and he had me e-mail her back that it was sold. (beautiful family heirloom set, but 10 were squished. I wanted a table that comfortably seats 12.)

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Ok, I just asked ds, and his answer surprised me. He was leaning toward the buy and let it be a surprise, then when I suggested wrap an empty box w/ a note, he shouted, "That one!" Ok then. :lol:


The funny thing is, I told him I was asking for somebody on the board who needed to buy their teenage son a gift that had to be tried on, because her son had sensory issues. He asked what that was.

I said "You know, like we all have. Like I can't wear turtlenecks or tight collars."

He said "Or like boots have to fit a certain way?"

Umm, yeah. Just. like. that! :lol:


Eta: I think I'll sneak in his room while he's at the movies, and get his old boots to wrap. That way the box won't be empty! :D

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