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My goofy son12 wants to be Sheldon


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My youngest is very much like Sheldon. His therapist says he is complete unto himself - a little enigma. He's quite content on his own but he sort of chooses to need us. :) He is always tinkering with something or creating something and insists on learning at his own pace. He read very early and somehow learned his times tables by three and square roots at age 7.


His OT told me I had to watch TBBT because Sheldon reminded her of my youngest. We did and now we are all hooked on the show.

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As a character in a tv show, he's very funny. But as a person to model, he's not so hot. There are aspects of Sheldon that are really neat, but his complete self-centredness and emotional cluelessness are worrisome.


I don't think, however, that the writers of the show intend Sheldon to be a role model for anyone. He's just a comic device.

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As a character in a tv show, he's very funny. But as a person to model, he's not so hot. There are aspects of Sheldon that are really neat, but his complete self-centredness and emotional cluelessness are worrisome.


I don't think, however, that the writers of the show intend Sheldon to be a role model for anyone. He's just a comic device.




Yes. And I think he is hilarious. I also do not think he should be a role model for anyone....and yet my ds thinks he is like Sheldon.


I do think my son relates to Sheldon's quirkiness. My son desperately wants to BE something definitive. He asked me the other day if I thought he might be Bi-Polar. No I do not. Why not!? he asks.



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Yes. And I think he is hilarious. I also do not think he should be a role model for anyone....and yet my ds thinks he is like Sheldon.


I do think my son relates to Sheldon's quirkiness. My son desperately wants to BE something definitive. He asked me the other day if I thought he might be Bi-Polar. No I do not. Why not!? he asks.






Oh, Scarlett! I think I know how you feel. My ds has sometimes had bouts of wanting to be labelled or defined in some way. He does have his own quirks, but that is a personality thing, nothing "wrong." Other than his stutter (which has come a LONG way towards correction), there is just nothing to label. I think that it stems from that part of growing up that is wanting to belong, wanting to know what/who you are. That whole identity thing.


I don't really have any advice on that. I try to steer my ds toward positive ideas, so that he doesn't get fixated on something negative. That's the best I can do. I don't know what else to do.


:grouphug: to you.

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