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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Happy Tuesday Everybody!


Today's motivating music is courtesy of Credence Clearwater Revival.


Today is a major laundry day. Yesterday was supposed to be a major laundry day but instead we only did the bare minimum.


I also have to do the financial stuff that I didn't do yesterday. I really don't want to do it today either. Someone get out the cattle prod and make me do it!


School highlights will include a Geometry seminar with ds15, Anglo-Saxons with dd10 and Handicrafts with dd10. I'm running out of ideas of things to do with her for handicrafts. Any ideas?


Filling in between all of that are meals and the eternal cleaning of the kitchen.


I also have to stretch. I'm turning into an achy congealed lump.

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Happy Tuesday Everybody!


Today is a major laundry day. Yesterday was supposed to be a major laundry day but instead we only did the bare minimum.


I also have to do the financial stuff that I didn't do yesterday. I really don't want to do it today either. Someone get out the cattle prod and make me do it!


School highlights will include a Geometry seminar with ds15, Anglo-Saxons with dd10 and Handicrafts with dd10. I'm running out of ideas of things to do with her for handicrafts. Any ideas?



Hmm...laundry. It seems that it is never done. I took the weekend off from laundry (mostly because we were "on the go" all weekend). I ended up doing 6 loads yesterday, with 3 to do today.


Just get the financial stuff done and over with so you don't have to think about it for awhile.


Handicrafts....have you ever done quilling? When dd15 was younger, she was in a group and one month, they learned quilling.

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I've been tackling Tuesday and it's "to do" list for 5.5 hours and this is where I stand:



LOAD 2 of 3 IN PROGRESS ~ 3 loads of laundry

DONE ~ Mop kitchen & bathroom floors (guess it’s a good thing I didn’t get to this yesterday—we’ve already had 2 spills this morning

ALREADY COOKING ~ Make dinner in crockpot

2 1/2 down, 1 1/2 to go ~ Put up 4 small trees (or rather, supervise the kids putting up their 4 trees)

Do Advent reading with kids (we’re already 2 days behind)

Do WWE & FLL with dd8; check over handwriting & science

Do Science, Grammer, Writing, and Math with ds

IN PROGRESS ~ Supervise dd15 (focus on characterization essay for English, SAT prep essays, and Biology; review recent math assignments)

Do school with dd5


Declutter (a never-ending chore)

Organize freezer to prepare for the 40 pounds of ground beef that I’m picking up tomorrow (also, make sure we have enough FoodSaver bags for wrapping the beef tomorrow)

Decide if I’m going to send Christmas cards this year or not….and if so, go buy cards

Make or buy Christmas cookies to take to church for a social gathering after we take the kids to carol at a local retirement home tomorrow

DD15 dance classes 4-8pm

Go to work (9pm-1am)

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I tackled a major one already - washed the electric skillet. Dh loves to use it (he made French toast for dd10's birthday this morning), but I hate, hate, hate cleaning it. I feel the same about the crock pot. I don't know why. But it's done.


Since it's dd's birthday, she gets the day off of chores, so either I do hers or get her siblings to do them. Dd6 and I got her laundry put away. I'm on my second load for the day (which was supposed to be done yesterday).


I'm taking most of the day off lessons (mainly) - just pointing the kids to their books and trying to get a few things accomplished. My brain feels scrambled so I'm having another cup of coffee to help me focus.


We are bringing home our adopted rabbits tomorrow - so I'm working on getting all our supplies in order - but secretly since it's a surprise to the little ones. Dd14 is so excited she "can barely sit still or keep a thought in her head..." :D (to quote Red from The Shawshank Redemption.)

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I'm in today!



Grocery Store


Unload Dishwasher


Must Do:

Finish duct tape skirt for DD's project

Go through inbox

Update work to do list

Finish work calls

Update file

Register for conference

Math with DD

Spelling with DD

Science with DD



Want to Do:

Meal plan for week

Get plane tickets ordered

Meal plan for Christmas party

Update contact list

Update calendar

Sew badges on DD's uniform


Whew. I think I might be overdoing it a bit. Guess I should get started.


Music for the day supplied by Train. :)

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Sheets washed and changed on M. Bedroom and girls room

kitchen swept and dishes done

finished bagging up clothes for goodwill

some organizing done in basement of old clothes(plenty more to do but that will wait- I need dh to carry up some totes for me to go to Goodwill- since having a girl I'm getting rid of my saved boy clothes)

2 loads of laundry done


To do:

1 load of clothes to put up

great room swept

property tax and assessment mailed

making candy


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I'm discouraged. Despite working hard every day on these lists we still spent 20 min. this morning looking for a lost paper that has gone "poof"! The house is a pit - at least in places. But - do the next thing, right? Ds has his assignment for the moment, the dishwasher is running and I'm going to tackle that laundry.


Keep going. Don't get discouraged because you're making progress. Dishes are in the dishwasher and not sitting on the counter - that's a mini mission accomplished.

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Wow, Mama, 4 trees? :svengo:



Each child has their own tree (about 3-4 ft tall) in their room, and then we have one larger (6.5 ft) tree downstairs. Since the 3 girls all share a room, that means they have 3 trees in there....It makes me claustrophobic! If we had more room, I'd put up more. Lord knows I have enough ornaments for about a dozen trees! :-)

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I'm discouraged. Despite working hard every day on these lists we still spent 20 min. this morning looking for a lost paper that has gone "poof"! The house is a pit - at least in places. But - do the next thing, right? Ds has his assignment for the moment, the dishwasher is running and I'm going to tackle that laundry.



Hang in there, Jean! I hate looking for lost things. Ugh!


If I lived closer, I would so come over and give you a hand with the house. It's kinda a strong point of mine. :)




I've done 3 loads of laundry.

Straightened the house.

Helped ds12 clean out his desk.

Checked on BIL (He's doing a bit better, BTW. And GOOD NEWS! He did sign up for Short Term Disability with his HR, so he'll have money coming in! I take him to the doctor tomorrow.)

I've been working on my digital scrapbooking this morning. I got 6 layouts done that I'm happy with. I'm about a year behind. So, I'm taking some time during our break to catch up.


This afternoon:



Spend some time with my 9yo, one on one, playing a game or something. I feel like I need to connect with him a little bit.


Oh, and the closets from yesterday did get cleaned and I feel much better! :)



Relax with the family. I think it's an Elf kinda night.


Hope things are smoother for you this afternoon, Jean!

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2pm check-in :


LOAD 3 of 3 IN PROGRESS ~ 3 loads of laundry

DONE ~ Mop kitchen & bathroom floors (guess it’s a good thing I didn’t get to this yesterday—we’ve already had 2 spills this morning

ALREADY COOKING ~ Make dinner in crockpot

3 down, 1 to go ~ Put up 4 small trees (or rather, supervise the kids putting up their 4 trees)

Do Advent reading with kids (we’re already 2 days behind)

IN PROGRESS ~ Do WWE & FLL with dd8; check over handwriting & science

IN PROGRESS ~ Do Science, Grammer, Writing, and Math with ds

DONE ~ Supervise dd15 (focus on characterization essay for English, SAT prep essays, and Biology; review recent math assignments)

IN PROGRESS ~ Do school with dd5

DONE ~lunch

Declutter (a never-ending chore)

DONE ~ Organize freezer to prepare for the 40 pounds of ground beef that I’m picking up tomorrow (also, make sure we have enough FoodSaver bags for wrapping the beef tomorrow)

DECIDED TO JUST SEND A FEW, WILL BUY TOMORROW ~ Decide if I’m going to send Christmas cards this year or not….and if so, go buy cards

Make or buy Christmas cookies to take to church for a social gathering after we take the kids to carol at a local retirement home tomorrow

DD15 dance classes 4-8pm

DD5 dance class 4-5pm

Go to work (9pm-1am)

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I've got to clean up the kitchen and the dining/homeschool area. The floor looks like a ticker tape parade after DD's "cutting project."


I feel under a time crunch today with school because the neighborhood public school kids are on half days this week for parent conferences, so they're knocking on our door at noon instead of three o'clock.


We also have DS's math class and have to be out of here at 4 o'clock sharp.

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Ahh. Day is spiraling out of control. I had two work calls - one pushed a deadline up and the other was new work. YEAH! That makes me triple busy which is great but now I'm freaking out about getting everything done. Then in the mail I got three or four urgent items like taxes and other boring but has to be done right away stuff. AHHHHH! Quick someone bring me a cup of tea and an audiobook narrated by Patrick Stewart.

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Soror - It looks like you have a good dent in your to-do list already!


Kalah - I'm glad about your BIL. I'd love expert help here. I actually had a housekeeper come and look at the house but she spent the entire time shaking her had and clucking her tongue at me. I was so ashamed afterwards that I never followed through on getting someone to help me.


Idnib - I hope you get it all done before the neighbor kids come knocking!


Amy - I'm glad for work for you but I hear you on feeling things spiraling out of control.

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12:20 check in -


All clean laundry has been folded and put away. Putting away the socks was tricky because I had covered the cat with the paired socks and he saw this as an excellent opportunity to catch some unsuspecting prey (hands)!


A.M. school is done. I won't say it went without hitch but it did get done.


I got my neighbor into her house. She forgot her house keys in China.


I have to start lunch in 5 minutes. But until then I can put my feet up.

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6:30pm check-in: Pretty much done with my list, other than picking up dd15 from dance class at 8pm and then going to work at 9pm.


DONE ~ 3 loads of laundry

DONE ~ Mop kitchen & bathroom floors (guess it’s a good thing I didn’t get to this yesterday—we’ve already had 2 spills this morning

DONE ~ Make dinner in crockpot

3 down, 1 to go ~ Put up 4 small trees (or rather, supervise the kids putting up their 4 trees)

Do Advent reading with kids (we’re already 2 days behind)

MOSTLY DONE ~ Do WWE & FLL with dd8; check over handwriting & science

DONE ~ Do Science, Grammer, Writing, and Math with ds

DONE ~ Supervise dd15 (focus on characterization essay for English, SAT prep essays, and Biology; review recent math assignments)

DONE ~ Do school with dd5

DONE ~lunch

Declutter (a never-ending chore)

DONE ~ Organize freezer to prepare for the 40 pounds of ground beef that I’m picking up tomorrow (also, make sure we have enough FoodSaver bags for wrapping the beef tomorrow)

DECIDED TO JUST SEND A FEW, WILL BUY TOMORROW ~ Decide if I’m going to send Christmas cards this year or not….and if so, go buy cards

Make or buy Christmas cookies to take to church for a social gathering after we take the kids to carol at a local retirement home tomorrow

IN PROGRESS ~ DD15 dance classes 4-8pm

Go to work (9pm-1am)

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Well gals - how are we doing? Are we happy with our results for the day? I'm getting ready to work on the duct tape skirt again and that's the last big thing on my to do list today. The rest will wait for tomorrow.



Grocery Store


Unload Dishwasher

Go through inbox

Update work to do list

Finish work calls

Register for conference

Math with DD

Spelling with DD

Science with DD - Delegated to DH :)

Get plane tickets ordered

Update calendar



Must Do:

Finish duct tape skirt for DD's project



Going to have to wait for tomorrow:

Meal plan for Christmas party

Update contact list

Sew badges on DD's uniform

Update file

Call KSUnEm office

Buy brown thread

Call for party reservation 1

Look at info for party reservation 2

Make dinner reservations for Friday

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Kalah - I'm glad about your BIL. I'd love expert help here. I actually had a housekeeper come and look at the house but she spent the entire time shaking her had and clucking her tongue at me. I was so ashamed afterwards that I never followed through on getting someone to help me.


That makes me so sad and angry! No one should ever feel shamed for asking for help. There are times when I have a hard time cleaning other people's mess. That's MY problem, not theirs. We all have thresholds. I get over it. I completely respect someone who understands their limitations and tries to fill in the gaps. I encourage you to look again. Ask your friends, not through a service.


I'm not just a housekeeper. Most of my clients are elderly. I bring in the mail and change air filters. I listen and chat, hold hands and hug, bring magazines and companionship (and sometimes cookies if they aren't diabetic). It's my job to take care of *them* not just their houses. Every house keeper should be like me, but at the very least they should be kind and understanding.


It really does sound like you could use the help. I hope you try again. And poo on that lady for making you feel bad!

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Does this ribbon tree count as a handicraft or do you mean sewing/crocheting/something? We're going to make some of these for the grandmas, aunts, and cousins. They're easy and cute!


I love reading what everyone's up to!


Tackling Tuesday looked like this for me today:


Bible reading

Finalize school lists for the day/print

Walk 40 min. w/friend

Shower in 5 min.!

Ride shotgun w/ds16 (permit driver) to chemistry class

Barnes and Noble

Pick up french bread and bananas


Look for gift for dh at one store--struck out :(

School w/youngest two

Write/mail thank you note to friend

Wash a load of jeans

Lunch--a treat of albacore my cousin caught in the Pacific!

Dry the jeans and put in next load

More school w/youngest two

Browned 15 # of ground beef for various recipes

Walmart for a return and a couple grocery items I forgot at the other store this morning!

Stop by library to p/u a book for history, also got Funny Girl on DVD

Bake lasagna

Check schoolwork

Eat dinner/run dishwasher

Veg here for a few minutes!


Now it's laundry time again! Might watch Funny Girl later. Any thoughts on it? I've not seen it.

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I did little today, but took a looooong time doing it: meals, picked up the week's veggies and tomorrow's salmon, school stuff, spent over a half hour jumping hoops to get an order through on the local Girl Scout website store (grrrr).

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90% slacker today...


Dropped #2 off at my mom's. Went to Target and Walmart although I just did a major grocery trip on Sunday. Why is there always one or two things that no one mentions beforehand, but are a daily necessity, like toothpaste? I wiped down the kitchen, we had leftovers for dinner and I put dinner dishes in the dishwasher.

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